Charming Your Way to the Top : Hollywood's Premier P.R. Executive Shows You How to Get Ahead

Michael Levine

  Charming Your Way to the Top : Hollywood's Premier P.R. Executive Shows You How to Get Ahead  Michael Levine  Book Description Learn how to succeed by turning on the charm.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Learn how to succeed by turning on the charm....

Group Interaction In High Risk Environments

  Group Interaction In High Risk Environments  Book DescriptionWhat governs the way in which people work together and handle technology in high risk environments? The understanding of decision making, communication and the other dimensions of team interaction within aircrews and other teams in highlystressful situations, is based on a multitude of diverse factors, each with its own literature and individual studies. This book is about how teams function in just such situations, providing a uniquely integrated and interdisciplinary account of thedynamics and main explanatory factors of team interaction under high workload. The book stems from the interdisciplinary research project 'Group Interaction in High Risk Environments' (GIHRE), a Collegium of the Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz Foundation.The goals of the project, and therefore the book, are to investigate, analyze and understand the behavior of professional groups working in high risk environments and to develop practical suggestions for enhancing performance. A...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWhat governs the way in which people work together and handle technology in high risk environments? The understanding of decision making, communication and the other dimensions of team interaction within aircrews and other teams in highlystressful situations, is based on a multitude of diverse factors, each with its own literature and individual studies. This book is about how teams function in just such situations, providing a uniquely integrated and interdisciplinary account of thedynamics and main explanatory factors of team interaction under high workload. The book stems from the interdisciplinary research project 'Group Interaction in High Risk Environments' (GIHRE), a Collegium of the Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz Foundation.The goals of the project, and therefore the book, are to investigate, analyze and understand the behavior of professional groups working in high risk environments and to develop practical suggestions for enhancing performance. A......

Identifying International Financial Contagion: Progress And Challenges (The Cerf Monographs on Finance and the Economy)

  Identifying International Financial Contagion: Progress And Challenges (The Cerf Monographs on Finance and the Economy)  Book DescriptionThis book reviews the state-of-the-art of the literature on international financial contagion. The individual contributions bridge the gap between econometric theory and evidence, while the comprehensive range of financial market and country regions under consideration highlights the future challenges facing econometricians, international policymakers, and financial practitioners.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis book reviews the state-of-the-art of the literature on international financial contagion. The individual contributions bridge the gap between econometric theory and evidence, while the comprehensive range of financial market and country regions under consideration highlights the future challenges facing econometricians, international policymakers, and financial practitioners....

Cases in Finance (McGraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Finance, Insurance, and Real Est)

Jim DeMello

  Cases in Finance (McGraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Finance, Insurance, and Real Est)  Jim DeMello  Book DescriptionThis is a book of hypothetical cases written to give students real examples of key finance concepts. Each case contains a strong critical thinking/analytical component. The cases match topics covered by all of our undergraduate books, making it the perfect companion. Each case is 3-4 pages in length, and concludes with questions and problems that walk students through calculations and critical analysis of the case to help them make business decisions.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis is a book of hypothetical cases written to give students real examples of key finance concepts. Each case contains a strong critical thinking/analytical component. The cases match topics covered by all of our undergraduate books, making it the perfect companion. Each case is 3-4 pages in length, and concludes with questions and problems that walk students through calculations and critical analysis of the case to help them make business decisions....

Fundamentals of Accounting: Course 1

Kenton E. Ross

  Fundamentals of Accounting: Course 1  Kenton E. Ross  Book Description This introductory accounting course presents a complete accounting cycle of a proprietorship and a partnership. Topics include analyzing transactions, journalizing, posting, petty cash, financial statements and adjusting and closing entries. Accounting concepts are introduced using a modern business with owners that students can relate to in each cycle.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description This introductory accounting course presents a complete accounting cycle of a proprietorship and a partnership. Topics include analyzing transactions, journalizing, posting, petty cash, financial statements and adjusting and closing entries. Accounting concepts are introduced using a modern business with owners that students can relate to in each cycle....

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Charming Your Way to the Top : Hollywood's Premier P.R. Executive Shows You How to Get Ahead. Michael Levine . Книги.

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