TechTV's Upgrading Your PC

Mark Edward Soper, Patrick Norton

  TechTV's Upgrading Your PC  Mark Edward Soper, Patrick Norton  A reference based title written in an approachable first person point of view. This book teaches a reader how to upgrade his PC and peripherals to increase productivity on his PC without intimidating or offending him. Straight-forward conversational tone on upgrading hardware and software-the decision to upgrade or not. This title provides basic information in purchasing and installing the newest technology for multimedia, fast Internet access and more. Finally the reader learns how various software applications and operating systems upgrades can help him use or not use his PC more efficiently. This book gives its readers the foundation on what a PC is and how to upgrade it in everyday language without being intimidating or insulting. Upgrading & Repairing Your PC is a task-oriented explanation of PC hardware and software upgrading.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A reference based title written in an approachable first person point of view. This book teaches a reader how to upgrade his PC and peripherals to increase productivity on his PC without intimidating or offending him. Straight-forward conversational tone on upgrading hardware and software-the decision to upgrade or not. This title provides basic information in purchasing and installing the newest technology for multimedia, fast Internet access and more. Finally the reader learns how various software applications and operating systems upgrades can help him use or not use his PC more efficiently. This book gives its readers the foundation on what a PC is and how to upgrade it in everyday language without being intimidating or insulting. Upgrading & Repairing Your PC is a task-oriented explanation of PC hardware and software upgrading....

Senegal Business Intelligence Report (World Country Study Guide Library)

International Business Publications USA

  Senegal Business Intelligence Report (World Country Study Guide Library)  International Business Publications USA  This report contains business intelligence information for succesful export-import, business and investment operations, strategic contacts and more... The report also contains selected information on investment and business opportunities, international economic projects, tenders, government projects, as well as, marketing and export-import opportunities information.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This report contains business intelligence information for succesful export-import, business and investment operations, strategic contacts and more... The report also contains selected information on investment and business opportunities, international economic projects, tenders, government projects, as well as, marketing and export-import opportunities information....

Service Selling : A Guide to Increasing Sales and Profits in Consumer Financial Services

Robert G. Stemper

  Service Selling : A Guide to Increasing Sales and Profits in Consumer Financial Services  Robert G. Stemper  A guide to improving sales and profits in consumer financial services that stresses the development of a sales and service culture. The key principles discussed are interaction with customers, cultural support and values, service from the customer's point of view, service selling, characteristics of successful sales organizations, star sales people, perfecting the sales process, dealing with prospective clients, and ongoing interaction with the client.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A guide to improving sales and profits in consumer financial services that stresses the development of a sales and service culture. The key principles discussed are interaction with customers, cultural support and values, service from the customer's point of view, service selling, characteristics of successful sales organizations, star sales people, perfecting the sales process, dealing with prospective clients, and ongoing interaction with the client....

Applying for Research Funding: Getting Started and Getting Funded

Joanne B. Ries, Carl G. Leukefeld

  Applying for Research Funding: Getting Started and Getting Funded  Joanne B. Ries, Carl G. Leukefeld  Getting research funding, from both government and the private sector, is becoming increasingly more competitive in an environment of shrinking resources. This useful book is designed to help both beginning and experienced researchers approach the grant application process and develop a successful application. The authors discuss: making initial choices; making key contacts; assessing research environments; what to include on, and when to write, an application; writing a persuasive application; targeting the application; and what to expect when an application is or is not accepted.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Getting research funding, from both government and the private sector, is becoming increasingly more competitive in an environment of shrinking resources. This useful book is designed to help both beginning and experienced researchers approach the grant application process and develop a successful application. The authors discuss: making initial choices; making key contacts; assessing research environments; what to include on, and when to write, an application; writing a persuasive application; targeting the application; and what to expect when an application is or is not accepted....

Mind to Mind Marketing: Communicate With your Customers and Create a 'Segment of One'

Harry Alder

  Mind to Mind Marketing: Communicate With your Customers and Create a 'Segment of One'  Harry Alder  The concept of `Mind to Mind Marketing` is all about forging a relationship between a company and its individual customers. At the core of `one to one` marketing is the gathering of customer information through market research, enabling a business to target its products at a specific customer: a mind to mind relatinship. Techniques used draw on `mind modeling` and neuro-linguistic programming.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The concept of `Mind to Mind Marketing` is all about forging a relationship between a company and its individual customers. At the core of `one to one` marketing is the gathering of customer information through market research, enabling a business to target its products at a specific customer: a mind to mind relatinship. Techniques used draw on `mind modeling` and neuro-linguistic programming....

<<<  Виргинцы. В двух томах. Том 2. Уильям Теккерей             Gorgeous Glass: Sparkling Ideas For Painting On Glass & ... >>>

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TechTV's Upgrading Your PC. Mark Edward Soper, Patrick Norton . Книги.

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