The Big Ugly Monster and the Little Stone Rabbit

Chris Wormell

  The Big Ugly Monster and the Little Stone Rabbit  Chris Wormell  Book Description ONCE IN A cave, lived a horrible ugly monster. Perhaps the most horrible and ugly monster in the world. . . . So ugly is the monster that he can turn a blue sky to snow and evaporate a pond just by dipping his toe in it. No living thing can stand to be in his presence. But the monster is not ugly on the inside; he’s just lonely. So he decides to build some friends out of stone, but even stones can’t stand the full force of the monster’s smile, and they all shatter . . . except for one. From the innovative author-illustrator Chris Wormell comes the story of a monster whose inner beauty will touch readers of all ages.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description ONCE IN A cave, lived a horrible ugly monster. Perhaps the most horrible and ugly monster in the world. . . . So ugly is the monster that he can turn a blue sky to snow and evaporate a pond just by dipping his toe in it. No living thing can stand to be in his presence. But the monster is not ugly on the inside; he’s just lonely. So he decides to build some friends out of stone, but even stones can’t stand the full force of the monster’s smile, and they all shatter . . . except for one. From the innovative author-illustrator Chris Wormell comes the story of a monster whose inner beauty will touch readers of all ages....

Pills, Thrills, Chills, and Heartache: Adventures in the First Person

Dale Vanblair

  Pills, Thrills, Chills, and Heartache: Adventures in the First Person  Dale Vanblair  Alyson Books.   Thirty-seven writers. One rule. Each story must be told in the first person. Clint Catalyst ( Cottonmouth Kisses ) and Michelle Tea ( The Chelsea Whistle ) bring together what can only be described as a dream cast of literature's new avant-garde, sandwiched with a few writers appearing in print for the first time. Catalyst calls the end product Alyson Books. Thirty-seven writers. One rule. Each story must be told in the first person. Clint Catalyst ( Cottonmouth Kisses ) and Michelle Tea ( The Chelsea Whistle ) bring together what can only be described as a dream cast of literature's new avant-garde, sandwiched with a few writers appearing in print for the first time. Catalyst calls the end product "a wonderful sampling of oddities, like a dangerous box of chocolates or an unmarked prescription bottle." Oddities? Oh, yeah. These stories offer scary, funny, chaotic, moving, poignant, intimate glimpses into lives on the fringe, and they will get you up close and personal with speed freaks, scat freaks, gender benders, shoplifters, sober virgins, cybersexualists, Tourette's syndromefetishists, and even a naked Butoh dancer. What can we say? We're not sure if we're proud or if we should apologize! Contributors include: JT LeRoy ( The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things, Sarah ) Dennis Cooper ( ......

Handbook of Petrochemicals Production Processes (Mcgraw-Hill Handbooks)

Robert A. Meyers

  Handbook of Petrochemicals Production Processes (Mcgraw-Hill Handbooks)  Robert A. Meyers  Book DescriptionChemicals -- and the process used to produce them -- are a billion dollar business. Written by experts from major international petrochemical licensing firms, this innovative handbook details the latest and most powerful chemical processes used to create the most economically important chemicals in the world.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionChemicals -- and the process used to produce them -- are a billion dollar business. Written by experts from major international petrochemical licensing firms, this innovative handbook details the latest and most powerful chemical processes used to create the most economically important chemicals in the world....

Help The Poor Struggler (Richard Jury Mysteries (Paperback))

Martha Grimes

  Help The Poor Struggler (Richard Jury Mysteries (Paperback))  Martha Grimes  Book DescriptionClassic Richard Jury from the New York Times bestselling series. Near Dartmoor, where the Hound of the Baskervilles once bayed, three children have been brutally murdered. Now Richard Jury must join forces with a hot-tempered constable to track down the killer.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionClassic Richard Jury from the New York Times bestselling series. Near Dartmoor, where the Hound of the Baskervilles once bayed, three children have been brutally murdered. Now Richard Jury must join forces with a hot-tempered constable to track down the killer....

Операция Армагеддон отменяется

А. Ольбик, А. Индорбаев

  Операция Армагеддон отменяется  А. Ольбик, А. Индорбаев  Русь-Олимп, Астрель, АСТ.   Детектив.   Готовится устрашающая террористическая операция под кодовым названием Русь-Олимп, Астрель, АСТ. Детектив. Готовится устрашающая террористическая операция под кодовым названием "Армагеддон". Террористы крадут портативную ядерную бомбу и, несмотря на решительное противодействие российских спецслужб, переправляют ее в Москву. Грозное оружие оказывается в Театральном центре на Дубровке, а романтический мюзикл "Норд-Ост" сменяется напряженным поединком, когда на карту поставлены не только жизни сотен заложников, но и судьба столицы. Правда и вымысел, художественные образы и реальные лица переплелись в остросюжетном повествовании об одном из самых драматичных эпизодов современной истории России....

<<<  Jules Flandrin 1871-1947: The Other Fin-De-Siecle. ...             Yearbook of Fishery Statistics 2001: Aquaculture ... >>>

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The Big Ugly Monster and the Little Stone Rabbit. Chris Wormell . Книги.

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