Essential Statistics for Economics, Business and Management

Teresa Bradley

 Essential Statistics for Economics, Business and Management Teresa Bradley Essential Statistics for Economics, Business and Management assumes no prior knowledge of statistics. It will also be highly relevant for the statistics component of courses in quantitative methods. The style of the book is similar to that of the highly successful Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business by Teresa Bradley and Paul Patton, with many worked examples integrated throughout. Emphasis is placed on verbalising concepts, problems and results of statistical analysis. This will help students learn how to start a problem, complete the calculations, and report the results in a way that makes sense to a non-statistician. Each concept is introduced with a brief but plausible explanation followed by Worked Examples. The Worked Examples will provide students with the necessary practice that they need in order to succeed at the subject. Emphasis is also placed on learning through doing problems. Excel is used to encourage students... книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Essential Statistics for Economics, Business and Management assumes no prior knowledge of statistics. It will also be highly relevant for the statistics component of courses in quantitative methods. The style of the book is similar to that of the highly successful Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business by Teresa Bradley and Paul Patton, with many worked examples integrated throughout. Emphasis is placed on verbalising concepts, problems and results of statistical analysis. This will help students learn how to start a problem, complete the calculations, and report the results in a way that makes sense to a non-statistician. Each concept is introduced with a brief but plausible explanation followed by Worked Examples. The Worked Examples will provide students with the necessary practice that they need in order to succeed at the subject. Emphasis is also placed on learning through doing problems. Excel is used to encourage students......

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Essential Statistics for Economics, Business and Management. Teresa Bradley . Книги.


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