Виргинцы. В двух томах. Том 2

Уильям Теккерей

  Виргинцы. В двух томах. Том 2  Уильям Теккерей  Правда.   Виргинцы. В двух томах. Том 2.   Издание 1991 года. Сохранность удовлетворительная. Исторический роман У. Теккерея (1811-1863). В произведении дана широкая картина жизни Англии и Америки второй половины XVIII века. Содержит иллюстрации.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Правда. Виргинцы. В двух томах. Том 2. Издание 1991 года. Сохранность удовлетворительная. Исторический роман У. Теккерея (1811-1863). В произведении дана широкая картина жизни Англии и Америки второй половины XVIII века. Содержит иллюстрации....

Российский великокняжеский и царский дом

  Российский великокняжеский и царский дом  Олма-Пресс.   Очерки о великих князьях и царях, проиллюстрированные работами русских и западноевропейских художников 17-20 веков.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Олма-Пресс. Очерки о великих князьях и царях, проиллюстрированные работами русских и западноевропейских художников 17-20 веков....


William Shakespeare

  Hamlet  William Shakespeare  Dover Publications.   Dover Thrift Editions.   In this quintessential Shakespearean tragedy, a young prince's halting pursuit of revenge for the murder of his father unfolds in a series of highly charged confrontations that have held audiences spellbound for nearly four centuries. Those fateful exchanges, and the anguished soliloquies that precede and follow them, probe depths of human feeling rarely sounded in any art. The title role of Hamlet, perhaps the most demanding in all of Western drama, has provided generations of leading actors their greatest challenge. Yet all of the roles in this towering drama are superbly delineated, and each of the key scenes offers actors a rare opportunity to create theatrical magic. As if further evidence of Shakespeare's genius were needed, Dover Publications. Dover Thrift Editions. In this quintessential Shakespearean tragedy, a young prince's halting pursuit of revenge for the murder of his father unfolds in a series of highly charged confrontations that have held audiences spellbound for nearly four centuries. Those fateful exchanges, and the anguished soliloquies that precede and follow them, probe depths of human feeling rarely sounded in any art. The title role of Hamlet, perhaps the most demanding in all of Western drama, has provided generations of leading actors their greatest challenge. Yet all of the roles in this towering drama are superbly delineated, and each of the key scenes offers actors a rare opportunity to create theatrical magic. As if further evidence of Shakespeare's genius were needed, "Hamlet" is a unique pleasure to read as well as to see and hear performed. The full text of this extraordinary drama is reprinted here from an authoritative British edition complete with illuminating footnotes....

First Things First Every Day: Daily Reflections- Because Where You're Headed Is More Important Than How Fast You Get There

Stephen R. Covey

  First Things First Every Day: Daily Reflections- Because Where You're Headed Is More Important Than How Fast You Get There  Stephen R. Covey  
.   Covey is a good reader for his own work. Born in Salt Lake City, he has a voice that suggests a Scandinavian/Midwest heritage with broad . Covey is a good reader for his own work. Born in Salt Lake City, he has a voice that suggests a Scandinavian/Midwest heritage with broad "o's" and precise articulation. Covey's accent adds credence to his theses on time management. He contends that time management has evolved from organizing tasks and working more efficiently to prioritizing values to work more effectively. This short program abridges Covey's third book, a somewhat redundant tome built upon his other two books. This program, nevertheless, is useful in its own right, especially to listeners not yet familiar with Covey's work....

Find the Bathrooms First!: Starting Your New Job on the Right Foot

Roy J. Blitzer, Jacquie Reynolds-Rush

  Find the Bathrooms First!: Starting Your New Job on the Right Foot  Roy J. Blitzer, Jacquie Reynolds-Rush  This book is a practical guide to the first three months of a new job. It looks at that period of adjustment in the first six weeks of a new job where indicators of potential success or failure can lead to an action plan.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book is a practical guide to the first three months of a new job. It looks at that period of adjustment in the first six weeks of a new job where indicators of potential success or failure can lead to an action plan....

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Виргинцы. В двух томах. Том 2. Уильям Теккерей . Книги.

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