User-Centered Computer Aided Language Learning

  User-Centered Computer Aided Language Learning  In the field of computer aided language learning (CALL), there is a need for emphasizing the importance of the user. User-Centered Computer Aided Language Learning presents methodologies, strategies, and design approaches for building interfaces for a user-centered CALL environment, creating a deeper understanding of the opportunities and challenges of the field. User-Centered Computer Aided Language Learning acts as a guide to help educators, administrators, professionals and researchers find the basis of a framework for the development and management of CALL environments that are enriched with many domains and take into account interaction and activity, which go beyond the basic linguistic elements of the field.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In the field of computer aided language learning (CALL), there is a need for emphasizing the importance of the user. User-Centered Computer Aided Language Learning presents methodologies, strategies, and design approaches for building interfaces for a user-centered CALL environment, creating a deeper understanding of the opportunities and challenges of the field. User-Centered Computer Aided Language Learning acts as a guide to help educators, administrators, professionals and researchers find the basis of a framework for the development and management of CALL environments that are enriched with many domains and take into account interaction and activity, which go beyond the basic linguistic elements of the field....

CliffsTestPrep California Real Estate Salesperson Exam: 5 Practice Tests (CliffsTestPrep)

John A. PhD, DREI Yoegel

  CliffsTestPrep California Real Estate Salesperson Exam: 5 Practice Tests (CliffsTestPrep)  John A. PhD, DREI Yoegel  Your guide to a higher score on the California Real Estate Salesperson Exam Why CliffsTestPrep Guides? Go with the name you know and trust Get the information you need?fast! Written by test-prep specialists About the contents: Introduction Hone your test-taking skills Review the various types of multiple-choice questions Pinpoint areas to review using the practice tests Develop a test-taking strategy that works for you 5 Full-Length Practice Tests Practice tests mirror the actual exam Questions span the subject areas covered on the licensing exam: Property ownership and land use controls and regulations Laws of agency; valuation and market analysis Financing; transfer of property Practice of real estate and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Your guide to a higher score on the California Real Estate Salesperson Exam Why CliffsTestPrep Guides? Go with the name you know and trust Get the information you need?fast! Written by test-prep specialists About the contents: Introduction Hone your test-taking skills Review the various types of multiple-choice questions Pinpoint areas to review using the practice tests Develop a test-taking strategy that works for you 5 Full-Length Practice Tests Practice tests mirror the actual exam Questions span the subject areas covered on the licensing exam: Property ownership and land use controls and regulations Laws of agency; valuation and market analysis Financing; transfer of property Practice of real estate and......

The China Ready Company

  The China Ready Company  Steven H. Ganster, Kent D. Kedl  Steven H. Ganster, Kent D. Kedl  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Steven H. Ganster, Kent D. Kedl...

Innovation--The Missing Dimension:

Richard K. Lester, Michael J. Piore

  Innovation--The Missing Dimension:   Richard K. Lester, Michael J. Piore  Amid mounting concern over the loss of jobs to low-wage economies, one fact is clear: America?s prosperity hinges on the ability of its businesses to continually introduce new products and services. But what makes for a creative economy? How can te remarkable surge of innovation that fueled the boom of the 1990s be sustained? For an answer, Richard K. Lester and Michael J. Piore examine innovation strategies in some of the economy?s most dynamic sectors. Through eye-opening case studies f new product development in fields such as cell phones, medical devices, and blue jeans, two fundamental processes emerge. One of these processes, analysis?rational problem solving?dominates management and engineering practice. The othe, interpretation, is not widely understood, or even recognized?although, as the authors make clear, it is absolutely crucial to innovation. Unlike problem solving, interpretation embraces and exploits ambiguity, the wellspring...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Amid mounting concern over the loss of jobs to low-wage economies, one fact is clear: America?s prosperity hinges on the ability of its businesses to continually introduce new products and services. But what makes for a creative economy? How can te remarkable surge of innovation that fueled the boom of the 1990s be sustained? For an answer, Richard K. Lester and Michael J. Piore examine innovation strategies in some of the economy?s most dynamic sectors. Through eye-opening case studies f new product development in fields such as cell phones, medical devices, and blue jeans, two fundamental processes emerge. One of these processes, analysis?rational problem solving?dominates management and engineering practice. The othe, interpretation, is not widely understood, or even recognized?although, as the authors make clear, it is absolutely crucial to innovation. Unlike problem solving, interpretation embraces and exploits ambiguity, the wellspring......

Architectural Acoustics (Applications of Modern Acoustics)

Marshall Long

  Architectural Acoustics (Applications of Modern Acoustics)  Marshall Long  Architectural Acoustics presents a comprehensive technical overview of the field at a level suitable for working practitioners as well as advanced undergraduate or introductory graduate architecture or engineering course. The book is structured as a logical progression through acoustic interactions. Beginning with an architectural history, it reviews the fundamentals of acoustics, human perception and reaction to sound, acoustic noise measurements and noise metrics, and environmental noise. It then moves into wave acoustics, sound and solid surfaces, sound in enclosed spaces, sound transmission loss, sound transmission in buildings, vibration and vibration isolation, noise transmission in floor systems, noise in mechanical systems, and sound attenuation in ducts. Chapters on specific design problems follow including treatment of multifamily dwellings, office buildings, rooms for speech, sound reinforcement systems, rooms for music, multipurpose rooms, auditoriums, sanctuaries,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Architectural Acoustics presents a comprehensive technical overview of the field at a level suitable for working practitioners as well as advanced undergraduate or introductory graduate architecture or engineering course. The book is structured as a logical progression through acoustic interactions. Beginning with an architectural history, it reviews the fundamentals of acoustics, human perception and reaction to sound, acoustic noise measurements and noise metrics, and environmental noise. It then moves into wave acoustics, sound and solid surfaces, sound in enclosed spaces, sound transmission loss, sound transmission in buildings, vibration and vibration isolation, noise transmission in floor systems, noise in mechanical systems, and sound attenuation in ducts. Chapters on specific design problems follow including treatment of multifamily dwellings, office buildings, rooms for speech, sound reinforcement systems, rooms for music, multipurpose rooms, auditoriums, sanctuaries,......

<<<  О деньгах о старости о смерти и пр.. Юлия Винер             Mechanosensitivity in Cells and Tissues. Edited by Andre ... >>>

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User-Centered Computer Aided Language Learning. . Книги.

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