Designing and Leading Team-Based Organizations, A Workbook for Organizational Self-Design (The Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series)

Susan Albers Mohrman, Allan M. Mohrman

  Designing and Leading Team-Based Organizations, A Workbook for Organizational Self-Design (The Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series)  Susan Albers Mohrman, Allan M. Mohrman  Proven-to-work tools for building or fine-tuning teams The authors of Designing Team-Based Organizations present hands-on guidance for establishing or refining teams in organizations where they carry out the core work process. Though teams are fast becoming the basic foundation of businesses and other organizations, surprisingly few resources are available to help managers, leaders, and design teams organize an entire business or business unit around teams. In response to requests from their consulting clients, including Texas Instruments and Honeywell, the Mohrmans developed these step-by-step materials to accomplish just that. The workbook is a practical guide that combines basic concepts with dozens of valuable worksheets that team organizers can use to create a viable design plan. Attractively designed with clear graphics, sidebars, to-do lists, and diagnostic aids, the workbook details planning, design, goals, decision-making, communications, leadership...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Proven-to-work tools for building or fine-tuning teams The authors of Designing Team-Based Organizations present hands-on guidance for establishing or refining teams in organizations where they carry out the core work process. Though teams are fast becoming the basic foundation of businesses and other organizations, surprisingly few resources are available to help managers, leaders, and design teams organize an entire business or business unit around teams. In response to requests from their consulting clients, including Texas Instruments and Honeywell, the Mohrmans developed these step-by-step materials to accomplish just that. The workbook is a practical guide that combines basic concepts with dozens of valuable worksheets that team organizers can use to create a viable design plan. Attractively designed with clear graphics, sidebars, to-do lists, and diagnostic aids, the workbook details planning, design, goals, decision-making, communications, leadership......

Empowering Intranets to Implement Strategy, Build Teamwork, and Manage Change:

D. Keith Denton

  Empowering Intranets to Implement Strategy, Build Teamwork, and Manage Change:  D. Keith Denton  Denton explains how to combine new interactive Intranet Web-based technology with new managerial software to focus on strategic decision making, effective team management, and the big picture.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Denton explains how to combine new interactive Intranet Web-based technology with new managerial software to focus on strategic decision making, effective team management, and the big picture....

Mind-Set Management: The Heart of Leadership

Samuel A. Culbert

  Mind-Set Management: The Heart of Leadership  Samuel A. Culbert  You can follow any business guru you want, be it Peter Drucker or Tom Peters. You can adopt any new management concept, from reengineering to You can follow any business guru you want, be it Peter Drucker or Tom Peters. You can adopt any new management concept, from reengineering to "empowering people." But Samuel A. Culbert has one caveat: no matter what managerial "religion" you follow--and there are many sound ones out there--before you can lead, manage, or team up effectively, you must comprehend the mind-sets of the people with whom you deal. In Mind-Set Management, Culbert provides a model for thinking about other people--about their self-interested motives and about their biased views of work events--as he shows managers at all levels how to use psychology instead of manipulation to give more productive advice. The essence of managing, says Culbert, is "staging the conditions for others to be effective," which today entails giving advice and feedback, not directives. This is particularly true with today's "empowering" management styles. But as most managers know all too well, advice is often resisted, resented,......

Karaoke Nation: Or, How I Spent a Year in Search of Glamour, Fulfillment, and a Million Dollars

Steve Fishman

  Karaoke Nation: Or, How I Spent a Year in Search of Glamour, Fulfillment, and a Million Dollars  Steve Fishman  How -- and when -- did making a million dollars become as uplifting as joining the Peace Corps and as exciting as being a rock star? Four years ago, Steve Fishman decided to make a million dollars. Why not? Despite his lack of business background, financial skills, or the slightest interest in management, 1990s America seemed to offer very few obstacles to his dream; in fact, in the midst of the entrepreneurial boom, it seemed almost unpatriotic not to want to be a business success. And so was it any wonder that, in the same way that it called to Benjamin Franklin, Horatio Alger, Andrew Carnegie, or Thomas Adams (the inventor of chewing gum), the siren song of success whispered in Steve Fishman's ear? Or that he sang right back? What the sirens whispered was a little business idea: hip-hop karaoke...over the Internet. His flash of genius,, began almost as a caper -- involving a former rock 'n' roll drummer, an aspiring novelist, and an...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин How -- and when -- did making a million dollars become as uplifting as joining the Peace Corps and as exciting as being a rock star? Four years ago, Steve Fishman decided to make a million dollars. Why not? Despite his lack of business background, financial skills, or the slightest interest in management, 1990s America seemed to offer very few obstacles to his dream; in fact, in the midst of the entrepreneurial boom, it seemed almost unpatriotic not to want to be a business success. And so was it any wonder that, in the same way that it called to Benjamin Franklin, Horatio Alger, Andrew Carnegie, or Thomas Adams (the inventor of chewing gum), the siren song of success whispered in Steve Fishman's ear? Or that he sang right back? What the sirens whispered was a little business idea: hip-hop karaoke...over the Internet. His flash of genius,, began almost as a caper -- involving a former rock 'n' roll drummer, an aspiring novelist, and an......

Careers Serving Families and Consumers (4th Edition)

Elizabeth Kendall Sproles, George B. Sproles

  Careers Serving Families and Consumers (4th Edition)  Elizabeth Kendall Sproles, George B. Sproles  This book provides coverage of many careers available to readers trained in human ecology, family and consumer sciences, and human services, including 38 Career Profiles that offer an in-depth look at the responsibilities of a variety of jobs in the field, their potential career growth, and the qualifications each demands. The start of career planning. Integrates the use of computer technology with job search information. Contains updated career projections and bibliographical materials. Anyone interest in a career serving families and consumers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book provides coverage of many careers available to readers trained in human ecology, family and consumer sciences, and human services, including 38 Career Profiles that offer an in-depth look at the responsibilities of a variety of jobs in the field, their potential career growth, and the qualifications each demands. The start of career planning. Integrates the use of computer technology with job search information. Contains updated career projections and bibliographical materials. Anyone interest in a career serving families and consumers....

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Designing and Leading Team-Based Organizations, A Workbook for Organizational Self-Design (The Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series). Susan Albers Mohrman, Allan M. Mohrman . Книги.

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