Jules Flandrin 1871-1947: The Other Fin-De-Siecle

Hans P. Brandt

  Jules Flandrin 1871-1947: The Other Fin-De-Siecle  Hans P. Brandt  Book DescriptionJules Flandrin (1871-1947) was a pupil of Gustave Moreau, one of the most prominent figures in the fin-de-siecle art world, and a close member of the group which included Matisse, George Rouault, and Albert Marquet: artists who helped to shape the course of modern art. Flandrin was a significant force amongst these innovators. Widely shown in Paris in the first years of the twentieth century, on the eve of the First World War he was hailed as one of the torchbearers of l?art vivant. Illustrated exclusively from private collections in Paris and Grenoble, this book provides a unique study of Flandrin?s work in the context of the innovations which influenced him, and which he, in turn, inspired. By considering Flandrin as deeply emblematic of his age, the book invites us to think about why artists like Flandrin have disappeared from histories of modern art; about identities of Book DescriptionJules Flandrin (1871-1947) was a pupil of Gustave Moreau, one of the most prominent figures in the fin-de-siecle art world, and a close member of the group which included Matisse, George Rouault, and Albert Marquet: artists who helped to shape the course of modern art. Flandrin was a significant force amongst these innovators. Widely shown in Paris in the first years of the twentieth century, on the eve of the First World War he was hailed as one of the torchbearers of l?art vivant. Illustrated exclusively from private collections in Paris and Grenoble, this book provides a unique study of Flandrin?s work in the context of the innovations which influenced him, and which he, in turn, inspired. By considering Flandrin as deeply emblematic of his age, the book invites us to think about why artists like Flandrin have disappeared from histories of modern art; about identities of "avant-gardism" in a period of enormous transition; and about the larger forces......


Jason Dougherty

  Entities  Jason Dougherty  Book DescriptionIn 2006 an alien spacecraft was found in the Pacific Ocean. After resting peacefully deep in the Marianas Trench, the Imperium--a covert multi-national shadow government--pulled it to the surface and began construction on an Earth-built ship using the alien technology. Neil Harmon, captain of the new craft, travels through space while searching the galaxy for answers to his life. His adventures take him to a once thriving planet where he meets an alien society and learns that Earth is in danger of being destroyed. Faced with dilemmas that stretch his moral compass, Neil must make decisions that could determine the fate of his planet.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn 2006 an alien spacecraft was found in the Pacific Ocean. After resting peacefully deep in the Marianas Trench, the Imperium--a covert multi-national shadow government--pulled it to the surface and began construction on an Earth-built ship using the alien technology. Neil Harmon, captain of the new craft, travels through space while searching the galaxy for answers to his life. His adventures take him to a once thriving planet where he meets an alien society and learns that Earth is in danger of being destroyed. Faced with dilemmas that stretch his moral compass, Neil must make decisions that could determine the fate of his planet....

Time Closets

Steve Rylor

  Time Closets  Steve Rylor  Book DescriptionFrom the beginning, men have courted terror by embracing monsters real and imagined. From a dark inborn need, the human creature anticipates fright with relish despite pretense otherwise. Foolish, he falsely imagines himself immune from lasting consequence, a notion that has claimed more victims than history recounts. With the advent of professed intellectual enlightenment in the modern world, scientists have unwittingly stumbled upon a new breeding ground for terror. Genetics. This is the story of one genetic experiment that spawned a monster, a mutant controlled by a man who eclipses time, as we cannot. A man bent on undoing order. Left unchecked, the balance that holds insanity at bay is lost. One soul holds the key to conquer that dark entity, but will he recognize his destiny in time? Will this be the final face-off between the two, or do further centuries of conflict await them both? Time will tell.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionFrom the beginning, men have courted terror by embracing monsters real and imagined. From a dark inborn need, the human creature anticipates fright with relish despite pretense otherwise. Foolish, he falsely imagines himself immune from lasting consequence, a notion that has claimed more victims than history recounts. With the advent of professed intellectual enlightenment in the modern world, scientists have unwittingly stumbled upon a new breeding ground for terror. Genetics. This is the story of one genetic experiment that spawned a monster, a mutant controlled by a man who eclipses time, as we cannot. A man bent on undoing order. Left unchecked, the balance that holds insanity at bay is lost. One soul holds the key to conquer that dark entity, but will he recognize his destiny in time? Will this be the final face-off between the two, or do further centuries of conflict await them both? Time will tell....

Gear Secrets of the Guitar Legends: How to Sound Like Your Favorite Players

Pete Prown

  Gear Secrets of the Guitar Legends: How to Sound Like Your Favorite Players  Pete Prown  Book DescriptionTwo veteran music journalists reveal the keys to playing like a pro. With interviews, rig diagrams, amplifier settings, sound tips, and audio samples, this book reveals how guitarists can capture the sounds of their favorite players, including Eric Clapton, Dave Matthews, the guitarists of Pearl Jam, Metallica, and Korn, plus many other guitarists. 30 photographs and a CD that includes tracks in the style of each of the players featured in the book are also included.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionTwo veteran music journalists reveal the keys to playing like a pro. With interviews, rig diagrams, amplifier settings, sound tips, and audio samples, this book reveals how guitarists can capture the sounds of their favorite players, including Eric Clapton, Dave Matthews, the guitarists of Pearl Jam, Metallica, and Korn, plus many other guitarists. 30 photographs and a CD that includes tracks in the style of each of the players featured in the book are also included....

Love After War (Voices from Vietnam)

  Love After War (Voices from Vietnam)  Book DescriptionHow does the literature of a society that has endured decades of war reflect the echoes of that violence to bodies and spirits while depicting the ordinary lives of men and women who are searching, as all people do, for meaning, for happiness, for normalcy, for love? Love After War presents the widest range to date of contemporary writers in Vietnam, men and women who have become part of that country's established canon, as well as young and up-coming writers who have come of age in modern Vietnam. Their stories, published in the most widely read literary journals, magazines and newspapers in Vietnam, and many translated here for the first time, reveal the relationships and concerns of everyday life, and the erosion and endurance of life in that country. Contributors to the anthology include Vu Boa, Nguyen Minh Chau, Ngo Thi Kim Cuc, Nguyen Phan Hach, Ma Van Khang, Nguyen Khai, Le Minh Khue, Nguyen Thi Minh Ngoc, Bao Ninh, Doan Le, Ho Anh Thai, Nguyen Huy...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionHow does the literature of a society that has endured decades of war reflect the echoes of that violence to bodies and spirits while depicting the ordinary lives of men and women who are searching, as all people do, for meaning, for happiness, for normalcy, for love? Love After War presents the widest range to date of contemporary writers in Vietnam, men and women who have become part of that country's established canon, as well as young and up-coming writers who have come of age in modern Vietnam. Their stories, published in the most widely read literary journals, magazines and newspapers in Vietnam, and many translated here for the first time, reveal the relationships and concerns of everyday life, and the erosion and endurance of life in that country. Contributors to the anthology include Vu Boa, Nguyen Minh Chau, Ngo Thi Kim Cuc, Nguyen Phan Hach, Ma Van Khang, Nguyen Khai, Le Minh Khue, Nguyen Thi Minh Ngoc, Bao Ninh, Doan Le, Ho Anh Thai, Nguyen Huy......

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Jules Flandrin 1871-1947: The Other Fin-De-Siecle. Hans P. Brandt . Книги.

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