When Sparks Fly: Igniting Creativity in Groups

Dorothy Leonard, Walter Swap, Harvard Business School Press

  When Sparks Fly: Igniting Creativity in Groups  Dorothy Leonard, Walter Swap, Harvard Business School Press  How does a leader manage for creativity? Many managers fall into the trap of assuming that only gifted individuals-readily identifiable How does a leader manage for creativity? Many managers fall into the trap of assuming that only gifted individuals-readily identifiable "creative types"-can produce breakthrough thinking, and if you don't have an eccentric genius on your team, your efforts are doomed to mediocrity. Some even argue that creativity is an art that can't possibly be planned or managed without extinguishing the vital creative spark. Yet, say Dorothy Leonard and Walter Swap, today's most innovative, complex services, products and processes spring from well-led, well-managed group interactions. Blending their backgrounds in business and psychology into a fresh perspective, Leonard and Swap sweep aside conventional thinking about creativity to show how managers can actively shape group processes to enhance creative output. They offer proven strategies based on a deep understanding of human behavior for stimulating and directing the group dynamics that lie at the heart of innovative thinking. The book......

Wellness in the Workplace: How to Plan, Implement and Evaluate a Wellness Program (Fifty Minute Ser.)

Merlene T. Serman

  Wellness in the Workplace: How to Plan, Implement and Evaluate a Wellness Program (Fifty Minute Ser.)  Merlene T. Serman  Geared toward management, this book explores the benefits of a well-planned organizational wellness program. Case studies and exercises outline the components of an effective health program and its often unappreciated contribution to business success.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Geared toward management, this book explores the benefits of a well-planned organizational wellness program. Case studies and exercises outline the components of an effective health program and its often unappreciated contribution to business success....

Computer Job Survival Guide

Janet Ruhl

  Computer Job Survival Guide  Janet Ruhl  Learn from seasoned professionals the secrets of how to break into the computer field and craft a long-term, high-earning computer career that keeps on growing no matter what changes occur in computer technology. This book will teach you: How to find the very best first computer job How to land a computer job when you have strong skills but weak credentials What today's salaried professionals are earning--and for what How to avoid being trapped in dead end jobs How to decide if itis time to change jobs How to work safely with today's job placement firms If you should go into management or stay technical How to evaluate start-ups, stock options, and pre-IPO companies What's involved in working for consulting firms How to negotiate the best salary and benefit packages  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Learn from seasoned professionals the secrets of how to break into the computer field and craft a long-term, high-earning computer career that keeps on growing no matter what changes occur in computer technology. This book will teach you: How to find the very best first computer job How to land a computer job when you have strong skills but weak credentials What today's salaried professionals are earning--and for what How to avoid being trapped in dead end jobs How to decide if itis time to change jobs How to work safely with today's job placement firms If you should go into management or stay technical How to evaluate start-ups, stock options, and pre-IPO companies What's involved in working for consulting firms How to negotiate the best salary and benefit packages...

The Betrayal of Work: How Low-Wage Jobs Fail 30 Million Americans and Their Families

Beth Shulman

  The Betrayal of Work: How Low-Wage Jobs Fail 30 Million Americans and Their Families  Beth Shulman  How the United States turns its back on the working poor. An astonishing 35 million Americans work full time but do not make a living wage. They are nursing home staff, poultry processors, pharmacy assistants, ambulance drivers, child care workers, data entry keyers, janitors. Indeed, one in four American workers lives in or near poverty. Despite the great wealth of the United States, these low-wage employees have lower living standards than comparable workers in other industrial nations. Beth Shulman spent several years traveling across the country talking to those living on low wages. In writing The Betrayal of Work , she provides the fullest portrait of America's working poor, dispelling a number of myths along the way: that lower unemployment has meant better living conditions for the poor; that making bad jobs into good jobs requires insurmountably difficult reforms; that low-wage work is always low-skilled. Following in the footsteps of Barbara Ehrenreich's...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин How the United States turns its back on the working poor. An astonishing 35 million Americans work full time but do not make a living wage. They are nursing home staff, poultry processors, pharmacy assistants, ambulance drivers, child care workers, data entry keyers, janitors. Indeed, one in four American workers lives in or near poverty. Despite the great wealth of the United States, these low-wage employees have lower living standards than comparable workers in other industrial nations. Beth Shulman spent several years traveling across the country talking to those living on low wages. In writing The Betrayal of Work , she provides the fullest portrait of America's working poor, dispelling a number of myths along the way: that lower unemployment has meant better living conditions for the poor; that making bad jobs into good jobs requires insurmountably difficult reforms; that low-wage work is always low-skilled. Following in the footsteps of Barbara Ehrenreich's......

Natives, Europeans, and Africans in Sixteenth-Century Santiago de Guatemala

Robinson A. Herrera

  Natives, Europeans, and Africans in Sixteenth-Century Santiago de Guatemala  Robinson A. Herrera  "This certainly is a pioneering and original work . . . [that] in many ways stands alone. . . . The author's documentary and archival support base is massive. I find his arguments convincing and well based." --Murdo J. MacLeod, Graduate Research Professor of History, University of Florida The first century of Spanish colonization in Latin America witnessed the birth of cities that, while secondary to great metropolitan centers such as Mexico City and Lima, became important hubs for regional commerce. Santiago de Guatemala, the colonial capital of Central America, was one of these. A multiethnic and multicultural city from its beginning, Santiago grew into a vigorous trading center for agrarian goods such as cacao and cattle hides. With the wealth this commerce generated, Spaniards, natives, and African slaves built a city that any European of the period would have found familiar. This book provides a more complete picture of society, culture, and economy in sixteenth-century......

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When Sparks Fly: Igniting Creativity in Groups. Dorothy Leonard, Walter Swap, Harvard Business School Press . Книги.

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