Faded Dreams: The Politics and Economics of Race in America

Martin Carnoy

  Faded Dreams: The Politics and Economics of Race in America  Martin Carnoy  Faded Dreams paints a new and challenging picture of how racial inequality has evolved in America. Martin Carnoy shows that three dominant views of economic differences between blacks and whites--that blacks are individually responsible for not taking advantage of market opportunities, that the world economy has changed in ways that puts blacks at a tremendous disadvantage compared to whites, and that pervasive racism is holding blacks down--do not adequately explain why blacks made such large gains in the past and stopped making them in the 1980s and 1990s. Using a systematic analysis of fifty years of data on income, education, and the variety of jobs that both blacks and whites have held, Faded Dreams offers a powerful argument for active government intervention to improve the education and living conditions of disadvantaged black children.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Faded Dreams paints a new and challenging picture of how racial inequality has evolved in America. Martin Carnoy shows that three dominant views of economic differences between blacks and whites--that blacks are individually responsible for not taking advantage of market opportunities, that the world economy has changed in ways that puts blacks at a tremendous disadvantage compared to whites, and that pervasive racism is holding blacks down--do not adequately explain why blacks made such large gains in the past and stopped making them in the 1980s and 1990s. Using a systematic analysis of fifty years of data on income, education, and the variety of jobs that both blacks and whites have held, Faded Dreams offers a powerful argument for active government intervention to improve the education and living conditions of disadvantaged black children....

Communication Ethics and Universal Values

Clifford Christians, Michael Traber

  Communication Ethics and Universal Values  Clifford Christians, Michael Traber  This volume is designed to revolutionize the field of communication by identifying a broad ethical theory which transcends the world of mass media practice to reveal a more humane and responsible code of values. The contributors, representing a diverse range of intercultural perspectives, defend the possibility of universal moral imperatives such as justice, reciprocity and human dignity. Through an examination of the values in which their cultures are grounded, they provide a short list of ethical principles which form the common ground from which to view contemporary issues in the media, interpersonal communication, mediation and conflict resolution.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This volume is designed to revolutionize the field of communication by identifying a broad ethical theory which transcends the world of mass media practice to reveal a more humane and responsible code of values. The contributors, representing a diverse range of intercultural perspectives, defend the possibility of universal moral imperatives such as justice, reciprocity and human dignity. Through an examination of the values in which their cultures are grounded, they provide a short list of ethical principles which form the common ground from which to view contemporary issues in the media, interpersonal communication, mediation and conflict resolution....

Five Frogs on a Log: A CEO's Field Guide to Accelerating the Transition in Mergers, Acquisitions And Gut Wrenching Change

Mark L. Feldman, Michael Frederick Spratt

  Five Frogs on a Log: A CEO's Field Guide to Accelerating the Transition in Mergers, Acquisitions And Gut Wrenching Change  Mark L. Feldman, Michael Frederick Spratt  A riddle: Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left? Answer: Five Why? Because there's a difference between deciding and doing. Written by Mark L. Feldman and Michael F. Spratt of PricewaterhouseCoopers, Five Frogs on a Log offers readers an entertaining and no-nonsense field guide to the mergers and acquisitions jungle, packed with insight and instruction for executing corporate change and capturing shareholder value. Whether you're buying another company or acquiring a new vision of the future, this book proffers an unconventional perspective and a practical, readily accessible set of solutions to the single greatest challenge facing today's managers: executing rapid transitions ion mergers, acquisitions and gut wrenching change. Designed for corporate managers and CEOs caught up in the whirlwind of change, every chapter provides accessible ideas and wisdom for navigating the most demanding business...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A riddle: Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left? Answer: Five Why? Because there's a difference between deciding and doing. Written by Mark L. Feldman and Michael F. Spratt of PricewaterhouseCoopers, Five Frogs on a Log offers readers an entertaining and no-nonsense field guide to the mergers and acquisitions jungle, packed with insight and instruction for executing corporate change and capturing shareholder value. Whether you're buying another company or acquiring a new vision of the future, this book proffers an unconventional perspective and a practical, readily accessible set of solutions to the single greatest challenge facing today's managers: executing rapid transitions ion mergers, acquisitions and gut wrenching change. Designed for corporate managers and CEOs caught up in the whirlwind of change, every chapter provides accessible ideas and wisdom for navigating the most demanding business......

The SmartMoney Stock Picker's Bible

Nellie S. Huang, Peter Finch

  The SmartMoney Stock Picker's Bible  Nellie S. Huang, Peter Finch  Praise for The SmartMoney Stock Picker's Bible Praise for The SmartMoney Stock Picker's Bible "They say if you give a man a fish, you can feed him for a day. . . Teach him how to fish, and he can eat for a lifetime. In The SmartMoney Stock Picker?s Bible, Peter Finch teaches people how to invest rather than to simply pick out a few hot stocks. His insights on the investing process will teach people how to make money for a lifetime!" ?Ron Insana, coanchor, CNBC?s Business Center "Forget the gurus, pundits, and the latest ?hot? mutual fund manager. This book is what you need to make money in the stock market, whether you?re a novice or experienced investor. It distills the essence of what makes SmartMoney a great magazine and empowers readers to make their own intelligent, profitable decisions. I know from experience that investors can do better than the market averages, and this book is the place to begin." ?James B. Stewart, market columnist and bestselling author of Den......

Common Sense Service: Close Encounters on the Front Lines

Teresa Allen

  Common Sense Service: Close Encounters on the Front Lines  Teresa Allen  Business success happens one customer at a time, on transaction at a time. Teresa Allen takes you through a series of true-life close encounters on the front lines. Each carries a significant message on how to build lasting business relationships throughcommon sense service. Common Sense Service includes lessons on: * Handling Varied Personalities * Managing Customer Conflict * Going the Extra Mile * The Service Link to Sales * Responding to Customer Complaints * Projecting a Positive Attitude ....and much more! What lessons are waiting for you in your close encounters on the front lines? ....Don't miss them!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Business success happens one customer at a time, on transaction at a time. Teresa Allen takes you through a series of true-life close encounters on the front lines. Each carries a significant message on how to build lasting business relationships throughcommon sense service. Common Sense Service includes lessons on: * Handling Varied Personalities * Managing Customer Conflict * Going the Extra Mile * The Service Link to Sales * Responding to Customer Complaints * Projecting a Positive Attitude ....and much more! What lessons are waiting for you in your close encounters on the front lines? ....Don't miss them!...

<<<  Энциклопедия для детей. Том 21. Общество. Часть ...             Евгений Замятин. Избранное. Евгений Замятин >>>

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Faded Dreams: The Politics and Economics of Race in America. Martin Carnoy . Книги.

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