AIDS in Asia: The Challenge Continues

  AIDS in Asia: The Challenge Continues  Book DescriptionThis volume discusses the many advances in HIV research, new initiatives and their promise for application in the Asian region. It highlights the critical need for national commitment and adequate resources, and for addressing the underlying HIV-risk related behaviours and vulnerabilities. The contributors also examine the concept of comprehensive care - from home and from the community to the institutional level - as well as providing up to date information on HIV drug and vaccine development.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis volume discusses the many advances in HIV research, new initiatives and their promise for application in the Asian region. It highlights the critical need for national commitment and adequate resources, and for addressing the underlying HIV-risk related behaviours and vulnerabilities. The contributors also examine the concept of comprehensive care - from home and from the community to the institutional level - as well as providing up to date information on HIV drug and vaccine development....

Selected Poems

James Wright

  Selected Poems  James Wright  Book Description The first selected poems of a major poet who Book Description The first selected poems of a major poet who "wrote with more heart than any other North American poet of the twentieth century" (Rodney Jones, Parnassus ) More than any other poet of his generation, James Wright spoke to the great sadness and hope that are inextricable from the iconography of America: its rail yards, rivers, cities, and once vast natural beauty. Speaking in the unique lyrical voice that he called his "Ohioan," Wright created poems of immense sympathy for sociey's alienated and outcast figures and also of ardent wonder at the restorative power of nature. Selected Poems fills a significant gap in Wright's bibliography: that of an accessible, carefully chosen collection to satisfy bothlongtime readers and those just discovering his work. Edited and with an introduction by Wright's widow, Anne, and his close friend the poet Robert Bly, who also wrote an introduction, Selected Poems is a personal, deeply......

Переходим на ноутбук

Дмитрий Донцов, Виктор Гольцман

  Переходим на ноутбук  Дмитрий Донцов, Виктор Гольцман  Питер.   Книга адресована начинающим пользователям мобильных компьютеров, то есть ноутбуков. Написанная известными IT-журналистами, сотрудниками изданий соответствующего профиля, книга поможет читателю в выборе, тестировании, приобретении и использовании такого сложного и дорогостоящего устройства, как ноутбук. В самоучителе описаны специфические приемы работы с мобильными компьютерами. Их применение на практике позволит читателю работать на своем ноутбуке наиболее эффективно.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Питер. Книга адресована начинающим пользователям мобильных компьютеров, то есть ноутбуков. Написанная известными IT-журналистами, сотрудниками изданий соответствующего профиля, книга поможет читателю в выборе, тестировании, приобретении и использовании такого сложного и дорогостоящего устройства, как ноутбук. В самоучителе описаны специфические приемы работы с мобильными компьютерами. Их применение на практике позволит читателю работать на своем ноутбуке наиболее эффективно....

Спутник следопыта

А. Н. Формозов

  Спутник следопыта  А. Н. Формозов  КомКнига.   Предлагаемая читателю книга - одна из самых известных среди российских любителей природы. Многие поколения натуралистов начинали свой путь познания мира зверей и птиц со КомКнига. Предлагаемая читателю книга - одна из самых известных среди российских любителей природы. Многие поколения натуралистов начинали свой путь познания мира зверей и птиц со "Спутником следопыта" в руках. Это своего рода букварь тайнописи захватывающего мира лесов, степей, пустынь нашей родины. Автор, известный русский эколог, художник и писатель-натуралист, Александр Николаевич Формозов, собирал материал для нее в течение всей жизни. Книга была переведена на сербский и французский языки. Данное издание - седьмое на русском языке - наиболее полное, в нем сведены лучшие варианты рисунков из всех предшествующих выпусков. Впервые составлен указатель названий животных....

Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide

Ed Burnette

  Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide  Ed Burnette  O'Reilly Media.   Eclipse is the world's most popular IDE for Java development. And although there are plenty of large tomes that cover all the nooks and crannies of Eclipse, what you really need is a quick, handy guide to the features that are used over and over again in Java programming. You need answers to basic questions such as: Where was that menu? What does that command do again? And how can I set my classpath on a per-project basis? This practical pocket guide gets you up to speed quickly with Eclipse. It covers basic concepts, including Views and editors, as well as features that are not commonly understood, such as Perspectives and Launch Configurations. You'll learn how to write and debug your Java code--and how to integrate that code with tools such as Ant and JUnit. You'll also get a toolbox full of tips and tricks to handle common--and sometimes unexpected--tasks that you'll run across in your Java development cycle. Additionally, the Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide has a thorough...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин O'Reilly Media. Eclipse is the world's most popular IDE for Java development. And although there are plenty of large tomes that cover all the nooks and crannies of Eclipse, what you really need is a quick, handy guide to the features that are used over and over again in Java programming. You need answers to basic questions such as: Where was that menu? What does that command do again? And how can I set my classpath on a per-project basis? This practical pocket guide gets you up to speed quickly with Eclipse. It covers basic concepts, including Views and editors, as well as features that are not commonly understood, such as Perspectives and Launch Configurations. You'll learn how to write and debug your Java code--and how to integrate that code with tools such as Ant and JUnit. You'll also get a toolbox full of tips and tricks to handle common--and sometimes unexpected--tasks that you'll run across in your Java development cycle. Additionally, the Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide has a thorough......

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AIDS in Asia: The Challenge Continues. . Книги.

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