Como vivir y trabajar en Estados Unidos: Guia completa


 Como vivir y trabajar en Estados Unidos: Guia completa Aguilar This is the most up to date and complete guide to live and succeed in the United States. Through hundreds of practical tips, it contains all the necessary information to improve your job and economic situation. It also contains hundreds of useful addresses, telephone numbers, Web pages, and practical explanations that are simple and easy to understand. This book will thoroughly help you inquire on how to obtain immigration papers, how to find a job, learn English, how to earn more money, how to receive government help and much more. It is a sure guide to help you achieve success in the United States. This book will help you be successful in the United States! Description in Spanish: CA?mo vivir y trabajar en Estados Unidos es el manual mA?s actual para vivir y triunfar en Estados Unidos. A travA©s de cientos de consejos prA?cticos explicados con un lenguaje claro y sencillo, obtendrA? toda la informaciA?n esencial para mejorar su situaciA?n laboral y econA?mica.... книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This is the most up to date and complete guide to live and succeed in the United States. Through hundreds of practical tips, it contains all the necessary information to improve your job and economic situation. It also contains hundreds of useful addresses, telephone numbers, Web pages, and practical explanations that are simple and easy to understand. This book will thoroughly help you inquire on how to obtain immigration papers, how to find a job, learn English, how to earn more money, how to receive government help and much more. It is a sure guide to help you achieve success in the United States. This book will help you be successful in the United States! Description in Spanish: CA?mo vivir y trabajar en Estados Unidos es el manual mA?s actual para vivir y triunfar en Estados Unidos. A travA©s de cientos de consejos prA?cticos explicados con un lenguaje claro y sencillo, obtendrA? toda la informaciA?n esencial para mejorar su situaciA?n laboral y econA?mica.......

Cy Twombly: New Sculptures 1992-2005

Giorgio Agamben, Edward Albee, Reinhold Baumstark, Carla Schulz-Hoffmann

 Cy Twombly: New Sculptures 1992-2005 Giorgio Agamben, Edward Albee, Reinhold Baumstark, Carla Schulz-Hoffmann Cy Twombly: New Sculptures 1998-2005 Primarily known for his paintings and drawings, Cy Twombly has been creating sculpture during his entire career. His characteristic use of poetic and mythic elements is also evident in this field. Out of Cy Twombly: New Sculptures 1998-2005 Primarily known for his paintings and drawings, Cy Twombly has been creating sculpture during his entire career. His characteristic use of poetic and mythic elements is also evident in this field. Out of "mundane" objects such as crates, broomsticks, paper napkins, mashers, stools, string and paper he composes white-painted sculptures. Retaining their everyday identity and materiality the constituent objects take on a condition oblivious to time and change and a life of their own. Fanciful, witty, and at times sarcastic, Twombly transforms his objects, lending them a mythic meaningfulness and a whole new beauty. This publication is the catalog to an exhibition at Munich's Alte Pinakothek in spring 2006 presenting 33 new sculptures created between 1998 and 2005. Edited by Reinhold Baumstark and Carla Schulz-Hoffmann Texts by Edward Albee, Giorgio Agamben, Carla Schulz-Hoffmann and others...

Smithsonian Baseball: Inside the World's Finest Private Collections

Stephen Wong

 Smithsonian Baseball: Inside the World's Finest Private Collections Stephen Wong To a collector, there is no joy parallel to finding that elusive home-run ball, or a jersey worn by a legendary player. Smithsonian Baseball: Inside the World's Finest Private Collections celebrates the abiding passion for our national pastime, as witnessed by the dedication of the sport's most devoted collectors. The first book of its kind, Smithsonian Baseball features revealing stories and lavish photography highlighting 21 of the best private collections of baseball memorabilia in existence. From a rare copy of the first written rules of the game (1848) to Mark McGwire's record-shattering home-run ball (1998), these impressive collections span baseball's entire history. Some of the game's most historically significant artifacts are part of these private collections, yet most have never before been seen by the public. Marvel at the memorabilia as you read about the historical background of the objects and get to know each collector's passions and... книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин To a collector, there is no joy parallel to finding that elusive home-run ball, or a jersey worn by a legendary player. Smithsonian Baseball: Inside the World's Finest Private Collections celebrates the abiding passion for our national pastime, as witnessed by the dedication of the sport's most devoted collectors. The first book of its kind, Smithsonian Baseball features revealing stories and lavish photography highlighting 21 of the best private collections of baseball memorabilia in existence. From a rare copy of the first written rules of the game (1848) to Mark McGwire's record-shattering home-run ball (1998), these impressive collections span baseball's entire history. Some of the game's most historically significant artifacts are part of these private collections, yet most have never before been seen by the public. Marvel at the memorabilia as you read about the historical background of the objects and get to know each collector's passions and......

Ворота Расемон

Рюноскэ Акутагава

 Ворота Расемон Рюноскэ Акутагава Эксмо.  Культовая классика.  Ворота Расемон, Ад одиночества, Отец, Обезьяна, Носовой платок, Mensura Zoili, Счастье, Момотаро, Два письма, Оиси Кураноскэ в один из своих дней, Безответная любовь, Рассказ о том, как отвалилась голова, Кэса и Морито, Муки ада, Убийство в век Эксмо. Культовая классика. Ворота Расемон, Ад одиночества, Отец, Обезьяна, Носовой платок, Mensura Zoili, Счастье, Момотаро, Два письма, Оиси Кураноскэ в один из своих дней, Безответная любовь, Рассказ о том, как отвалилась голова, Кэса и Морито, Муки ада, Убийство в век "Просвещения", Учитель Мори, Собаки и свирель, О себе в те годы, Просвещенный супруг, Мандарины, Сомнение, Дзюриано Китискэ, Бал, Как верил Бисэй, Осень, Грусть Танэко, Женщина, Подкидыш. Классик японской литературы Акутагава Рюноскэ подарил миру свежий взгляд на забытые сюжеты, доказав многим поколениям читателей, что человеческая природа неизменна, а бездна человеческой души темна и опасна. Великолепный стилист, чуткий и ранимый наблюдатель, в начале XX века он воссоздавал и оживлял Средневековье, стирая границы между прошлым и настоящим....

Пропавшая история

А. Г. Подъяпольский

 Пропавшая история А. Г. Подъяпольский Крафт+.  Герои былых времен, Сын Льва, Крафт+. Герои былых времен, Сын Льва, "Волчья яма" для "свиньи", Святая Русь, Пропавшая история, Яблоко от яблони, Невидимые цепи, Погиб ли в Угличе Царевич Дмитрий?, Княжна и "Амператор", Петля для Капитана Кидда, "Золотая" шахта острова Дуба, Ваше благородие, госпожа удача, Дело Тютчева, Откровение о прошлом?. В предлагаемой читателю книге автор пытается приподнять завесу тайны над рядом таких спорных сюжетов отечественной и зарубежной истории, как убийство царевича Дмитрия в Угличе, дело княжны Таракановой и Пугачева и др., а также ответить на вопрос о причине русских побед на льду Чудского озера и в Куликовской битве, дает неординарную трактовку роли и места Сергия Радонежского в русской истории. Суждения автора, хотя подчас и спорны, отличаются свежестью взгляда на затрагиваемые им проблемы, а вопросы, которые он задает себе и читателю, - новизной постановки. Книга адресована широкому кругу читателей....

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Como vivir y trabajar en Estados Unidos: Guia completa. Aguilar . Книги.


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