The Truth

C. Bond Dutoit

  The Truth  C. Bond Dutoit  Book DescriptionThis science fiction novel creates an unforgettable and provocative story about religion, science, love and deception. The characters include an evangelical preacher, a beautiful young secretary, a reporter in search of a major story and The President of the USA.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis science fiction novel creates an unforgettable and provocative story about religion, science, love and deception. The characters include an evangelical preacher, a beautiful young secretary, a reporter in search of a major story and The President of the USA....

Louis I. Kahn: Building Art and Building Science

Thomas Leslie

  Louis I. Kahn: Building Art and Building Science  Thomas Leslie  Book DescriptionPhiladelphia architect Louis I. Kahn (1901-1974) was one of the most influential American architects of the twentieth century. His work, widely recognized as a link between modern and classical traditions, is distinguished by its simple yet monumental design. In this book, Thomas Leslie shows that Kahn was also an extraordinarily gifted technologist and that his careful presentation of engineering principles set the stage for the high-tech movement in Europe and America. The examination of four major buildings?the Yale Art Gallery, the Richards Medical Laboratories, the Salk Institute, and the Kimbell Art Museum?and several smaller projects by Kahn reveals this hidden theme: an expressive integration of construction, structure, and services into buildings that dramatically highlight the processes involved in their making and function. Previously unpublished drawings, construction photographs, and sketches complement new diagrams that illustrate the profound...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionPhiladelphia architect Louis I. Kahn (1901-1974) was one of the most influential American architects of the twentieth century. His work, widely recognized as a link between modern and classical traditions, is distinguished by its simple yet monumental design. In this book, Thomas Leslie shows that Kahn was also an extraordinarily gifted technologist and that his careful presentation of engineering principles set the stage for the high-tech movement in Europe and America. The examination of four major buildings?the Yale Art Gallery, the Richards Medical Laboratories, the Salk Institute, and the Kimbell Art Museum?and several smaller projects by Kahn reveals this hidden theme: an expressive integration of construction, structure, and services into buildings that dramatically highlight the processes involved in their making and function. Previously unpublished drawings, construction photographs, and sketches complement new diagrams that illustrate the profound......

Journey into Freedom

Peter Hart

  Journey into Freedom  Peter Hart  Book DescriptionAn authentic war-time story of the years 1939-1947 which finds the author in France at the outbreak of war. First interned as an 'Enemy Alien', then taken prisoner by the Germans after the invasion, he resolves to reach England, which takes him another three years. Conscripted into the Vichy Army he manages to escape after two and a half years, goes into hiding before crossing the Pyrenees, when the Germans had occupied the whole of France. Interned in Spain, he joins the American Quakers in Madrid on relief work, after they obtained his release from the 'Miranda' internment camp. On the last leg of his journey into freedom, arranged by the British Embassy, he leaves for Britain by convoy from Gibraltar to join HM Forces in 1943. Assigned to the Intelligence Corps, his story continues until his demobilisation in 1947.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAn authentic war-time story of the years 1939-1947 which finds the author in France at the outbreak of war. First interned as an 'Enemy Alien', then taken prisoner by the Germans after the invasion, he resolves to reach England, which takes him another three years. Conscripted into the Vichy Army he manages to escape after two and a half years, goes into hiding before crossing the Pyrenees, when the Germans had occupied the whole of France. Interned in Spain, he joins the American Quakers in Madrid on relief work, after they obtained his release from the 'Miranda' internment camp. On the last leg of his journey into freedom, arranged by the British Embassy, he leaves for Britain by convoy from Gibraltar to join HM Forces in 1943. Assigned to the Intelligence Corps, his story continues until his demobilisation in 1947....

No Boundaries: Prose Poems by 24 American Poets

Ray Gonzalez

  No Boundaries: Prose Poems by 24 American Poets  Ray Gonzalez  Tupelo Press.   Tupelo Press. "As more poets write prose poems, one of the most common reasons they give for turning to them is that their fluent composition offers a 'freedom of expression' lined poetry often restricts. To many, this sounds like a contradiction stemming from the eternal belief that any kind of good poetry has no boundaries. Yet those that write prose poems insist the act of placing their poems into sentences and paragraphs gives them a fresh approach to content and form."-From the introduction by Ray Gonzalez. An innovative and refreshing concept in poetry anthologies, No Boundaries is the first collection of contemporary prose poetry to present substantial selections from the works of well-known luminaries beside the prose of the latest firebrands. By offering 10 poems by each poet, this collection allows the reader to explore the work of each contributor in depth. Robert Bly, Russell Edson, Campbell McGrath and other established poets light the torches held by newcomers Mary Koncel, Gary Young,......

Chasing Rubi: The Truth About Porfirio Rubirosa the Last Playboy

Marty Wall

  Chasing Rubi: The Truth About Porfirio Rubirosa the Last Playboy  Marty Wall  Book DescriptionWas he a spy, assassin, or just a gigolo? Porfirio Rubirosa mingled with kings, dined with princes and socialized with presidents, dictators, mobsters and movie stars. In the wake of his frenzied activities he left screaming headlines, hundreds of one-night stands, multiple divorces from the world?s richest women, and countless FBI documents. Now, for the first time, the true story of the world?s most famous playboy and a man of international intrigue is told in Chasing Rubi,a brisk tale of intrigue, danger and romance.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWas he a spy, assassin, or just a gigolo? Porfirio Rubirosa mingled with kings, dined with princes and socialized with presidents, dictators, mobsters and movie stars. In the wake of his frenzied activities he left screaming headlines, hundreds of one-night stands, multiple divorces from the world?s richest women, and countless FBI documents. Now, for the first time, the true story of the world?s most famous playboy and a man of international intrigue is told in Chasing Rubi,a brisk tale of intrigue, danger and romance....

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