Сборник биоэнергетических опытов

Александр и Лесли Лоуэн

  Сборник биоэнергетических опытов  Александр и Лесли Лоуэн  АСТ, АСТ Москва.   Классики зарубежной психологии.   Вы устали от врачей и лекарств? Вы хотите помочь себе сами? Тогда эта книга - для вас! Александр и Лесли Лоуэн расскажут вам, как при помощи простых, доступных и оригинальных упражнений укрепить свое здоровье биоэнерготическим путем. Вы хотите обрести физическое и душевное равновесие? Эта книга вам поможет!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, АСТ Москва. Классики зарубежной психологии. Вы устали от врачей и лекарств? Вы хотите помочь себе сами? Тогда эта книга - для вас! Александр и Лесли Лоуэн расскажут вам, как при помощи простых, доступных и оригинальных упражнений укрепить свое здоровье биоэнерготическим путем. Вы хотите обрести физическое и душевное равновесие? Эта книга вам поможет!...

Грибковые заболевания. Современный взгляд на лечение и профилактику

В. Н. Стручкова

  Грибковые заболевания. Современный взгляд на лечение и профилактику  В. Н. Стручкова  ИГ ИГ "Весь". Советует доктор: тактика и стратегия здоровья. Как передается грибковая инфекция, можно ли защититься от заражения, и что необходимо для этого делать? Когда надо начать лечение, чтобы навсегда избавиться от микозов? Прочитав эту книгу, вы познакомитесь с новыми лекарственными средствами для лечения грибковых заболеваний и методами их применения, узнаете о различных приемах, позволяющих справиться с болезнью, о том, как избежать повторного заражения и уберечь от инфекции своих близких. Особое место в книге отведено сведениям о профилактике и соблюдении правил личной гигиены, о важности укрепления защитных сил организма. Для широкого круга читателей....

Stolen Fruit : The Tropical Commodities Disaster (Global Issues)

Peter Robbins

  Stolen Fruit : The Tropical Commodities Disaster (Global Issues)  Peter Robbins  Book Description This investigation by one of the leading authorities on commodity trading examines the failed commodity market in developing countries and current trading arrangements. Peter Robbins looks into the possible solutions being proffered--from ideas to exploit new niche markets and improve quality--to more radical notions like fair trade, and shows how they all fail to measure up to the scale of the disaster facing the Third World. Instead, he argues developing countries must take a leaf out of supply side economics, and themselves take the measures required to bring supply and demand into a better balance that will secure them far higher and more stable prices than today.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description This investigation by one of the leading authorities on commodity trading examines the failed commodity market in developing countries and current trading arrangements. Peter Robbins looks into the possible solutions being proffered--from ideas to exploit new niche markets and improve quality--to more radical notions like fair trade, and shows how they all fail to measure up to the scale of the disaster facing the Third World. Instead, he argues developing countries must take a leaf out of supply side economics, and themselves take the measures required to bring supply and demand into a better balance that will secure them far higher and more stable prices than today....

Global Governance and Financial Crises (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)

  Global Governance and Financial Crises (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)  Book DescriptionThis important new book covers topics that span theory, policy, and history and range over Latin America, Asia as well as OECD countries. Under the editorship of Lord Meghnad Desai and Yahya Said, Financial Crises and Global Governance will be read and enjoyed by a wide range of economists.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis important new book covers topics that span theory, policy, and history and range over Latin America, Asia as well as OECD countries. Under the editorship of Lord Meghnad Desai and Yahya Said, Financial Crises and Global Governance will be read and enjoyed by a wide range of economists....

Logical Data Modeling : What it is and How to do it (Integrated Series in Information Systems)

Alan Chmura

  Logical Data Modeling : What it is and How to do it (Integrated Series in Information Systems)  Alan Chmura  Book DescriptionLogical Data Modeling offers business managers, analysts, and students a clear, basic systematic guide to defining business information structures in relational database terms. The approach, based on Clive Finkelstein’s business-side Information Engineering, is hands-on, practical, and explicit in terminology and reasoning. Filled with illustrations, examples, and exercises, Logical Data Modeling makes its subject accessible to readers with only a limited knowledge of database systems. The book covers all essential topics thoroughly but succinctly: entities, associations, attributes, keys and inheritance, valid and invalid structures, and normalization. It also emphasizes communication with business and database specialists, documentation, and the use of Visible Systems' Visible Advantage enterprise modeling tool. The application of design patterns to logical data modeling provides practitioners with a practical tool for fast development. At the end, a chapter...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionLogical Data Modeling offers business managers, analysts, and students a clear, basic systematic guide to defining business information structures in relational database terms. The approach, based on Clive Finkelstein’s business-side Information Engineering, is hands-on, practical, and explicit in terminology and reasoning. Filled with illustrations, examples, and exercises, Logical Data Modeling makes its subject accessible to readers with only a limited knowledge of database systems. The book covers all essential topics thoroughly but succinctly: entities, associations, attributes, keys and inheritance, valid and invalid structures, and normalization. It also emphasizes communication with business and database specialists, documentation, and the use of Visible Systems' Visible Advantage enterprise modeling tool. The application of design patterns to logical data modeling provides practitioners with a practical tool for fast development. At the end, a chapter......

<<<  Земля, до востребования. Книга 1. Евгений Воробьев             Yearbook of Fishery Statistics 2001: Aquaculture ... >>>

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Сборник биоэнергетических опытов. Александр и Лесли Лоуэн . Книги.

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