Greece Style: Exteriors, Interiors, Details

  Greece Style: Exteriors, Interiors, Details  Book DescriptionDiscover the best of Greece?s hidden treats in this lovely book of mythical homes. Packed cover to cover with traditional interiors throughout the country and its islands, Greece Style perfectly captures a wide range of variations onthe classic blue and white-dominated palette that characterizes the architecture of Odysseus?s homeland.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionDiscover the best of Greece?s hidden treats in this lovely book of mythical homes. Packed cover to cover with traditional interiors throughout the country and its islands, Greece Style perfectly captures a wide range of variations onthe classic blue and white-dominated palette that characterizes the architecture of Odysseus?s homeland....

Бунташный остров

Юрий Нагибин

  Бунташный остров  Юрий Нагибин  Московский рабочий.   Любовь, смерть, продолжение жизни - тема трилогии Московский рабочий. Любовь, смерть, продолжение жизни - тема трилогии "Богояр", повествующей о судьбах обитателей "инвалидного" острова. Повести и рассказы Ю.Нагибина проникнуты лиризмом и иронией, философскими обобщениями....

Complete Bk of Real Estate Contracts+CD (Complete Book of Real Estate Contracts)

Mark Warda

  Complete Bk of Real Estate Contracts+CD (Complete Book of Real Estate Contracts)  Mark Warda  Sphinx Publishing.   No document is more important to a real estate transaction than the sales contract. The wording of the contract controls all of the terms of the deal. This book makes it easy for people to develop their own contracts through the use of various types of clauses found within each potential contract. A section on Frequently Asked Questions opens the book, and clear explanations of the various clauses, their meanings and uses make this book very different from others on the market that discuss specific kinds of contracts. More than 100 clauses, plus 15 easy-to-use, blank, tear-out contract forms make this book a necessary reference for anyone considering a contract. Fifteen basic contract forms and more than 100 different clauses are contained on the CD for ease-of-use by the reader. In addition, all basic contract forms and all 100 of the various clauses are contained on a CD-ROM. The fillable forms will save time and money and give you the availability to use forms and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Sphinx Publishing. No document is more important to a real estate transaction than the sales contract. The wording of the contract controls all of the terms of the deal. This book makes it easy for people to develop their own contracts through the use of various types of clauses found within each potential contract. A section on Frequently Asked Questions opens the book, and clear explanations of the various clauses, their meanings and uses make this book very different from others on the market that discuss specific kinds of contracts. More than 100 clauses, plus 15 easy-to-use, blank, tear-out contract forms make this book a necessary reference for anyone considering a contract. Fifteen basic contract forms and more than 100 different clauses are contained on the CD for ease-of-use by the reader. In addition, all basic contract forms and all 100 of the various clauses are contained on a CD-ROM. The fillable forms will save time and money and give you the availability to use forms and......

Ориентализм. Западные концепции Востока

Эдвард В. Саид

  Ориентализм. Западные концепции Востока  Эдвард В. Саид  Русский мир.   Работа посвящена истории познания и освоения европейцами культуры арабского Востока, насчитывающей немало ярких страниц - от первых контактов с диковинами и богатством Востока, до формирования систематической научной традиции изучения культур Востока, которая подкрепляется мощной политической и экономической практикой колониального освоения Востока со стороны ведущих европейских империй. Эту традицию Саид и называл ориентализмом, имея в виду при этом не просто наименование академической дисциплины, но и особый подход к предмету изучения, воплощенный в позиции одной цивилизации (европейской) по отношению к другой (арабско-исламской). Автор представляет ориентализм как сложную и многоуровневую систему репрезентаций Востока со стороны Запада, которая включает в себя помимо академического компонента - исследования и комментирования классических текстов - определенное представление о сути Русский мир. Работа посвящена истории познания и освоения европейцами культуры арабского Востока, насчитывающей немало ярких страниц - от первых контактов с диковинами и богатством Востока, до формирования систематической научной традиции изучения культур Востока, которая подкрепляется мощной политической и экономической практикой колониального освоения Востока со стороны ведущих европейских империй. Эту традицию Саид и называл ориентализмом, имея в виду при этом не просто наименование академической дисциплины, но и особый подход к предмету изучения, воплощенный в позиции одной цивилизации (европейской) по отношению к другой (арабско-исламской). Автор представляет ориентализм как сложную и многоуровневую систему репрезентаций Востока со стороны Запада, которая включает в себя помимо академического компонента - исследования и комментирования классических текстов - определенное представление о сути "восточного человека", воплощенное в практике имперской колониальной экспансии и реализующееся в......

Small Is the New Big: and 193 Other Riffs, Rants, and Remarkable Business Ideas

Seth Godin

  Small Is the New Big: and 193 Other Riffs, Rants, and Remarkable Business Ideas  Seth Godin  Portfolio Hardcover.   In what's likely to be the next in a string of bestselling marketing guides (after Purple Cow), Godin compiles entries from his popular blog. Many are only a few paragraphs long, though he also adds longer entries, from his Fast Company column, to the mix. The pieces are arranged alphabetically by title rather than chronologically, leading to occasional choppiness, but Godin's ability to hone in on key issues remains intact. Following up on the themes of his earlier books, he reminds readers that the first key to successful marketing is to produce something remarkable and let it grow. Portfolio Hardcover. In what's likely to be the next in a string of bestselling marketing guides (after Purple Cow), Godin compiles entries from his popular blog. Many are only a few paragraphs long, though he also adds longer entries, from his Fast Company column, to the mix. The pieces are arranged alphabetically by title rather than chronologically, leading to occasional choppiness, but Godin's ability to hone in on key issues remains intact. Following up on the themes of his earlier books, he reminds readers that the first key to successful marketing is to produce something remarkable and let it grow. "If your idea is great, people will find you," he advises. "[I]f your target audience isn't listening, it's not their fault, it's yours." He urges people to take control of their creative lives by taking responsibility for tough decisions and pushing themselves to make bolder choices. (His advice to McDonald's, for example, includes free wireless Web access at every restaurant.) The appendix contains two......

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Greece Style: Exteriors, Interiors, Details. . Книги.

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