
Hal Clement

  Noise  Hal Clement  Book Description Hal Clement, the dean of hard science fiction, has written a new planetary adventure in the tradition of his classic Mission of Gravity. It is the kind of story that made his reputation as a meticulous designer of otherworldly settings that are utterly convincing because they are constructed from the ground up using established principles of orbital mechanics, geology, chemistry, biology, and other sciences. Kainui is one of a pair of double planets circling a pair of binary stars. Mike Hoani has come there to study the language of the colonists, to analyze its evolution in the years since settlement. But Kainui is an ocean planet. Although settled by Polynesians, it is anything but a tropical paradise. The ocean is 1,700 miles deep, with no solid ground anywhere. The population is scattered in cities on floating artificial islands with no fixed locations. The atmosphere isn't breathable, and lightning, waterspouts, and tsunamis are constant. Out on the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Hal Clement, the dean of hard science fiction, has written a new planetary adventure in the tradition of his classic Mission of Gravity. It is the kind of story that made his reputation as a meticulous designer of otherworldly settings that are utterly convincing because they are constructed from the ground up using established principles of orbital mechanics, geology, chemistry, biology, and other sciences. Kainui is one of a pair of double planets circling a pair of binary stars. Mike Hoani has come there to study the language of the colonists, to analyze its evolution in the years since settlement. But Kainui is an ocean planet. Although settled by Polynesians, it is anything but a tropical paradise. The ocean is 1,700 miles deep, with no solid ground anywhere. The population is scattered in cities on floating artificial islands with no fixed locations. The atmosphere isn't breathable, and lightning, waterspouts, and tsunamis are constant. Out on the......

The Big Empty

J. B. Stephens

  The Big Empty  J. B. Stephens  Book DescriptionOne year ago, a devastating plague called Strain 7 killed three quarters of the human race. Around the world, power systems failed and supply chains screeched to a halt. The surviving population of the United States has been relocated to the coasts; the heartland is now a wasteland called The Big Empty. But seven teens trying to put their lives back together will learn that the abandoned zone holds danger, secrets, and above all, hope.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionOne year ago, a devastating plague called Strain 7 killed three quarters of the human race. Around the world, power systems failed and supply chains screeched to a halt. The surviving population of the United States has been relocated to the coasts; the heartland is now a wasteland called The Big Empty. But seven teens trying to put their lives back together will learn that the abandoned zone holds danger, secrets, and above all, hope....

The Book of Spies : An Anthology of Literary Espionage (Modern Library)

  The Book of Spies : An Anthology of Literary Espionage (Modern Library)  Book Description An anthology of the world’s best literary espionage, selected by a contemporary master of the genre, Alan Furst. Here is an extraordinary collection of work from some of the finest novelists of the twentieth century. Inspired by the politics of tyranny or war, each of these writers chose the base elements of spy fiction—highly evolved spy fiction—as the framework for a literary novel. Thus Alan Furst offers a diverse array of selections that combine raw excitement and intellectual sophistication in an expertly guided tour of the dark world of clandestine conflict. These are not just stories of professional intelligence officers. We meet diplomats, political police, agents provocateurs , secret operatives, resistance fighters, and assassins—players in the Great Game, or victims of the Cold War. The Book of Spies brings us the aristocratic intrigues of The Scarlet Pimpernel , in which French...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description An anthology of the world’s best literary espionage, selected by a contemporary master of the genre, Alan Furst. Here is an extraordinary collection of work from some of the finest novelists of the twentieth century. Inspired by the politics of tyranny or war, each of these writers chose the base elements of spy fiction—highly evolved spy fiction—as the framework for a literary novel. Thus Alan Furst offers a diverse array of selections that combine raw excitement and intellectual sophistication in an expertly guided tour of the dark world of clandestine conflict. These are not just stories of professional intelligence officers. We meet diplomats, political police, agents provocateurs , secret operatives, resistance fighters, and assassins—players in the Great Game, or victims of the Cold War. The Book of Spies brings us the aristocratic intrigues of The Scarlet Pimpernel , in which French......

Advanced Graphics Programming Using OpenGL, First Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)

Tom McReynolds

  Advanced Graphics Programming Using OpenGL, First Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)  Tom McReynolds  Book DescriptionToday truly useful and interactive graphics are available on affordable computers. While hardware progress has been impressive, widespread gains in software expertise has come more slowly. Information about advanced techniquesbeyond thoselearned in introductory computer graphics textsis not as easy to come by as inexpensive hardware. This book brings the graphics programmer beyond the basics and introduces them to advanced knowledge that is hard to obtain outside of an intensive CG work environment. The book is about graphics techniquesthose that dont require esoteric hardware or custom graphics librariesthat are written in a comprehensible style and do useful things. It covers graphics that are not covered well in your old graphics textbook. But it also goes further, teaching you how to apply those techniques in real world applications, filling real world needs. ·Emphasizes the algorithmic side of computer graphics, with a practical application...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionToday truly useful and interactive graphics are available on affordable computers. While hardware progress has been impressive, widespread gains in software expertise has come more slowly. Information about advanced techniquesbeyond thoselearned in introductory computer graphics textsis not as easy to come by as inexpensive hardware. This book brings the graphics programmer beyond the basics and introduces them to advanced knowledge that is hard to obtain outside of an intensive CG work environment. The book is about graphics techniquesthose that dont require esoteric hardware or custom graphics librariesthat are written in a comprehensible style and do useful things. It covers graphics that are not covered well in your old graphics textbook. But it also goes further, teaching you how to apply those techniques in real world applications, filling real world needs. ·Emphasizes the algorithmic side of computer graphics, with a practical application......

From Immigrant to Inventor

Michael Pupin

  From Immigrant to Inventor  Michael Pupin  Book Description1924. A Pulitzer Prize winning book, Pupin's main objective in this narrative was to describe the rise of idealism in American science and particularly in physical sciences and the related industries. He was a witness to this gradual development and everything he describes was an attempt to qualify as a witness whose testimony has competence and weight.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description1924. A Pulitzer Prize winning book, Pupin's main objective in this narrative was to describe the rise of idealism in American science and particularly in physical sciences and the related industries. He was a witness to this gradual development and everything he describes was an attempt to qualify as a witness whose testimony has competence and weight....

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Noise. Hal Clement . Книги.

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