Strides: Running Through History With an Unlikely Athlete

 Strides: Running Through History With an Unlikely Athlete Benjamin Cheever Benjamin Cheever книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Benjamin Cheever...

Concealment and Revelation: Esotericism in Jewish Thought and its Philosophical Implications

 Concealment and Revelation: Esotericism in Jewish Thought and its Philosophical Implications Moshe Halbertal Moshe Halbertal книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Moshe Halbertal...

Artist Management for the Music Business

Paul Allen

 Artist Management for the Music Business Paul Allen Focal Press.  Allen prepares you for the realities of successfully directing the careers of talented performers in the high-risk, high-reward music business. You will learn to prepare yourself for a career in artist management - and then learn the tools to coach, lead, organize time, manage finances, market an artist, and carve out a successful career path for both yourself and your clients. The book features profiles of artist managers, an exclusive and detailed template for an artist career plan, and samples of major contract sections for artist management and record deals. Updated information including a directory of artist management companies is available at the book's companion website. A peer reviewer for Focal Press. Allen prepares you for the realities of successfully directing the careers of talented performers in the high-risk, high-reward music business. You will learn to prepare yourself for a career in artist management - and then learn the tools to coach, lead, organize time, manage finances, market an artist, and carve out a successful career path for both yourself and your clients. The book features profiles of artist managers, an exclusive and detailed template for an artist career plan, and samples of major contract sections for artist management and record deals. Updated information including a directory of artist management companies is available at the book's companion website. A peer reviewer for "Artist Management for the Music Business" proclaimed "this is going to be an excellent text. It contains many unique insights and lots of valuable information". This is essential reading for managers, students, and artists in the music business. Key......

Москва и москвичи

Вл. Гиляровский

 Москва и москвичи Вл. Гиляровский Палея.  Книга Палея. Книга "Москва и Москвичи" написана талантливым русским писателем Владимиром Гиляровским. В книгу вошли воспоминания о писателе, так же помещены фотографии Москвы и ее жителей конца XIX века и начала XX века....


Вячеслав Рыбаков

 Напрямую Вячеслав Рыбаков Лимбус Пресс, Издательство К. Тублина.  Инстанция вкуса.  Историк об истории, Фантаст о фантастике, Человек о людях, Интервью.  Одни знают Вячеслава Рыбакова как прекрасного фантаста, одного из авторов проекта Лимбус Пресс, Издательство К. Тублина. Инстанция вкуса. Историк об истории, Фантаст о фантастике, Человек о людях, Интервью. Одни знают Вячеслава Рыбакова как прекрасного фантаста, одного из авторов проекта "Хольм Ван Зайчик", другие - как ведущего российского китаеведа. Данная книга - сборник статей и историософских размышлений автора, охватывающих все области его многогранной деятельности. Здесь Рыбаков предстает перед нами как самобытный философ, размышляющий о прошлом и будущем нашей страны. Читатель серьезный и вдумчивый непременно найдет в лице автора интересного и много знающего собеседника....

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Strides: Running Through History With an Unlikely Athlete. Benjamin Cheever . Книги.


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