Hatchet Jobs: Writings on Contemporary Fiction

Dale Peck

  Hatchet Jobs: Writings on Contemporary Fiction  Dale Peck  Book Description The acclaimed novelist takes a vigorous swipe at contemporary fiction and its progenitors. Book Description The acclaimed novelist takes a vigorous swipe at contemporary fiction and its progenitors. "Rick Moody is the worst writer of his generation." ?from Hatchet Jobs According to Dale Peck, contemporary fiction is at an impasse. Its place as entertainer and educator has been usurped by television and the movies while publishing has become a feeder industry to Hollywood. Faced with such diminished status, novelists have reacted in two admirable, if misguided, ways: writing for targeted socio-cultural groups, they produce so-called "identity fiction," which employs a neo-Victorian realism and resembles anthropology more than art; or, they've pursued an ironic and self-reflexive postmodernism that can only comment on the real world with a mocking, impotent jest. Both "solutions" are reactionary and self-defeating, leading to books for the few rather than the many that isolate their readers instead of bringing them together. Hatchet Jobs......

Colette (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism)

Julia Kristeva

  Colette (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism)  Julia Kristeva  Book Description The third book in Kristeva's trilogy on female genius, Colette interlaces commentary on the life and work of this notorious French novelist who made it possible for women to write erotic literature. The result is an elegant and sophisticated critique filled with psychoanalytic insight.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description The third book in Kristeva's trilogy on female genius, Colette interlaces commentary on the life and work of this notorious French novelist who made it possible for women to write erotic literature. The result is an elegant and sophisticated critique filled with psychoanalytic insight....

Wally by Name : A Monkey's Tale(Volume One)

Wally Payne

  Wally by Name : A Monkey's Tale(Volume One)  Wally Payne  Book DescriptionHaving been required to resign from the Leicester City Constabulary for the heinous crime of ?gross impertinence to a member of the public?, the author crossed the road to the Army Recruiting Office and enlisted into the Royal Military Police. It was a decision that, despite the odd knock back, he was never to regret. The volumes recount the adventures, mishaps, misdeeds and observations of a character of some notoriety, charting his journey from the NAAFI canteen to theOfficer?s Mess via Germany, the UK, Malta, Cyprus, Northern Ireland and the Far East. The tongue in cheek tales are told in a ribald, sometimes bawdy, occasionally cruel and unfailingly irreverent fashion that befit a person with a chip on both shoulders. Described by one officer as ?arrogant, selfish, self-centred and pig headed?, he never discovered any reason to change.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionHaving been required to resign from the Leicester City Constabulary for the heinous crime of ?gross impertinence to a member of the public?, the author crossed the road to the Army Recruiting Office and enlisted into the Royal Military Police. It was a decision that, despite the odd knock back, he was never to regret. The volumes recount the adventures, mishaps, misdeeds and observations of a character of some notoriety, charting his journey from the NAAFI canteen to theOfficer?s Mess via Germany, the UK, Malta, Cyprus, Northern Ireland and the Far East. The tongue in cheek tales are told in a ribald, sometimes bawdy, occasionally cruel and unfailingly irreverent fashion that befit a person with a chip on both shoulders. Described by one officer as ?arrogant, selfish, self-centred and pig headed?, he never discovered any reason to change....

Animal Crackers

Hannah Tinti

  Animal Crackers  Hannah Tinti  Book DescriptionWith bravura storytelling, daring imagination, and fierce narrative control, this dazzling debut introduces that rare writer who finds humanity in our most unconventional behavior, and the humor beneath our darkest impulses. In these ten strange, funny, and unnerving stories, animals become the litmus test of our deepest fears and longings. In the title story, an elephant keeper courts danger from his gentle charge; in “Miss Waldron’s Red Colobus,” a headstrong young woman in Africa is lured by the freedom of the monkeys in the trees; in “Talk Turkey,” a boy has secret conversations with the turkeys on his friend’s family’s farm; in “Slim’s Last Ride,” a child plays chilling games with his pet rabbit; in “Gallus Gallus,” a pompous husband projects his anger at his wife onto her prized rooster. This fresh, inventive debut will introduce Hannah Tinti as one of the most gifted writers...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWith bravura storytelling, daring imagination, and fierce narrative control, this dazzling debut introduces that rare writer who finds humanity in our most unconventional behavior, and the humor beneath our darkest impulses. In these ten strange, funny, and unnerving stories, animals become the litmus test of our deepest fears and longings. In the title story, an elephant keeper courts danger from his gentle charge; in “Miss Waldron’s Red Colobus,” a headstrong young woman in Africa is lured by the freedom of the monkeys in the trees; in “Talk Turkey,” a boy has secret conversations with the turkeys on his friend’s family’s farm; in “Slim’s Last Ride,” a child plays chilling games with his pet rabbit; in “Gallus Gallus,” a pompous husband projects his anger at his wife onto her prized rooster. This fresh, inventive debut will introduce Hannah Tinti as one of the most gifted writers......

Cuentos De Mujeres Solas

Marcela Serrano

  Cuentos De Mujeres Solas  Marcela Serrano  Book DescriptionThe solitude of women is one of the great subjects of universal Literature. All women either with impossible or tragically lost loves face solitude at some time in their lives. This anthology presents unforgettable stories that portray a psychological state and a peculiar way of life to which women end up getting used to. This anthology contains stories by Flaubert, O?Connor, Chejov, Cheever, Maupassant, Mujica Lainez, Katherine Mansfield and Carlos Fuentes among others. Description in Spanish: Book DescriptionThe solitude of women is one of the great subjects of universal Literature. All women either with impossible or tragically lost loves face solitude at some time in their lives. This anthology presents unforgettable stories that portray a psychological state and a peculiar way of life to which women end up getting used to. This anthology contains stories by Flaubert, O?Connor, Chejov, Cheever, Maupassant, Mujica Lainez, Katherine Mansfield and Carlos Fuentes among others. Description in Spanish: "Si le temes a la soledad, no te cases", aconsejaba Chejov. La soledad de las mujeres es uno de los grandes temas de la literatura universal escrita por hombres y mujeres. Ninas, adolescentes, casadas, viudas, huerfanas, solteras, con amores imposibles o perdidos tragica o incomprensiblemente se enfrentan en algun momento de su vida a la soledad. Esta antologia reune un punado de cuentos inolvidables que retratan, con......

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Hatchet Jobs: Writings on Contemporary Fiction. Dale Peck . Книги.

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