Critical Cyberculture Studies

David Silver, Adrienne Massanari

  Critical Cyberculture Studies  David Silver, Adrienne Massanari  Starting in the early 1990s, journalists and scholars began responding to and trying to take account of new technologies and their impact on our lives. By the end of the decade, the full-fledged study of cyberculture had arrived. Today, there exists a large body of critical work on the subject, with cutting-edge studies probing beyond the mere existence of virtual communities and online identities to examine the social, cultural, and economic relationships that take place online. Taking stock of the exciting work that is being done and positing what cyberculture's future might look like, Critical Cyberculture Studies brings together a diverse and multidisciplinary group of scholars from around the world to assess the state of the field. Opening with a historical overview of the field by its most prominent spokesperson, it goes on to highlight the interests and methodologies of a mobile and creative field, providing a much-needed how-to guide for those new to...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Starting in the early 1990s, journalists and scholars began responding to and trying to take account of new technologies and their impact on our lives. By the end of the decade, the full-fledged study of cyberculture had arrived. Today, there exists a large body of critical work on the subject, with cutting-edge studies probing beyond the mere existence of virtual communities and online identities to examine the social, cultural, and economic relationships that take place online. Taking stock of the exciting work that is being done and positing what cyberculture's future might look like, Critical Cyberculture Studies brings together a diverse and multidisciplinary group of scholars from around the world to assess the state of the field. Opening with a historical overview of the field by its most prominent spokesperson, it goes on to highlight the interests and methodologies of a mobile and creative field, providing a much-needed how-to guide for those new to......

Greasemonkey Hacks: Tips & Tools for Remixing the Web with Firefox (Hacks)

Mark Pilgrim

  Greasemonkey Hacks: Tips & Tools for Remixing the Web with Firefox (Hacks)  Mark Pilgrim  Greasemonkey Hacks is an invaluable compendium 100 ingenious hacks for power users who want to master Greasemonkey, the hot new Firefox extension that allows you to write scripts that alter the web pages you visit. With Greasemonkey, you can create scripts that make a web site more usable, fix rendering bugs that site owners can't be bothered to fix themselves, or add items to a web site's menu bar. You can alter pages so they work better with technologies that speak a web page out loud or convert it to Braille. Greasemonkey gurus can even import, combine, and alter data from different web sites to meet their own specific needs. Greasemonkey has achieved a cult-like following in its short lifespan, but its uses are just beginning to be explored. Let's say you're shopping on an e-commerce site. You can create a script that will automatically display competitive prices for that particular product from other web sites. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Greasemonkey Hacks is an invaluable compendium 100 ingenious hacks for power users who want to master Greasemonkey, the hot new Firefox extension that allows you to write scripts that alter the web pages you visit. With Greasemonkey, you can create scripts that make a web site more usable, fix rendering bugs that site owners can't be bothered to fix themselves, or add items to a web site's menu bar. You can alter pages so they work better with technologies that speak a web page out loud or convert it to Braille. Greasemonkey gurus can even import, combine, and alter data from different web sites to meet their own specific needs. Greasemonkey has achieved a cult-like following in its short lifespan, but its uses are just beginning to be explored. Let's say you're shopping on an e-commerce site. You can create a script that will automatically display competitive prices for that particular product from other web sites. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination......

MBA Companion to accompany Financial Accounting, 5/e

  MBA Companion to accompany Financial Accounting, 5/e  Robert Libby, Patricia Libby, Daniel G Short  Robert Libby, Patricia Libby, Daniel G Short  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Robert Libby, Patricia Libby, Daniel G Short...

Physicians (Ferguson's Careers in Focus)

  Physicians (Ferguson's Careers in Focus)  Inc Facts on File  Inc Facts on File  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Inc Facts on File...

Смерть Артура

Томас Мэлори

  Смерть Артура  Томас Мэлори  Наука.   Литературные памятники.   Роман английского писателя XV в. сэра Томаса Мэлори, носящий, по более поздней традиции, название Наука. Литературные памятники. Роман английского писателя XV в. сэра Томаса Мэлори, носящий, по более поздней традиции, название "Смерть Артура", представляет собой как памятник литературы двоякую ценность. Это, с одной стороны, лучший в мире свод рыцарских романов так называемого Бретонского цикла - свод героических и сказочных сюжетов, восходящих, в свою очередь, к мифу и эпосу кельтских народов и к истории западной оконечности Европы в середине I тысячелетия н. э. Эти сюжеты содержат отголоски реальных исторических событий - например, борьбы британских кельтов против англов и саксов; и следы мифических представлений древних обитателей европейского северо-запада - целый мир глубокой, темной европейской старины. В то же время "Смерть Артура" - превосходный памятник раннеанглийской литературы именно XV в., быть может, единственный, но неоспоримый вклад той эпохи в "золотой фонд" английской классической литературы, и сегодня, как вы можете убедиться, не окаменелость, а живой художественный организм....

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Critical Cyberculture Studies. David Silver, Adrienne Massanari . Книги.

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