The Agent: Personalities, Politics, & Publishing

Arthur M. Klebanoff

  The Agent: Personalities, Politics, & Publishing  Arthur M. Klebanoff  Arthur Klebanoff is one of the worlds most powerful literary agents and has the record to prove it. Among his authors are Michael Bloomberg, Danielle Steel, Bill Bradley, Barbara Taylor Bradford, Patrick Moynihan, Linda Goodman, Rupert Murdoch, and thePope. Many have generated more than $1 billion in retail sales. In this memoir of his professional life, Klebanoff recounts all the lessons learned and the fascinating people who has met on the way to his recent acquisition of the famous Scott MeredithLiterary Agency. He is also CEO of Rosetta Books, the leading electronic publisher of quality backlist books. In The Agent, Klebanoff also includes his vision of the future of book publishing to which he will no doubt leave a lasting legacy.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Arthur Klebanoff is one of the worlds most powerful literary agents and has the record to prove it. Among his authors are Michael Bloomberg, Danielle Steel, Bill Bradley, Barbara Taylor Bradford, Patrick Moynihan, Linda Goodman, Rupert Murdoch, and thePope. Many have generated more than $1 billion in retail sales. In this memoir of his professional life, Klebanoff recounts all the lessons learned and the fascinating people who has met on the way to his recent acquisition of the famous Scott MeredithLiterary Agency. He is also CEO of Rosetta Books, the leading electronic publisher of quality backlist books. In The Agent, Klebanoff also includes his vision of the future of book publishing to which he will no doubt leave a lasting legacy....

Flash Hacks

Sham Bhangal

  Flash Hacks  Sham Bhangal  If you've ever seen an especially cool Flash effect on the web, gone straight to your trusty Flash book to find out how to do it, then turned away empty-handed--Flash Hacks is for you. This unique book offers a collection of expert Flash tips and tricks for optimization, creating interesting effects, ActionScript programming, sound and video effects, and much more--and you don't need to be an expert to use them (although you'll certainly look like one). With Flash technology, you can create compelling web content, expressive user interfaces, and rich applications for the Internet--all of which dramatically enhance the user experience. But Flash is not just practical, it's a wellspring of opportunities to unleash your creativity and have fun. Flash Hacks dives straight into all that's fun and creative about Flash, while presenting useful programming techniques and practical--although never mundane--hacks that can make your work easier. Geared to cover Flash MX, Flash MX 2004,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин If you've ever seen an especially cool Flash effect on the web, gone straight to your trusty Flash book to find out how to do it, then turned away empty-handed--Flash Hacks is for you. This unique book offers a collection of expert Flash tips and tricks for optimization, creating interesting effects, ActionScript programming, sound and video effects, and much more--and you don't need to be an expert to use them (although you'll certainly look like one). With Flash technology, you can create compelling web content, expressive user interfaces, and rich applications for the Internet--all of which dramatically enhance the user experience. But Flash is not just practical, it's a wellspring of opportunities to unleash your creativity and have fun. Flash Hacks dives straight into all that's fun and creative about Flash, while presenting useful programming techniques and practical--although never mundane--hacks that can make your work easier. Geared to cover Flash MX, Flash MX 2004,......

Course Guide: Microsoft Office Access 2003 Illustrated Intermediate

Lisa Friedrichsen

  Course Guide: Microsoft Office Access 2003 Illustrated Intermediate  Lisa Friedrichsen  Through instructor-led or self-paced step-by-step instruction, individuals learn how to create complex queries, forms, and reports, share Access information with other programs, and add objects to a form.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Through instructor-led or self-paced step-by-step instruction, individuals learn how to create complex queries, forms, and reports, share Access information with other programs, and add objects to a form....

Hiding in Plain Sight : Steganography and the Art of Covert Communication

Eric Cole

  Hiding in Plain Sight : Steganography and the Art of Covert Communication  Eric Cole  * Explains exactly what steganography is-hiding a message inside an innocuous picture or music file-and how it has become a popular tool for secretly sending and receiving messages for both the good guys and the bad guys * First book to describe international terrorists' cybersecurity tool of choice in an accessible language * Author is a top security consultant for the CIA and provides gripping stories that show how steganography works * Appendix provides tools to help people detect and counteract stenanography  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин * Explains exactly what steganography is-hiding a message inside an innocuous picture or music file-and how it has become a popular tool for secretly sending and receiving messages for both the good guys and the bad guys * First book to describe international terrorists' cybersecurity tool of choice in an accessible language * Author is a top security consultant for the CIA and provides gripping stories that show how steganography works * Appendix provides tools to help people detect and counteract stenanography...

Сталин. Культ девы

Алексей Меняйлов

  Сталин. Культ девы  Алексей Меняйлов  Крафт+.   Непобедимый Иосиф Джугашвили-Сталин в 1911 году в Сольвычегодске был посвящен во вторую ступень древнерусского культа Девы - Грудь Девы. Как посвященный такого высокого уровня Иосиф Джугашвили и принял новое наречение: Сталин ( Крафт+. Непобедимый Иосиф Джугашвили-Сталин в 1911 году в Сольвычегодске был посвящен во вторую ступень древнерусского культа Девы - Грудь Девы. Как посвященный такого высокого уровня Иосиф Джугашвили и принял новое наречение: Сталин ("предстоящий Лона Девы"). Но эта книга не об Иосифе Джугашвили, но об инициатическом Пути всякого cталина (посвященного Девы) - и его, как Сталина, непобедимости....

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The Agent: Personalities, Politics, & Publishing. Arthur M. Klebanoff . Книги.

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