
Catherine Johnson

  Telefantasy  Catherine Johnson  Book Description Telefantasy is the first book-length study to consider the place of fantasy, science fiction, and horror dramas in the history of British and U.S. television. Looking at two periods--the 1950s and 1960s, and the 1990s and 2000s--when telefantasy was particularly prevalent on television, this book provides detailed historical accounts of the production of key telefantasy programs: the Quatermass serials, The Prisoner, Star Trek, The X-Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Randall and Hopkirk. Telefantasy engages with current debates about television history, genre, narrative, and spectator theory while providing case studies that will be of interest to students of television and fans of telefantasy. Each case study is situated in relation to the development of the British and U.S. television industries and the regulatory and critical discourses surrounding them, offering a new understanding of the individual programs and the historical...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Telefantasy is the first book-length study to consider the place of fantasy, science fiction, and horror dramas in the history of British and U.S. television. Looking at two periods--the 1950s and 1960s, and the 1990s and 2000s--when telefantasy was particularly prevalent on television, this book provides detailed historical accounts of the production of key telefantasy programs: the Quatermass serials, The Prisoner, Star Trek, The X-Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Randall and Hopkirk. Telefantasy engages with current debates about television history, genre, narrative, and spectator theory while providing case studies that will be of interest to students of television and fans of telefantasy. Each case study is situated in relation to the development of the British and U.S. television industries and the regulatory and critical discourses surrounding them, offering a new understanding of the individual programs and the historical......

Cultures of the Abdomen : Diet, Digestion, and Fat in the Modern World

C. C. Risenhoover

  Cultures of the Abdomen : Diet, Digestion, and Fat in the Modern World  C. C. Risenhoover  Book Description We live in a world obsessed with abdomens. Whether we call it the belly, tummy, or stomach, we take this area of the body for granted as an object of our gaze, the subject of our obsessions, and the location of deeply felt desires. Diet, nutrition, and exercise all play critical roles in the development of our body images and thus our sense of self, not least because how we are made to feel about bodies (both our own and those of others) is often grounded in dietary and lifestyle choices. Cultures of the Abdomen traces the history of social, cultural, and medical ideas about the stomach and related organs since the seventeenth century, and demonstrates that a focused study of the abdomen is necessary for understanding the deephistorical meanings that underscore our contemporary obsessions with hunger, diet, fat, indigestion, and excretion. It locates that history from dietary ideals in early modern Europe to the vexing issue of American fat in the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description We live in a world obsessed with abdomens. Whether we call it the belly, tummy, or stomach, we take this area of the body for granted as an object of our gaze, the subject of our obsessions, and the location of deeply felt desires. Diet, nutrition, and exercise all play critical roles in the development of our body images and thus our sense of self, not least because how we are made to feel about bodies (both our own and those of others) is often grounded in dietary and lifestyle choices. Cultures of the Abdomen traces the history of social, cultural, and medical ideas about the stomach and related organs since the seventeenth century, and demonstrates that a focused study of the abdomen is necessary for understanding the deephistorical meanings that underscore our contemporary obsessions with hunger, diet, fat, indigestion, and excretion. It locates that history from dietary ideals in early modern Europe to the vexing issue of American fat in the......

Miranda and Starlight (The Starlight Books, 1) (The Starlight Series, 6)

Janet Muirhead Hill

  Miranda and Starlight (The Starlight Books, 1) (The Starlight Series, 6)  Janet Muirhead Hill  Book DescriptionRemember how books by Marguerite Henry, Mary O?hara and Walter Farley thrilled us? Weaving its story into the fabric of modern day western America, this new contemporary series does the same for today?s youth. Janet Muirhead Hill has created an ongoing saga involving an Book DescriptionRemember how books by Marguerite Henry, Mary O?hara and Walter Farley thrilled us? Weaving its story into the fabric of modern day western America, this new contemporary series does the same for today?s youth. Janet Muirhead Hill has created an ongoing saga involving an "orphaned" girl with a burning desire for a horse of her own. In this award-winning first volume, Miranda meets the horse of her dreams, Starlight. She yearns to own him so they can always be together. Through the disastrous results of her attempt to ride him, Miranda learns lessons in honesty, courage and self integrity. Now in its second printing, Miranda and Starlight entertains and encourages; thrills and edifies readers of all ages. These books have a positive impact, cultivating a love for reading and instilling important ideals. Although set in the world of horse lore, Miranda and Starlight was touted by Writer?s Notes Awards panelists as "more than a mere horse story.......

The News from Paraguay : A Novel

Lily Tuck

  The News from Paraguay : A Novel  Lily Tuck  Book Description The year is l854. In Paris, Francisco Solano -- the future dictator of Paraguay -- begins his courtship of the young, beautiful Irish courtesan Ella Lynch with a poncho, a Paraguayan band, and ahorse named Mathilde. Ella follows Francoto Asuncion and reigns there as his mistress. Isolated and estranged in this new world, she embraces her lover's ill-fated imperial dream -- one fueled by a heedless arrogance that will devastate all of Paraguay. With the urgency of the narrative, rich and intimate detail, and a wealth of skillfully layered characters, The News from Paraguay recalls the epic novels of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Mario Vargas Llosa.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description The year is l854. In Paris, Francisco Solano -- the future dictator of Paraguay -- begins his courtship of the young, beautiful Irish courtesan Ella Lynch with a poncho, a Paraguayan band, and ahorse named Mathilde. Ella follows Francoto Asuncion and reigns there as his mistress. Isolated and estranged in this new world, she embraces her lover's ill-fated imperial dream -- one fueled by a heedless arrogance that will devastate all of Paraguay. With the urgency of the narrative, rich and intimate detail, and a wealth of skillfully layered characters, The News from Paraguay recalls the epic novels of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Mario Vargas Llosa....

Женские болезни. Гинеколог поставит диагноз "здорова"

А. Н. Григорьева

  Женские болезни. Гинеколог поставит диагноз ИГ "Весь". Советует доктор: тактика и стратегия здоровья. "Когда б мы жили без затей, я нарожала бы детей..." Как часто женщинам мешают осуществить дарованную им свыше репродуктивную функцию различные патологии половой системы. Очередная книга серии "Советует доктор: тактика и стратегия здоровья" содержит сведения об основных женских заболеваниях: расстройствах менструального цикла, предменструальном синдроме, остром и хроническом воспалении придатков, миоме матки и эрозии шейки матки, эндометриозе. Практическую пользу принесет информация о том, каковы симптомы перечисленных недугов и как нужно действовать, обнаружив их у себя, как эти патологии лечат в женской консультации или больнице. Вы также сможете узнать о модных сегодня "аппаратных" методах лечения. Ни один другой врач не прибегает так часто к помощи фитотерапии, как гинеколог, - лечению травами в книге уделено особое внимание. Каждая женщина найдет здесь подходящий рецепт. Отдельная глава посвящена такому распространенному заболеванию молочных желез, как......

<<<  The Reluctant Tuscan. Phil Doran             Евгений Замятин. Избранное. Евгений Замятин >>>

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Telefantasy. Catherine Johnson . Книги.

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