On-Line Profits: A Manager's Guide to Electronic Commerce

Peter G. W. Keen, Craigg Ballance

  On-Line Profits: A Manager's Guide to Electronic Commerce  Peter G. W. Keen, Craigg Ballance  When it comes to doing business on line, managers are often confused by what they read, embarrassed by what they don't know, and distrustful of what they hear about the risks and rewards. Once again, Peter Keen, together with Craigg Ballance, helps sort the hype from the reality in this practical, easy-to-use glossary. Featuring over 200 key terms and concepts--from firewall and Intranets to electronic data interchange and security issues--the guide defines, explains, and gives practical examples of the technologies and processes managers must understand to communicate effectively with their IT departments and high-tech suppliers and to implement winning on-line business strategies.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин When it comes to doing business on line, managers are often confused by what they read, embarrassed by what they don't know, and distrustful of what they hear about the risks and rewards. Once again, Peter Keen, together with Craigg Ballance, helps sort the hype from the reality in this practical, easy-to-use glossary. Featuring over 200 key terms and concepts--from firewall and Intranets to electronic data interchange and security issues--the guide defines, explains, and gives practical examples of the technologies and processes managers must understand to communicate effectively with their IT departments and high-tech suppliers and to implement winning on-line business strategies....

New Century Healthcare: Strategies for Providers, Purchasers, and Plans (Management Series)

Russell C. Coile

  New Century Healthcare: Strategies for Providers, Purchasers, and Plans (Management Series)  Russell C. Coile  This new book picks up where Russ Coile's popular book Five Stages of Managed Care left off. Gain insight into what healthcare delivery will be like as it moves beyond managed care. Coile forecasts the trends for everything from health plans to provider organizations to purchasers, as well as examines such timely topics as complementary medicine, consumer choice, physician practice management, and capitation. Each chapter ends with suggested strategies for success. This book is ideal for executives looking to plan for the future. The healthcare environment is entering a new phase--Stage 6--in which cooperation will occur as often as competition between plans and providers. Managed care must now evolve a new set of cost-control processes that willrefocus on the consumer as the last frontier of cost management. --Russ Coile, from the Preface  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This new book picks up where Russ Coile's popular book Five Stages of Managed Care left off. Gain insight into what healthcare delivery will be like as it moves beyond managed care. Coile forecasts the trends for everything from health plans to provider organizations to purchasers, as well as examines such timely topics as complementary medicine, consumer choice, physician practice management, and capitation. Each chapter ends with suggested strategies for success. This book is ideal for executives looking to plan for the future. The healthcare environment is entering a new phase--Stage 6--in which cooperation will occur as often as competition between plans and providers. Managed care must now evolve a new set of cost-control processes that willrefocus on the consumer as the last frontier of cost management. --Russ Coile, from the Preface...

Wireless Data Demystified (McGraw-Hill Demystified Series)

John Vacca

  Wireless Data Demystified (McGraw-Hill Demystified Series)  John Vacca  Wireless data, the high-speed transfer of email, stock information, messages, and even video and audio across wireless networks, is expected to become a7.5 billion business within the next three years. This resource unpacks the networks, technologies, and protocols that make it all possible and explains how to cash in on this massive new telecom market. * Includes basic network deployment and design concepts * Covers implementing fixed wireless and WLL (wireless local loop) * Details managing and maintaining high-speed wireless data networks  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Wireless data, the high-speed transfer of email, stock information, messages, and even video and audio across wireless networks, is expected to become a7.5 billion business within the next three years. This resource unpacks the networks, technologies, and protocols that make it all possible and explains how to cash in on this massive new telecom market. * Includes basic network deployment and design concepts * Covers implementing fixed wireless and WLL (wireless local loop) * Details managing and maintaining high-speed wireless data networks...

How To Do Everything with Your Tablet PC

Bill Mann

  How To Do Everything with Your Tablet PC  Bill Mann  Get small with your new Tablet PC. Electronics expert Bill Mann provides details on getting the most from the latest advancement in portable computing, plus shows you how to connect with, and use, peripherals such as printers, fax machines, cameras, and scanners.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Get small with your new Tablet PC. Electronics expert Bill Mann provides details on getting the most from the latest advancement in portable computing, plus shows you how to connect with, and use, peripherals such as printers, fax machines, cameras, and scanners....

Linux/Unix Programming Toolset: Version Control, Construction, Testing, and Debugging

Jens Krinke

  Linux/Unix Programming Toolset: Version Control, Construction, Testing, and Debugging  Jens Krinke  A unique guide to the classic Linux/Unix Toolset. Programming is more than just coding. Software developers must build, analyse and test their programs; they have to avoid performance bottlenecks, administer internal and foreign modifications, findand remove errors. Using tools available under Linux/Unix, developers can solve the problems of the programming practice. * Tools covered are the 'classics' in Linux/Unix environments * Unique coverage of wide range of tools including: DIFF, PATCH, UNRAVEL, GPROF, GCOV, SniFF+ and many more * Includes practical exercises to test competence * Companion Web site includes information on more recent developments as well as extensive additional resources  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A unique guide to the classic Linux/Unix Toolset. Programming is more than just coding. Software developers must build, analyse and test their programs; they have to avoid performance bottlenecks, administer internal and foreign modifications, findand remove errors. Using tools available under Linux/Unix, developers can solve the problems of the programming practice. * Tools covered are the 'classics' in Linux/Unix environments * Unique coverage of wide range of tools including: DIFF, PATCH, UNRAVEL, GPROF, GCOV, SniFF+ and many more * Includes practical exercises to test competence * Companion Web site includes information on more recent developments as well as extensive additional resources...

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On-Line Profits: A Manager's Guide to Electronic Commerce. Peter G. W. Keen, Craigg Ballance . Книги.

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