Interest and Prices : Foundations of a Theory of Monetary Policy

Michael Woodford

  Interest and Prices : Foundations of a Theory of Monetary Policy  Michael Woodford  Book Description With the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, any pretense of a connection of the world's currencies to any real commodity has been abandoned. Yet since the 1980s, most central banks have abandoned money-growth targets as practical guidelines for monetary policy as well. How then can pure Book Description With the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, any pretense of a connection of the world's currencies to any real commodity has been abandoned. Yet since the 1980s, most central banks have abandoned money-growth targets as practical guidelines for monetary policy as well. How then can pure "fiat" currencies be managed so as to create confidence in the stability of national units of account? Interest and Price s seeks to provide theoretical foundations for a rule-based approach to monetary policy suitable for a world of instant communications and ever more efficient financial markets. In such a world, effective monetary policy requires that central banks construct a conscious and articulate account of what they are doing. Michael Woodford reexamines the foundations of monetary economics, and shows how interest-rate policy can be used to achieve an inflation target in the absence of either commodity backing or control of a monetary aggregate. The......

Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era

  Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era  Book DescriptionThe advent of the Information Society is marked by the explosive penetration of information technologies in all aspects of life and by a related fundamental transformation in every form of the organization. Researchers, business people and policy makers have recognized the importance of addressing technological, economic and social impacts in conjunction. For example, the rise and fall of the dot-com hype depended a lot on the strength of the business model, on the technological capabilities available to firms and on the readiness of the society and economy at large sustain a new breed of business activity. However, it is notoriously difficult to examine the cross-impacts of social, economic and technological aspects of the Information Society. This kind of work requires multidisciplinary work and collaboration on a wide range of skills. Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era addresses this challenge by assembling the latest thinking of leading...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe advent of the Information Society is marked by the explosive penetration of information technologies in all aspects of life and by a related fundamental transformation in every form of the organization. Researchers, business people and policy makers have recognized the importance of addressing technological, economic and social impacts in conjunction. For example, the rise and fall of the dot-com hype depended a lot on the strength of the business model, on the technological capabilities available to firms and on the readiness of the society and economy at large sustain a new breed of business activity. However, it is notoriously difficult to examine the cross-impacts of social, economic and technological aspects of the Information Society. This kind of work requires multidisciplinary work and collaboration on a wide range of skills. Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era addresses this challenge by assembling the latest thinking of leading......

The Routledgefalmer Reader in Science Education (Routledgefalmer Readers in Education)

  The Routledgefalmer Reader in Science Education (Routledgefalmer Readers in Education)  Book DescriptionThis reader brings together a wide range of material to present an international perspective on topical issues in science education today.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis reader brings together a wide range of material to present an international perspective on topical issues in science education today....

Production Networks in Asia and Europe: Skill Formation and Technology Transfer in the Automobile Industry (Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies/Routledgecurzon)

  Production Networks in Asia and Europe: Skill Formation and Technology Transfer in the Automobile Industry (Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies/Routledgecurzon)  Book DescriptionThis book explores Japanese investment in Europe and Southeast Asia, in relation to the automobile industry.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis book explores Japanese investment in Europe and Southeast Asia, in relation to the automobile industry....

Ideals In Concrete: Exploring Central And Eastern Europe

  Ideals In Concrete: Exploring Central And Eastern Europe  Book DescriptionCan there still be talk of a shared culture in the 'Family of Europe,' or are the East and West estranged? This question is the main theme of this beautifully designed book that provides, through images and text, a critical examination ofEastern and Western European cities in light of the 2004 unification. In planning euphoria and the building of a completely new society based on rational and scientific principles, we can glimpse a mirroring of the ideas and views of Communist politicians, architects, and urban planners. The city is used here as a vehicle for the exploration of these key issues. Edited by Mieke Dings. Essays by Jorn Duwel, Wolfgang Kil, Gyorgy Konrad, Bohadan Tscherkes and Anna Tilroe. Paperback, 6.5 x9.5 in./184 pgs / 75 color and 50 b&w.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionCan there still be talk of a shared culture in the 'Family of Europe,' or are the East and West estranged? This question is the main theme of this beautifully designed book that provides, through images and text, a critical examination ofEastern and Western European cities in light of the 2004 unification. In planning euphoria and the building of a completely new society based on rational and scientific principles, we can glimpse a mirroring of the ideas and views of Communist politicians, architects, and urban planners. The city is used here as a vehicle for the exploration of these key issues. Edited by Mieke Dings. Essays by Jorn Duwel, Wolfgang Kil, Gyorgy Konrad, Bohadan Tscherkes and Anna Tilroe. Paperback, 6.5 x9.5 in./184 pgs / 75 color and 50 b&w....

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Interest and Prices : Foundations of a Theory of Monetary Policy. Michael Woodford . Книги.

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