Семейный кодекс Российской Федерации

  Семейный кодекс Российской Федерации  Эксмо.   Карманный справочник юриста.   Настоящее справочно-информационное издание содержит текст Семейного кодекса Российской Федерации с изменениями и дополнениями на 15 октября 2008 г., а также алфавитно-предметный указатель. Если есть изменения, вступающие в силу позднее, то вместе с редакцией нормы, действующей на эту дату, приводится норма в новой редакции и указывается дата, с которой она вступает в силу. Карманный формат и система быстрого поиска делают издание особенно удобным в использовании в процессе учебы, службы, работы, научной, преподавательской и иной деятельности.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Эксмо. Карманный справочник юриста. Настоящее справочно-информационное издание содержит текст Семейного кодекса Российской Федерации с изменениями и дополнениями на 15 октября 2008 г., а также алфавитно-предметный указатель. Если есть изменения, вступающие в силу позднее, то вместе с редакцией нормы, действующей на эту дату, приводится норма в новой редакции и указывается дата, с которой она вступает в силу. Карманный формат и система быстрого поиска делают издание особенно удобным в использовании в процессе учебы, службы, работы, научной, преподавательской и иной деятельности....

Лексика древнегреческой ранней лирики. Именная лексика

Н. С. Гринбаум

  Лексика древнегреческой ранней лирики. Именная лексика  Н. С. Гринбаум  Издательство Санкт-Петербургского университета.   Настоящее издание посвящено исследованиям методами смыслового и числового анализа характера и особенностей двух групп слов: выявленному лексическому слою имен существительных, общему с гомеровским, и нововведениям, встречающимся у лириков. Для широкого круга специалистов в области языкознания, античной литературы и истории. В первый том вошла именная лексика.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Издательство Санкт-Петербургского университета. Настоящее издание посвящено исследованиям методами смыслового и числового анализа характера и особенностей двух групп слов: выявленному лексическому слою имен существительных, общему с гомеровским, и нововведениям, встречающимся у лириков. Для широкого круга специалистов в области языкознания, античной литературы и истории. В первый том вошла именная лексика....

Barron's New York State Grade 3 Elementary-Level Math Test (Barron's)

Margery Masters M.S. Ed.

  Barron's New York State Grade 3 Elementary-Level Math Test (Barron's)  Margery Masters M.S. Ed.  This very approachable book prepares third graders in New York State for the required math exam. The author explains the test?s format in terms that younger students can understand, and then devotes a separate chapter to each pertinent math topic. They include: numbers, addition, subtraction, telling time, data and graphs, multiplication and division, measurement, geometry, fractions, and problem solving. Each chapter has problems to solve for practice and review. The book concludes with two full-length practice tests and an answer key.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This very approachable book prepares third graders in New York State for the required math exam. The author explains the test?s format in terms that younger students can understand, and then devotes a separate chapter to each pertinent math topic. They include: numbers, addition, subtraction, telling time, data and graphs, multiplication and division, measurement, geometry, fractions, and problem solving. Each chapter has problems to solve for practice and review. The book concludes with two full-length practice tests and an answer key....

The Elderly: The International Library of Medicine, Ethics and Law

Martin Lyon Levine

  The Elderly: The International Library of Medicine, Ethics and Law  Martin Lyon Levine  Ashgate.   Aging is a public health priority that is becoming increasingly important in both developed and less developed nations, with individual health care providers and law-makers each facing difficult ethical and policy dilemmas. The complex issues physicians deal with include informed consent and patient decision-making capacity, use of advance care planning and decision-making by family and medical staff, and withdrawing and withholding life-sustaining interventions. The broader questions include: has aging been over medicalized? Is it ethical for older patients to receive less medical care than younger ones, through unspoken practice or formal rationing? Is there inevitable conflict between the generations over scarce medical resources? How should physician, patient and family confront end-of-life decisions? How have different nations responded to increasing numbers of the elderly? Have social values changed as to family responsibility and individual autonomy? This volume brings together...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ashgate. Aging is a public health priority that is becoming increasingly important in both developed and less developed nations, with individual health care providers and law-makers each facing difficult ethical and policy dilemmas. The complex issues physicians deal with include informed consent and patient decision-making capacity, use of advance care planning and decision-making by family and medical staff, and withdrawing and withholding life-sustaining interventions. The broader questions include: has aging been over medicalized? Is it ethical for older patients to receive less medical care than younger ones, through unspoken practice or formal rationing? Is there inevitable conflict between the generations over scarce medical resources? How should physician, patient and family confront end-of-life decisions? How have different nations responded to increasing numbers of the elderly? Have social values changed as to family responsibility and individual autonomy? This volume brings together......

Treatment of Chronic Medical Conditions: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Strategies and Integrative Treatment Protocols

Len Sperry

  Treatment of Chronic Medical Conditions: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Strategies and Integrative Treatment Protocols  Len Sperry  As the population ages, physicians are turning to psychotherapists to help the increasing number of patients who are struggling with chronic illnesses. To provide effective and appropriate treatment to these patients requires that clinicians broaden their psychological perspective and augment their intervention strategies and treatment plans specific to chronic medical illness. Treatment of Chronic Medical Conditions provides clinicians with focused cognitive behavioral strategies and integrative treatment protocols for 10 of the most common chronic medical conditions that the psychotherapist is likely to encounter. These include arthritis, asthma, cancer, cardiac disease, chronic pain, diabetes, epilepsy, hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome, and lupus. The strategies and protocols tailored for these conditions are illustrated with extensive case studies and session transcriptions that make the treatment process tangible and results oriented. In addition, the book offers...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин As the population ages, physicians are turning to psychotherapists to help the increasing number of patients who are struggling with chronic illnesses. To provide effective and appropriate treatment to these patients requires that clinicians broaden their psychological perspective and augment their intervention strategies and treatment plans specific to chronic medical illness. Treatment of Chronic Medical Conditions provides clinicians with focused cognitive behavioral strategies and integrative treatment protocols for 10 of the most common chronic medical conditions that the psychotherapist is likely to encounter. These include arthritis, asthma, cancer, cardiac disease, chronic pain, diabetes, epilepsy, hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome, and lupus. The strategies and protocols tailored for these conditions are illustrated with extensive case studies and session transcriptions that make the treatment process tangible and results oriented. In addition, the book offers......

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Семейный кодекс Российской Федерации. . Книги.

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