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Активные продажи Николай Рысев
Питер. Тренинги для первых. Изменения пронизывают нашу жизнь. Изменения рынка, изменения мышления, изменения предпочтений клиентов. В связи с этим автор книги Николай Рысев, один из ведущих бизнес-тренеров в России, директор компании RECONT, принял решение пересмотреть содержание своих суперпопулярных книг "Активные продажи. Как найти подход к клиенту" и "Активные продажи. Эффективные переговоры" и объединить их под одной обложкой. Вопросы, которые, прежде казалось, стоит задавать клиентам, сейчас выглядят как минимум заезженными, как максимум - нелепыми. В новом варианте книги автор классифицирует тактические способы воздействия на оппонента при переговорах с подробной проработкой 23 вариантов оказания влияния. Еще одна принципиально новая тема данной редакции - стратегии ведения переговоров. Это будет взгляд на продажи и переговоры сверху, с точки зрения всего процесса контакта с клиентом или партнером. И запомните одно волшебное правило: все начинается с того, насколько хорошо вы......
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Living Longer Working Stronger: Simple Steps for Business Professionals to Capitalize on Better Health Kevin Fosnocht
Book DescriptionThe statistics are alarming; the figures are staggering. Excellent physical and mental health are the foundational building blocks for a strong body and an agile mind, while poor health is an overwhelming cause for serious illness and untimely demise. Recognizing the direct correlation between the health of one's body and the health of one's career doesn't always come naturally for executives. However, it is tremendous the extent to which the daily stresses of the business, the failure tomaintain a proper diet when traveling, and endless intense hours behind the desk, all weigh on one's health. Living Longer Working Stronger offers practical, real suggestions and advice around living a healthy life and being able to enjoy a long career. From suggesting dietary modifications, to methods for getting sufficient, quality rest, this title pulls readers through understandable and feasible steps to making life changes. Such changes will serve not only to promote longevity......
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Winning the Knowledge Transfer Race Michael J. English
Book Description Lessons from the world’s most profitable businesses show you how to turn knowledge assets and investments into a critical competitive advantage Effective knowledge transfer creates firms with a rich supply of intellectual capital that innovates quickly and converts knowledge into value and profit. Winning The Knowledge Transfer Race examines the best practices of IBM, Raytheon, Verizon, Xerox, Buckman Labs, GE, and Toyota in knowledge transfer, benchmarking, and process improvement, showing you how to duplicate these approaches. Michael English and William Baker give the solutions and practical steps for managing and leveraging intellectual capital at a Six Sigma level and incorporating it into your company’s best practices....
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Como Dibujar Manga vol. 8: Fondos : How to Draw Manga vol. 8: Putting Things in Perspective (Como Dibujar Manga) K?s Art
Book DescriptionPerspective is an inseparable part of every Manga background. The background gives the scene realism. This book gives one-point perspective to teach a simple way how to draw buildings, diverging roads and other scenes. Two and three-pointperspectives are also introduced along with how to draw standing crowds....
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Jinni Gene Geter
iUniverse. The tale begins when Solomon ruled over Israel and controlled jinns. But one jinn with no name would oppose him and cast his evil powers toward anyone who gets in his way. Eventually he was tricked, banished within his bottle and suspended invisible tens of thousands of feet above the ground to be punished in the future New York. It's the year 2080, and something from the present rockets the bottle towards the earth, crashing into the apartment of a 35-year-old famous novelist and beauty named Choice Chosen. Choice and the jinni (who picks the name Magi) meet under this weird circumstance and become close. Magi tries to change the error of his ways. For some reason, Choice has always had a fear of loving someone and Magi has a hard time really getting close to her because she is still a virgin. She will eventually realize something from her past has subconsciously prevented her intimacy with a man. Even though Choice has always been in danger, being in......
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Активные продажи. Николай Рысев . Книги.
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