Предшкольный бум. Что нужно знать родителям будущих первоклассников

Г. Б. Монина, Е. В. Панасюк

  Предшкольный бум. Что нужно знать родителям будущих первоклассников  Г. Б. Монина, Е. В. Панасюк  Речь, ТЦ Сфера.   Родители будущих первоклассников пытаются найти ответы на самые разнообразные вопросы. Что нужно сделать, чтобы сын или дочь были успешными в школе? Как подготовить их к новому этапу в жизни? Как вызвать интерес к учебе? Как не навредить здоровью ребенка? Авторы книги - известные детские психологи - делятся своим опытом и своими идеями о том, как сделать подготовку к школе и обучение в ней максимально комфортным и эффективным, используя все сильные стороны ребенка и не подвергая его чрезмерному стрессу. Книга предназначена для родителей, педагогов и школьных психологов.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Речь, ТЦ Сфера. Родители будущих первоклассников пытаются найти ответы на самые разнообразные вопросы. Что нужно сделать, чтобы сын или дочь были успешными в школе? Как подготовить их к новому этапу в жизни? Как вызвать интерес к учебе? Как не навредить здоровью ребенка? Авторы книги - известные детские психологи - делятся своим опытом и своими идеями о том, как сделать подготовку к школе и обучение в ней максимально комфортным и эффективным, используя все сильные стороны ребенка и не подвергая его чрезмерному стрессу. Книга предназначена для родителей, педагогов и школьных психологов....

Financialization At Work: Key Texts and Analysis

Ismail; Erturk

  Financialization At Work: Key Texts and Analysis  Ismail; Erturk  Like the term globalization ten years ago, financialization now increasingly supplies the concept for a process that concerns us all. Used more prominently in the past ten years by academics and journalists interested in the major players, motives and results of the intrusion of the capital market, it is also used in discussions about different processes at different sites in the economy and the financial outcomes and social effects.Using extracts from key literature from a range of disciplines, expertly contextualized by the editors, this is the first reader to provide a comprehensive and critical overview of this diverse field. Representing the different approaches to financialization as an economic and social process at micro and macro levels, this text gives readers from a range of subjects including finance, strategic management, economics and accounting an overview of this challenging and important subject.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Like the term globalization ten years ago, financialization now increasingly supplies the concept for a process that concerns us all. Used more prominently in the past ten years by academics and journalists interested in the major players, motives and results of the intrusion of the capital market, it is also used in discussions about different processes at different sites in the economy and the financial outcomes and social effects.Using extracts from key literature from a range of disciplines, expertly contextualized by the editors, this is the first reader to provide a comprehensive and critical overview of this diverse field. Representing the different approaches to financialization as an economic and social process at micro and macro levels, this text gives readers from a range of subjects including finance, strategic management, economics and accounting an overview of this challenging and important subject....

Putin's Kremlin: How the West Misinterprets Modern Russia

Bruno S. Sergi

  Putin's Kremlin: How the West Misinterprets Modern Russia  Bruno S. Sergi  A timely account of Putin's presidency on the eve of his departure from office When President Vladimir Putin ascended to the Kremlin at the end of the 1990s, he had to struggle with the massive after-effects of Boris Yeltsin's political agenda: outrageous corruption, endless social injustice, and deeply entrenched interests dating back to Gorbachev and beyond. In short, Putin faced the daunting task of leveling out the residual politically unstable scene prevalent since the dramatic and unstable 1990s. Ordinary Russian citizens had been experiencing a looming and growing discontent over the political status in Russia. Stabilizing this turmoil, and working towards cleaning up the ubiquitous corruption that had been driving Post-soviet Russian life, were among Putin's primary stated aims and for this, the Russian people supported him wholeheartedly. When he had assumed power, however, many Kremlinologists were quick to condemn Putin. Among other things, they depicted him as an...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A timely account of Putin's presidency on the eve of his departure from office When President Vladimir Putin ascended to the Kremlin at the end of the 1990s, he had to struggle with the massive after-effects of Boris Yeltsin's political agenda: outrageous corruption, endless social injustice, and deeply entrenched interests dating back to Gorbachev and beyond. In short, Putin faced the daunting task of leveling out the residual politically unstable scene prevalent since the dramatic and unstable 1990s. Ordinary Russian citizens had been experiencing a looming and growing discontent over the political status in Russia. Stabilizing this turmoil, and working towards cleaning up the ubiquitous corruption that had been driving Post-soviet Russian life, were among Putin's primary stated aims and for this, the Russian people supported him wholeheartedly. When he had assumed power, however, many Kremlinologists were quick to condemn Putin. Among other things, they depicted him as an......

Haiti: A Spy Guide (World Spy Guide Library) (World Spy Guide Library)

Ibp Usa

  Haiti: A Spy Guide (World Spy Guide Library) (World Spy Guide Library)  Ibp Usa  Haiti: A Spy Guide (World Spy Guide Library)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Haiti: A Spy Guide (World Spy Guide Library)...

Finland A ""Spy"" Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Finland A Finland A ""Spy"" Guide...

<<<  Очищение организма. Полная энциклопедия.              Mechanosensitivity in Cells and Tissues. Edited by Andre ... >>>

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Предшкольный бум. Что нужно знать родителям будущих первоклассников. Г. Б. Монина, Е. В. Панасюк . Книги.

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