Yearbook of Fishery Statistics 2001: Aquaculture Production (Yearbook of Fishery Statistics/Annuaire Statistique Des Peches/Anuario Estadistico De Pesca)

Alan W. Evans

 Yearbook of Fishery Statistics 2001: Aquaculture Production (Yearbook of Fishery Statistics/Annuaire Statistique Des Peches/Anuario Estadistico De Pesca) Alan W. Evans Book DescriptionThis volume of The FAO Yearbook of Fishery Statistics: Aquaculture Production, includes summary tables and revisions for data on fish, crustaceans, mollusks and other aquatic animals and plants produced from all culture practices for the years 1992-2001. The statistics are measured in units of quantity and value, and are presented by country or territory, species, culture environment and year, and in various other aggregates. In order to provide complete coverage of aquaculture productionstatistics throughout the world, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has used the best information available to make estimates, in cases where officially reported national statistics are lacking or are considered unreliable. This trilingual publication is in English, French and Spanish. книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis volume of The FAO Yearbook of Fishery Statistics: Aquaculture Production, includes summary tables and revisions for data on fish, crustaceans, mollusks and other aquatic animals and plants produced from all culture practices for the years 1992-2001. The statistics are measured in units of quantity and value, and are presented by country or territory, species, culture environment and year, and in various other aggregates. In order to provide complete coverage of aquaculture productionstatistics throughout the world, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has used the best information available to make estimates, in cases where officially reported national statistics are lacking or are considered unreliable. This trilingual publication is in English, French and Spanish....

The Global Information Technology Report 2002-2003: Readiness for the Networked World (Economics)

 The Global Information Technology Report 2002-2003: Readiness for the Networked World (Economics) Book DescriptionThat The Global Information Technology Report 2001-2002 received such a notable positive response from a broad range of stakeholders underscores the growing relevance of information technology (IT) in national economies and the continuingneed for an assessment of the readiness of countries to participate in the Networked World. Recognizing the relevance of an the rapid changes in information technology, this report is an update to the 2001-2002 Report, which is the first and most comprehensive international assessment of the readiness of countries to capture the benefits of participating in the Networked World. With regional analyses and specific country case studies, essays on a variety of IT-related subjects, detailed country profiles,and country rankings comparing the global IT experience of different nations, this report remains the most authoritative documentation to date of how Its are being used around the world. книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThat The Global Information Technology Report 2001-2002 received such a notable positive response from a broad range of stakeholders underscores the growing relevance of information technology (IT) in national economies and the continuingneed for an assessment of the readiness of countries to participate in the Networked World. Recognizing the relevance of an the rapid changes in information technology, this report is an update to the 2001-2002 Report, which is the first and most comprehensive international assessment of the readiness of countries to capture the benefits of participating in the Networked World. With regional analyses and specific country case studies, essays on a variety of IT-related subjects, detailed country profiles,and country rankings comparing the global IT experience of different nations, this report remains the most authoritative documentation to date of how Its are being used around the world....

Fruits (Postcards)

 Fruits (Postcards)'s Best of 2001If you ever wondered where the catwalk got its claws, then the portraits gathered in photographer Shoichi Aoki's book Fruits , from the streets of Harajuku in Tokyo, point the way to an extraordinarily imaginative and invariably stunning glut of mongrel fashion heists. A best-of collection from the fanzine of the same name, and published for the first time outside Japan, Fruits keeps its style clean: front-on, razor-sharp images, ranging from the deadpan to the manic, of the sharpest collages of sartorial influence that, usually, little money can buy. From off the peg to off the wall, kitsch to bitch, each person bears a combination and philosophy as distinctive as DNA. All shades of aesthetic are raided, with exquisite, scrupulous attention to detail. Punk is a favorite, as is, appropriately, Vivienne Westwood, alongside Milk and Jean-Paul Gaultier, and the occasional Comme des Garcons. Many of the outfits, though, are second-hand or... книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин's Best of 2001If you ever wondered where the catwalk got its claws, then the portraits gathered in photographer Shoichi Aoki's book Fruits , from the streets of Harajuku in Tokyo, point the way to an extraordinarily imaginative and invariably stunning glut of mongrel fashion heists. A best-of collection from the fanzine of the same name, and published for the first time outside Japan, Fruits keeps its style clean: front-on, razor-sharp images, ranging from the deadpan to the manic, of the sharpest collages of sartorial influence that, usually, little money can buy. From off the peg to off the wall, kitsch to bitch, each person bears a combination and philosophy as distinctive as DNA. All shades of aesthetic are raided, with exquisite, scrupulous attention to detail. Punk is a favorite, as is, appropriately, Vivienne Westwood, alongside Milk and Jean-Paul Gaultier, and the occasional Comme des Garcons. Many of the outfits, though, are second-hand or......

