Управленческие решения

Т. В. Гапоненко

  Управленческие решения  Т. В. Гапоненко  Феникс.   Высшее образование.   Учебное пособие дает достаточно полное представление о содержании, технологиях и навыках принятия профессиональных решений. В нем содержится изложение теоретического материала и практических приемов разработки и реализации управленческих решений в соответствии с образовательным стандартом по дисциплине Феникс. Высшее образование. Учебное пособие дает достаточно полное представление о содержании, технологиях и навыках принятия профессиональных решений. В нем содержится изложение теоретического материала и практических приемов разработки и реализации управленческих решений в соответствии с образовательным стандартом по дисциплине "Управленческие решения", рассматриваются функции, типология, условия и факторы качества управленческих решений, модели и методы разработки решений, организация и технология принятия решений. Особое внимание уделено вопросам разработки и принятия решений в условиях неопределенности и риска, а также проблемам реализации решений, контроля их исполнения и оценки эффективности. Для студентов вузов, обучающихся по специальностям "Менеджмент организации" и "Экономика и управление на предприятии", руководителей всех уровней, преподавателей, аспирантов и слушателей системы повышения квалификации....

Сила позитивного мышления

Норман Винсент Пил

  Сила позитивного мышления  Норман Винсент Пил  Попурри.   Автор книги, известный как один из Попурри. Автор книги, известный как один из "отцов" позитивного мышления, делится с Вами знаменитой формулой доверия и оптимизма, которую сделали основой своей простой, но эффективной жизненной философии уже миллионы людей на Земле. Для широкого круга читателей....

Every Other Thursday: Stories and Strategies from Successful Women Scientists

Ellen Daniell

  Every Other Thursday: Stories and Strategies from Successful Women Scientists  Ellen Daniell  This book tells the story of a professional problem-solving group that for more than 25 years has empowered its members by providing practical and emotional support. The objective of “Group,” as Ellen Daniell and six other members call their bimonthly gatherings, is cooperation in a competitive world. And the objective of Every Other Thursday is to encourage those who feel isolated or stressed in a work or academic setting to consider the benefits of such a group—a group in which everyone is on your side.Each of the high-achieving individuals in Group (including members of the National Academy of Sciences, a senior scientist at a prestigious research institute, and university professors and administrators) has found the support of the others to be an essential part of her own success. Daniell provides detailed examples of how members help one another navigate career setbacks or other difficulties. She shows that group support, discussion, and application of common experience bring to...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book tells the story of a professional problem-solving group that for more than 25 years has empowered its members by providing practical and emotional support. The objective of “Group,” as Ellen Daniell and six other members call their bimonthly gatherings, is cooperation in a competitive world. And the objective of Every Other Thursday is to encourage those who feel isolated or stressed in a work or academic setting to consider the benefits of such a group—a group in which everyone is on your side.Each of the high-achieving individuals in Group (including members of the National Academy of Sciences, a senior scientist at a prestigious research institute, and university professors and administrators) has found the support of the others to be an essential part of her own success. Daniell provides detailed examples of how members help one another navigate career setbacks or other difficulties. She shows that group support, discussion, and application of common experience bring to......

Capital Market Liberalization and Development (Initiative for Policy Dialogue Series C)

  Capital Market Liberalization and Development (Initiative for Policy Dialogue Series C)  Capital market liberalization has been a key battle in the debate on globalization for much of the previous two decades. Many developing countries, often at the behest of international financial institutions such as the IMF, opened their capital accounts and liberalized their domestic financial markets as part of the wave of liberalization that characterized the 1980s and 1990s and in doing so exposed their economies to increased risk and volatility. Now with even the IMF acknowledging the risks inherent in capital market liberalization, the central intellectual battle over the effects of capital market liberalization has for the most part ended. Though this new understanding of the consequences of capital market liberalization is reshaping many policy discussions among academics and international institutions, ideological and vested interests remain. Critical policy debates also remain, such as how much government should intervene and what tools are available. Although capital...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Capital market liberalization has been a key battle in the debate on globalization for much of the previous two decades. Many developing countries, often at the behest of international financial institutions such as the IMF, opened their capital accounts and liberalized their domestic financial markets as part of the wave of liberalization that characterized the 1980s and 1990s and in doing so exposed their economies to increased risk and volatility. Now with even the IMF acknowledging the risks inherent in capital market liberalization, the central intellectual battle over the effects of capital market liberalization has for the most part ended. Though this new understanding of the consequences of capital market liberalization is reshaping many policy discussions among academics and international institutions, ideological and vested interests remain. Critical policy debates also remain, such as how much government should intervene and what tools are available. Although capital......

Century 21 South-Western Accounting: General Journal Working Papers Chapters 1-24

  Century 21 South-Western Accounting: General Journal Working Papers Chapters 1-24  Claudia B. Gilbertson, Mark W. Lehman  Claudia B. Gilbertson, Mark W. Lehman  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Claudia B. Gilbertson, Mark W. Lehman...

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Управленческие решения. Т. В. Гапоненко . Книги.

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