Age Discrimination: An Historical and Contemporary Analysis

John Macnicol

  Age Discrimination: An Historical and Contemporary Analysis  John Macnicol  Age discrimination is a highly topical issue in all industrialized societies. Based upon detailed research, and adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this unique study traces the history of the age discrimination debate in Britain and the U.S. since the 1930s. It critically analyzes the concepts of ageism in social relations and age discrimination in employment. Case-studies on generational equity and health care rationing by age are followed by an analysis of the British government's initiatives against age discrimination in employment. The book then traces the history of the debate on health status and old age.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Age discrimination is a highly topical issue in all industrialized societies. Based upon detailed research, and adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this unique study traces the history of the age discrimination debate in Britain and the U.S. since the 1930s. It critically analyzes the concepts of ageism in social relations and age discrimination in employment. Case-studies on generational equity and health care rationing by age are followed by an analysis of the British government's initiatives against age discrimination in employment. The book then traces the history of the debate on health status and old age....

The Cambridge Illuminations: Ten Centuries of Book Production (Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History)

  The Cambridge Illuminations: Ten Centuries of Book Production (Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

Doug Aitken: Alpha

Doug Aitken

  Doug Aitken: Alpha  Doug Aitken  Description: A¬I became restless with the flat surface of the screen so the work gradually evolved into the rest of the space,A® says Doug Aitken of his multichannel film work. Lately he has been projecting from multiple points onto a single structure. And he has turned from wide-open and lonely landscapes (Electric Earth, Diamond Sea) to wide-open and lonely people (new skin). The protagonist of the surreal Alpha, played by cult actor Udo Kier is both: as he travels, he dematerializes and becomes the space that he inhabits. Luckily for readers, Aitken is as bored with the square shape of the conventional book as he is with the conventional screen: this collection of Alpha images, accompanied by text from the artist, is bound in the shape of a head in profile.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Description: A¬I became restless with the flat surface of the screen so the work gradually evolved into the rest of the space,A® says Doug Aitken of his multichannel film work. Lately he has been projecting from multiple points onto a single structure. And he has turned from wide-open and lonely landscapes (Electric Earth, Diamond Sea) to wide-open and lonely people (new skin). The protagonist of the surreal Alpha, played by cult actor Udo Kier is both: as he travels, he dematerializes and becomes the space that he inhabits. Luckily for readers, Aitken is as bored with the square shape of the conventional book as he is with the conventional screen: this collection of Alpha images, accompanied by text from the artist, is bound in the shape of a head in profile....

Универсальная эволюция и проблема поиска внеземного разума (SETI)

А. Д. Панов

  Универсальная эволюция и проблема поиска внеземного разума (SETI)  А. Д. Панов  ЛКИ.   Синергетика в гуманитарных науках.   Настоящая книга представляет собой оригинальное междисциплинарное исследование, в котором представления универсального эволюционизма связываются с проблемой SETI (поиск внеземного разума), а проблема SETI исследуется с позиций универсального эволюционизма. Вводятся представления о масштабно-инвариантном аттракторе планетарной эволюции и его завершении в режиме с обострением ЛКИ. Синергетика в гуманитарных науках. Настоящая книга представляет собой оригинальное междисциплинарное исследование, в котором представления универсального эволюционизма связываются с проблемой SETI (поиск внеземного разума), а проблема SETI исследуется с позиций универсального эволюционизма. Вводятся представления о масштабно-инвариантном аттракторе планетарной эволюции и его завершении в режиме с обострением "сингулярностью Дьяконова" в первой половине XXI века. Обсуждаются сценарии "постсингулярной" эволюции и их возможная связь с проблемой SETI. Рассмотрена новая оригинальная гипотеза возникновения жизни, связанная с масштабной инвариантностью эволюции. Эти представления использованы в исследовании новой нелинейной теории популяции космических цивилизаций Галактики, являющейся обобщением формулы Дрейка и линейной теории Крейфельдта-Гиндилиса. В рамках развитой нелинейной теории рассмотрены явления бистабильности и фазовых переходов в популяции цивилизаций Галактики. С учетом полученных новых результатов......

Alfreda's World

Mary Whyte

  Alfreda's World  Mary Whyte  Artist Mary Whyte moved with her husband to a small South Carolina barrier island ten years ago, and quite by accident met a group of senior citizens who were making quilts in a small abandoned church. Longtime residents of Johns Island and descendants of slaves, this extraordinary group of African American women welcomed Whyte to their community and changed her life and paintings in astonishing and unexpected ways.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Artist Mary Whyte moved with her husband to a small South Carolina barrier island ten years ago, and quite by accident met a group of senior citizens who were making quilts in a small abandoned church. Longtime residents of Johns Island and descendants of slaves, this extraordinary group of African American women welcomed Whyte to their community and changed her life and paintings in astonishing and unexpected ways....

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Age Discrimination: An Historical and Contemporary Analysis. John Macnicol . Книги.

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