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Государь всея Руси Иван III Александр Толстиков
Белый город. История России. Книга рассказывает о великом московском князе Иване Васильевиче III, объединившем русские земли в единое государство. В годы его правления (1462-1505) Русь окончательно освободилась от монголо-татарского ига....
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Уроки жизни Гамзат Цадаса
Детская литература. Москва. Поэтическая библиотечка школьника. В сборник выдающегося народного поэта Дагестана Гамзата Цадаса вошли стихи разных лет. Богата тематика произведений поэта-просветителя: родина, родной очаг, дружба, честность, бескорыстное служение народу....
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Князь Тавриды (аудиокнига MP3) Николай Гейнце
Вира-М. Исторический авантюрный роман. Роман известного беллетриста Н.Гейнце посвящен многочисленным военным и любовным подвигам Князя Потемкина-Таврического....
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Restructuring Strategy: New Networks And Industry Challenges (Strategic Management Society)
Book DescriptionNew industries are emerging; others are disrupted; old barriers are crumbling, while new ones are rising. This book seeks to better understand the challenges facing industries, networks, businesses and management during periods of industry structuring and restructuring. Comprising a series of contributions from experts in the field, the book addresses key questions about the opportunities and threats posed by these times of turmoil, including: How do existing industries sustain theircompetitiveness in such difficult times? How do networks stave off threats from new technologies? How do emerging and incumbent companies survive when growth is not an option? And how should companies be governed during periods of industry structuring and restructuring? In answering these questions, the contributors provide an overview of the strategies that industries, networks, businesses and managers are currently deploying in order to adapt to chaotic conditions and to......
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Secrets of a Leadership Coach (Manual and CD) Daniel, M.D. Farb
Book DescriptionThis title is part of the UniversityOfHealthCare/ UniversityOfBusiness Interactive Training Library, which offers authoritative, clearly written material in an interactive form for better comprehension and documentation of completion. Themanual accompanying the CD provides a summary of the major points of the CD in a handy format. Secrets of a Leadership Coach is a premium leadership training series that brings the wisdom of America's top CEO coach to every employee and manager. The series has hundreds of video clips, role plays, and animations. It will result in better leadership, personal interactions, and team-building. It contains four main courses: Executive Coaching Techniques, Developing Ourselves as Leaders, Developing Others, and Developing a Team. The package includes a fifth course with practice files and self-assessments that lead you interactively in the creation of your own action plan. Upon the completion of this series, you will be able to describe the......
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Государь всея Руси Иван III. Александр Толстиков . Книги.
Альметьевск, Москва , Санкт-Петербург, Орехово-Зуево, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Рубцовск, Чебоксары, Ачинск, Дербент, Петрозаводск, Альметьевск, Элиста, Саратов, Магнитогорск, Киров, Невинномысск, Каменск-Уральский,
Психологические| Полнометражные зарубежные мультфильмы| Интернет-трейдинг. Интернет-инвестиции| Словари-справочники| Компьютерная и сетевая безопасность. Защита информации| Криминальные фильмы| Бухучет отдельных операций| Химия| Международная внешнеэкономическая деятельность| Эксцентрические комедии|
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