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Managing "Modernity": Work, Community, and Authority in Late-Industrializing Japan and Russia Rudra Sil
In Managing "Modernity," Rudra Sil examines how institution-builders respond to the competing influences of institutional models and inherited social legacies as they attempt to generate and sustain authority in late-industrializing societies. Through a historical and comparative study of large-scale enterprises in Japan and Russia, the book examines the impact of different institution-building strategies on managerial authority, invoking the experience of postwar Japan to highlight the benefits of a syncretic approach that selectively integrates adaptable features of borrowed institutions with portable norms inherited from preexisting communities. Managing "Modernity" engages a variety of intellectual perspectives in thesocial sciences. The theoretical approach represents a conscious effort to overcome the contentious debates in political science and sociology among proponents of historical institutionalism, cultural analysis, and rational-choice......
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Tourism in the Globalisation Age (Routledge Advances in Tourism) Salah Wahab, Christopher P. Cooper
This book contributes to the clarification and systemization of modern notions of tourism, examining the trend of globalization to provide a review of contemporary tourism challenges....
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Advanced Book Promotion for the Shameless Lorna Tedder
Advanced book promotion and marketing techniques for penny-pinching authors. Includes a special bonus section on Internet marketing....
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Renovate to Riches : Buy, Improve, and Flip Houses to Create Wealth Mike Dulworth, Teresa Goodwin
Turn weekend home-improvement projects into big money! Did you know you and your spouse can sell your home every two years and pay no taxes on profits up to $500,000? It?s true! In fact, you should think of your home as an investment as much as a place to live. Simple renovations can dramatically increase the value of your home, and you can undertake most of them on your own and in your spare time. Renovate to Riches shows you how to turn your sweat into equity and your home into a moneymaker. Millions of people across America are making their do-it-yourself weekend projects pay off?and you can too. This straightforward guide will show you how to secure financing for your home, accomplish the renovations that add the most value, andget the highest price when you sell. It shows you how to design your own custom plan for creating wealth over five, ten, or even twenty years, and includes detailed case studies that help you avoid common mistakes. Renovate to......
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Уитни, любимая. В 2 книгах. Книга 1 Джудит Макнот
АСТ. Мини-шарм. Гордая красавица Уитни Стоун возвращается домой, к человеку, которого любила с детства, лишь для того, чтобы узнать о вероломстве собственного oтцa, обручившего ее с совершенно незнакомым человеком - герцогом Клеймором. Напрасно молит Уитни расторгнуть помолвку и позволить соединив жизнь с любимым. Девушка не знает, что это только начало суровых испытаний, пройдя которые можно обрести подлинное счастье......
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Managing "Modernity": Work, Community, and Authority in Late-Industrializing Japan and Russia. Rudra Sil . Книги.
Междуреченск, Набережные Челны, Балашиха, Иваново, Новый Уренгой, Великие Луки, Рыбинск, Волгодонск, Армавир, Новый Уренгой, Октябрьский, Курган, Армавир, Саранск, Барнаул, Санкт-Петербург, Альметьевск, Киров, Красноярск, Железнодорожный, Альметьевск, Канск, Рубцовск, Арзамас, Омск, Бийск, Новокузнецк, Камышин, Стерлитамак, Ухта,
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