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Lizzie McGuire: The 'Rents - Book #20 : Junior Novel (Lizzie Mcguire) Alice Alfonsi
Book DescriptionThe 'Rents (Junior Novel #20): At school, Lizzie is assigned to read The Orchids and Gumbo Poker Club, which is about a mother and daughter's relationship. She loves the book and wants to get closer to her own mother. Mrs. McGuire is more than happy to spend time with Lizzie. They make pottery together and are best friends. But when Mrs. McGuire tells Lizzie things she doesn't want to know, like that her grandmother wants to leave her grandfather and that at one time Mr. McGuire had a tax mix-up, Lizzie wishes she could go back to being the kid. Can Lizzie strike the delicate balance between being her mother's friend and her daughter? Plus, Lizzie tries to make time to hang out with her dad....
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patito feo, El (Caballo alado clasico series-Al paso) H. R. Harrison
Book DescriptionClassic fairy tales are updated with attractive, modern illustrations in this graded series. The first level, Al paso, helps to instill a love of reading in toddlers as they begin to recognize letters and develop their vocabulary. Cuentos clasicos de siempre presentados con ilustraciones modernas y textos para diferentes edades. El primer nivel, Al paso, ayuda a infundir un amor a la lectura en los pequenos que empiezan a reconocer las letras y a desarrollar el vocabulario....
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Chasing Churchill: The Travels of Winston Churchill Celia Sandys
Book DescriptionSir Winston Churchill was a well-traveled man. By the time he was twenty-five, his thirst for adventure had taken him to Cuba, India?s North-West Frontier, the Sudan, and South Africa, as well as to battle, prison, and worldwide fame. During World War II, when as prime minister he held Britain?s destiny in his hands, he hazarded arduous journeys not only to confer face-to-face with his allies Roosevelt and Stalin, but also to witness firsthand the action at the front. In later years, his enduring passion for painting prompted travels to locales like Marrakech. (He took President Roosevelt there in 1943, simply to view a splendid sunset.) Celia Sandys actually accompanied her famous grandfather on some of his later travels, most memorably on a cruise aboard Aristotle Onassis?s yacht Christina, but for this always engaging book she herself has retraced his many journeys on four continents and sought out the people who knew, entertained, consulted, or......
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The New York Times Easy Crossword Puzzles Volume 4: 50 Solvable Puzzles from the Pages of The New York Times
Book Description Fifty of the Times's Monday crosswords, their easiest of the week! Not only fun, but completely solvable by puzzlers of all skill levels, from beginner to expert....
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The Encyclopaedia of Classic 80's Pop Daniel Blythe
Book DescriptionRemember when the Top 40 was still an event? When Kylie should be so lucky and Madonna was like a virgin? An indispensable guide to the best - and the worst - pop music of the 1980s. Do you still remember what you were doing the firsttime you heard ?I Should Be So Lucky?? Do you pine for the days when Bananarama ruled the airwaves and Duran Duran were the epitome of style and glamour? Do you recall who your favourite member of Five Star was? Perhaps you?ve found yourself lying awake at night, tortured by an inability to remember what a ?Dutchie? is, and exactly why it should be passed on the left-hand side? Perhaps you have an inexplicable desire to know which eighties star made a triumphant comeback afterbeing declared clinically dead Whatever your reason ? here is a book for anyone who fondly remembers a fantastic decade in pop history. An indispensable volume for winning bar quizzes or settling ugly disputes between......
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Lizzie McGuire: The 'Rents - Book #20 : Junior Novel (Lizzie Mcguire). Alice Alfonsi . Книги.
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