Patagonia: Wild Land at the End of the Earth

Tim Hauf

 Patagonia: Wild Land at the End of the Earth Tim Hauf Book DescriptionPatagonia is a wild and windswept land located near the tip of South America that includes portions of Chile and Argentina. It features spectacular granite towers, some of the biggest glaciers in the southern hemisphere, and grassy steppes where colorful gauchos herd cattle and sheep across limitless prairies. It?s a place that has always appealed to a special kind of traveler, lured by lofty summits and stupendous scenery. It?s the kind of land where you can wander at will and find yourself lost in the most interesting ways. Patagonia exudes a magnetic emptiness that calls forth a commensurate feeling for a newer, fresher, more hopeful world. Photographer Tim Hauf captures the spirit of this remarkable place in over 130 photographs that run the gamut from stunning vistas to intimate details. Conger Beasley provides an illuminating text that describes the fascinating history of this remote world, as well as its remarkable flora and fauna. книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionPatagonia is a wild and windswept land located near the tip of South America that includes portions of Chile and Argentina. It features spectacular granite towers, some of the biggest glaciers in the southern hemisphere, and grassy steppes where colorful gauchos herd cattle and sheep across limitless prairies. It?s a place that has always appealed to a special kind of traveler, lured by lofty summits and stupendous scenery. It?s the kind of land where you can wander at will and find yourself lost in the most interesting ways. Patagonia exudes a magnetic emptiness that calls forth a commensurate feeling for a newer, fresher, more hopeful world. Photographer Tim Hauf captures the spirit of this remarkable place in over 130 photographs that run the gamut from stunning vistas to intimate details. Conger Beasley provides an illuminating text that describes the fascinating history of this remote world, as well as its remarkable flora and fauna....

Digital-Botanic Architecture : D-B-A

Dennis Dollens

 Digital-Botanic Architecture : D-B-A Dennis Dollens Book Description Digital-Botanic Architecture ( D-B-A ) explores physical as well as digital design and architecture based on biological forms-especially plant morphology. Fusing Leibniz's eighteenth-century metaphysic with Richard Dawkins'twentieth-century theory of the meme, D-B-A simultaneously interweaves Louis Sullivan's Book Description Digital-Botanic Architecture ( D-B-A ) explores physical as well as digital design and architecture based on biological forms-especially plant morphology. Fusing Leibniz's eighteenth-century metaphysic with Richard Dawkins'twentieth-century theory of the meme, D-B-A simultaneously interweaves Louis Sullivan's "botanic architecture," as developed in his A System of Architectural Ornament , with current design, contending that architecture is a waylaid biological extension of its builders-an extended phenotype, as Dawkins would call it. Dollens also explores the use of software such as Xfrog in order to grow building elements using the software's botanic algorithms. In his own work he designs hypotheticalstructures and building-skins that are realized in digital models, physical stereolithographic models, graphics, and animations: for example, his 2004 spiral bridge (influenced by a seedpod's spiraling flight and by the biological......

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Yearbook of Fishery Statistics 2001: Aquaculture Production (Yearbook of Fishery Statistics/Annuaire Statistique Des Peches/Anuario Estadistico De Pesca). Alan W. Evans . Книги.


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