Why Stock Markets Crash: Critical Events in Complex Financial Systems

Didier Sornette

  Why Stock Markets Crash: Critical Events in Complex Financial Systems  Didier Sornette  The scientific study of complex systems has transformed a wide range of disciplines in recent years, enabling researchers in both the natural and social sciences to model and predict phenomena as diverse as earthquakes, global warming, demographic patterns, financial crises, and the failure of materials. In this book, Didier Sornette boldly applies his varied experience in these areas to propose a simple, powerful, and general theory of how, why, and when stock markets crash. Most attempts to explain market failures seek to pinpoint triggering mechanisms that occur hours, days, or weeks before the collapse. Sornette proposes a radically different view: the underlying cause can be sought months and even years before the abrupt, catastrophic event in the build-up of cooperative speculation, which often translates into an accelerating rise of the market price, otherwise known as a The scientific study of complex systems has transformed a wide range of disciplines in recent years, enabling researchers in both the natural and social sciences to model and predict phenomena as diverse as earthquakes, global warming, demographic patterns, financial crises, and the failure of materials. In this book, Didier Sornette boldly applies his varied experience in these areas to propose a simple, powerful, and general theory of how, why, and when stock markets crash. Most attempts to explain market failures seek to pinpoint triggering mechanisms that occur hours, days, or weeks before the collapse. Sornette proposes a radically different view: the underlying cause can be sought months and even years before the abrupt, catastrophic event in the build-up of cooperative speculation, which often translates into an accelerating rise of the market price, otherwise known as a "bubble." Anchoring his sophisticated, step-by-step analysis in leading-edge physical and......

EcoCities: Rebuilding Cities in Balance with Nature

Richard Register

  EcoCities: Rebuilding Cities in Balance with Nature  Richard Register  New Society Publishers.   Most of the world's population now lives in cities. So if we are to address the problems of environmental deterioration and peak oil adequately, the city has to be a major focus of attention. Ecocities is about re-building cities and towns based on ecological principles for the long term sustainability, cultural vitality and health of the Earth's biosphere. Unique in the literature is the book's insight that the form of the city really matters A??? and that it is within our ability to change it, and crucial that we do. Further, that the ecocity within its bioregion is comprehensible and do-able, and can produce a healthy and potentially happy future. Ecocities describes the place of the city in evolution, nature and history. It pays special attention to the key question of accessibility and transportation, and outlines design principles for the ecocity. The reader is encouraged to plunge in to its economics and politics: the kinds of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин New Society Publishers. Most of the world's population now lives in cities. So if we are to address the problems of environmental deterioration and peak oil adequately, the city has to be a major focus of attention. Ecocities is about re-building cities and towns based on ecological principles for the long term sustainability, cultural vitality and health of the Earth's biosphere. Unique in the literature is the book's insight that the form of the city really matters A??? and that it is within our ability to change it, and crucial that we do. Further, that the ecocity within its bioregion is comprehensible and do-able, and can produce a healthy and potentially happy future. Ecocities describes the place of the city in evolution, nature and history. It pays special attention to the key question of accessibility and transportation, and outlines design principles for the ecocity. The reader is encouraged to plunge in to its economics and politics: the kinds of......

Planning and Urban Design Standards (Wiley Graphic Standards)

American Planning Association

  Planning and Urban Design Standards (Wiley Graphic Standards)  American Planning Association  From the publishers of Architectural Graphic Standards, this book, created under the auspices of The American Planning Association, is the most comprehensive reference book on urban planning, design, and development available today. Contributions from more than two hundred renowned professionals provide rules of thumb and best practices for mitigating such environmental impacts as noise, traffic, aesthetics, preservation of green space and wildlife, water quality, and more. You get in-depth information on the tools and techniques used to achieve planning and design outcomes, including economic analysis, mapping, visualization, legal foundations, and real estate developments. Thousands of illustrations, examples of custom work by todays leading planners, and insider information make this work the new standard in the field. Order your copy today.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин From the publishers of Architectural Graphic Standards, this book, created under the auspices of The American Planning Association, is the most comprehensive reference book on urban planning, design, and development available today. Contributions from more than two hundred renowned professionals provide rules of thumb and best practices for mitigating such environmental impacts as noise, traffic, aesthetics, preservation of green space and wildlife, water quality, and more. You get in-depth information on the tools and techniques used to achieve planning and design outcomes, including economic analysis, mapping, visualization, legal foundations, and real estate developments. Thousands of illustrations, examples of custom work by todays leading planners, and insider information make this work the new standard in the field. Order your copy today....

Effective Leadership In Adventure Programming

Simon Priest, Michael A. Gass

  Effective Leadership In Adventure Programming  Simon Priest, Michael A. Gass  Effective Leadership in Adventure Programming, Second Edition, explains how the key elements of leadership work in theory and practice, and it helps train the next generation of adventure leaders?training that is paramount to developing the field. Through this text, readers will enhance their understanding of this rapidly growing profession. Renowned authors Simon Priest and Michael Gass provide in-depth descriptions and real-world applications of the technical, organizational, instructional, and facilitative skills that are essential to adventure leadership. The authors also identify what they call the metaskills that superior leaders use to combine the other essential skills seamlessly and effectively. The authors provide fully updated content and references, including new information on legal liability, risk management skills, and future research trends in adventure programming. They also do the following: ? Examine the historical and philosophical...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Effective Leadership in Adventure Programming, Second Edition, explains how the key elements of leadership work in theory and practice, and it helps train the next generation of adventure leaders?training that is paramount to developing the field. Through this text, readers will enhance their understanding of this rapidly growing profession. Renowned authors Simon Priest and Michael Gass provide in-depth descriptions and real-world applications of the technical, organizational, instructional, and facilitative skills that are essential to adventure leadership. The authors also identify what they call the metaskills that superior leaders use to combine the other essential skills seamlessly and effectively. The authors provide fully updated content and references, including new information on legal liability, risk management skills, and future research trends in adventure programming. They also do the following: ? Examine the historical and philosophical......

О вере, неверии и сомнении

Митрополит Вениамин (Федченков)

  О вере, неверии и сомнении  Митрополит Вениамин (Федченков)  Отчий дом.   Духовный собеседник.   Известный иерарх Русской Православной Церкви, проповедник и богослов митрополит Вениамин (Федченков) оставил богатейшее духовное наследие - это богословские трактаты, труды по литургике, апологетике, дневниковые записи, художественные зарисовки и воспоминания. Многие творения владыки Вениамина в настоящее время изданы. Предлагаемая книга Отчий дом. Духовный собеседник. Известный иерарх Русской Православной Церкви, проповедник и богослов митрополит Вениамин (Федченков) оставил богатейшее духовное наследие - это богословские трактаты, труды по литургике, апологетике, дневниковые записи, художественные зарисовки и воспоминания. Многие творения владыки Вениамина в настоящее время изданы. Предлагаемая книга "О вере, неверии и сомнении" является своего рода биографическими заметками, которые сам святитель называл исповедью сердца. Владыка искренно и без прикрас рассказывает о своем пути к Богу. Он размышляет о вере, о путях, ведущих к истине, о месте человека в этом мире и о смысле жизни, о религии и значении Православной Церкви в жизни общества и отдельного человека, об искушениях и сомнениях на пути богопознания, о Промысле Божием, о Божией благодати и помощи. Митрополит Вениамин откровенно говорит о колебаниях и сомнениях, которые посещали его самого, когда после простосердечной детской веры хотелось веры "разумной", когда ум искал доказательств.......

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Why Stock Markets Crash: Critical Events in Complex Financial Systems. Didier Sornette . Книги.

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