The Road to Renewal: Victor Joseph Reed and Oklahoma Catholicism, 1905-1971

  The Road to Renewal: Victor Joseph Reed and Oklahoma Catholicism, 1905-1971  Jeremy Bonner  Jeremy Bonner  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Jeremy Bonner...

The G. Schirmer Collection of American Art Song-50 Songs by 29 Composers: High Voice

  The G. Schirmer Collection of American Art Song-50 Songs by 29 Composers: High Voice  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

French-Inspired Jewelry: Creating with Vintage Beads, Buttons & Baubles

Kaari Meng

  French-Inspired Jewelry: Creating with Vintage Beads, Buttons & Baubles  Kaari Meng  Celebrated designer Kaari Meng—owner of the Hollywood-based store, French General—invites beaders along to learn all about her distinctive French flea market style. Meng’s projects charm with their vintage flair and feminine beauty, yet all require very little experience to make. Follow Kaari as she digs through her vast personal archives of classic beads and creates unique pieces; along the way she teaches all the basic techniques, from simple wirework to bezel setting, and explains how to build a bead collection, develop a palette, and get exquisite results from easy-to-find reproduction beads. All the chapters are organized by places of inspiration throughout the French countryside, each with its own color scheme and special necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and hair ornaments to craft.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Celebrated designer Kaari Meng—owner of the Hollywood-based store, French General—invites beaders along to learn all about her distinctive French flea market style. Meng’s projects charm with their vintage flair and feminine beauty, yet all require very little experience to make. Follow Kaari as she digs through her vast personal archives of classic beads and creates unique pieces; along the way she teaches all the basic techniques, from simple wirework to bezel setting, and explains how to build a bead collection, develop a palette, and get exquisite results from easy-to-find reproduction beads. All the chapters are organized by places of inspiration throughout the French countryside, each with its own color scheme and special necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and hair ornaments to craft....

Simply Silver, Simply Gold: Designs for Creating Precious Bead Jewelry

Nancy Alden

  Simply Silver, Simply Gold: Designs for Creating Precious Bead Jewelry  Nancy Alden  Potter Craft.   Nancy Alden, jewelry designer and cofounder of the famed Beadworks bead stores, shows you the secrets to making gold and silver jewelry worthy of Tiffany or Bergdorf Goodman - but with a personal touch and at a fraction of the jewelry store's price. For beginners as well as more experienced jewelry-makers, Potter Craft. Nancy Alden, jewelry designer and cofounder of the famed Beadworks bead stores, shows you the secrets to making gold and silver jewelry worthy of Tiffany or Bergdorf Goodman - but with a personal touch and at a fraction of the jewelry store's price. For beginners as well as more experienced jewelry-makers, "Simply Silver, Simply Gold" walks you through 50 projects for making gold and silver necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and more with silver and gold beads, crystals, and gems. Once you have mastered the easy-to-learn skills, you'll find yourself returning to "Simply Silver, Simply Gold" again and again for techniques, ideas, and inspiration. A companion to "Simply Pearls", this book offers the same easy-to-understand instructions for designing uniquely beautiful jewelry. The shimmer of silver and glint of gold will always be essential elements of classic jewelry....

Teach Yourself Visually Handspinning (Teach Yourself Visually Consumer)

  Teach Yourself Visually Handspinning (Teach Yourself Visually Consumer)  Judith MacKenzie McCuin  Judith MacKenzie McCuin  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Judith MacKenzie McCuin...

<<<  Showing for Beginners, New and Revised: A Guide for Novice Hunter-Seat ...             Евгений Замятин. Избранное. Евгений Замятин >>>

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The Road to Renewal: Victor Joseph Reed and Oklahoma Catholicism, 1905-1971. Jeremy Bonner . Книги.

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