Careers for the Year 2000 and Beyond: Everything You Need to Know to Find the Right Career

Research & Education Association, Rea

  Careers for the Year 2000 and Beyond: Everything You Need to Know to Find the Right Career  Research & Education Association, Rea  This comprehensive handbook provides current information on over 250 different careers. Each career is described in detail, including job duties, education and training requirements, advancement possibilities, and salary. A special section on unemployment and a dictionary of occupational titles have also been included.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This comprehensive handbook provides current information on over 250 different careers. Each career is described in detail, including job duties, education and training requirements, advancement possibilities, and salary. A special section on unemployment and a dictionary of occupational titles have also been included....

Ben Franklin's 12 Rules of Management

Blaine McCormick

  Ben Franklin's 12 Rules of Management  Blaine McCormick  Start a Revolution in Your Management Thinking ! Although Ben Franklin is best known for being a patriot, diplomat, and inventor, he first rose from obscurity to become one of the most influential and successful business owners in Colonial America. In fact, Franklin was so successful that he was able to retire at age 42 to pursue his other, more well known interests. Franklin chronicled his early life through The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin . Drawing upon that book'swealth of wisdom, Ben Franklin's 12 Rules of Management explores the innovative management principles and philosophies this Start a Revolution in Your Management Thinking ! Although Ben Franklin is best known for being a patriot, diplomat, and inventor, he first rose from obscurity to become one of the most influential and successful business owners in Colonial America. In fact, Franklin was so successful that he was able to retire at age 42 to pursue his other, more well known interests. Franklin chronicled his early life through The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin . Drawing upon that book'swealth of wisdom, Ben Franklin's 12 Rules of Management explores the innovative management principles and philosophies this "Founding Father of American Business" pioneered, including: Great managers rarely have great beginnings Seek first to manage yourself, then to manage others Influence is more important than victory Become a revolutionary for positive experimentation and change Sometimes it's better to do 1,001 small things right than one......

With These Hands: The Hidden World of Migrant Farmworkers Today

Daniel Rothenberg

  With These Hands: The Hidden World of Migrant Farmworkers Today  Daniel Rothenberg  With These Hands documents the farm labor system through the presentation of a collection of voices-workers who labor in the fields, growers who manage the multi-billion dollar agricultural industry, contractors who link workers with growers, coyotes whosmuggle people across the border, union organizers, lobbyists, physicians, workers' families in Mexico, farmworker children and others. The diversity of stories presents the world of migrant farmworkers as a complex social and economic system, a network of intertwined lives, showing how all Americans are bound to the struggles and contributions of our nation's farm laborers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With These Hands documents the farm labor system through the presentation of a collection of voices-workers who labor in the fields, growers who manage the multi-billion dollar agricultural industry, contractors who link workers with growers, coyotes whosmuggle people across the border, union organizers, lobbyists, physicians, workers' families in Mexico, farmworker children and others. The diversity of stories presents the world of migrant farmworkers as a complex social and economic system, a network of intertwined lives, showing how all Americans are bound to the struggles and contributions of our nation's farm laborers....

Financial Intermediation in the 21st Century: Leaders' Dialogues on Global Finance

Zuhayr Mikdashi

  Financial Intermediation in the 21st Century: Leaders' Dialogues on Global Finance  Zuhayr Mikdashi  The increasing interdependence of the world economy has huge implications for global finance in the 21st century. This volume brings together leading scholars and practitioners to offer an in-depth analysis of the new direction open to the financialservices industry. They explore the challenges and opportunities of the new finance era, future development in financial markets, with particular emphasis on the role of new technologies and the industry's view of strengthening financial intermediation. The book concludes with an assessment of key managerial and regulatory issues.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The increasing interdependence of the world economy has huge implications for global finance in the 21st century. This volume brings together leading scholars and practitioners to offer an in-depth analysis of the new direction open to the financialservices industry. They explore the challenges and opportunities of the new finance era, future development in financial markets, with particular emphasis on the role of new technologies and the industry's view of strengthening financial intermediation. The book concludes with an assessment of key managerial and regulatory issues....

Winner Take All: A Top Commodity Trader Tells It Like It Is

William R. Gallacher

  Winner Take All: A Top Commodity Trader Tells It Like It Is  William R. Gallacher  The futures industry is unique, entertaining and, for far too many people, ultimately heartbreaking. What other industry possesses such an entertaining cast of soothsayers, self-proclaimed experts and charlatans? Where else do people become fabulously wealthy simply by acting on their own convictions? And where else does the possibility of failure loom so large and so constant? No other book captures the essence of the futures industry better than Winner Take All. With a penetrating intelligence and a sharp wit, Bill Gallacher dissects many of the industry's leading lights, exposing the frauds, deflating the pompous and poking fun at the seers who believe they can predict the future. Along the way, he demonstrates why most traders lose and, most importantly, what it takes to win. Winner Take All is a book for all traders. For those who believe in easy-money trading systems, it is a sobering antidote. For those who think the markets can't be beaten, it is a work of great inspiration....  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The futures industry is unique, entertaining and, for far too many people, ultimately heartbreaking. What other industry possesses such an entertaining cast of soothsayers, self-proclaimed experts and charlatans? Where else do people become fabulously wealthy simply by acting on their own convictions? And where else does the possibility of failure loom so large and so constant? No other book captures the essence of the futures industry better than Winner Take All. With a penetrating intelligence and a sharp wit, Bill Gallacher dissects many of the industry's leading lights, exposing the frauds, deflating the pompous and poking fun at the seers who believe they can predict the future. Along the way, he demonstrates why most traders lose and, most importantly, what it takes to win. Winner Take All is a book for all traders. For those who believe in easy-money trading systems, it is a sobering antidote. For those who think the markets can't be beaten, it is a work of great inspiration.......

<<<  Лилии. Выбор сортов, выращивание, размножение, дизайн. Л. И. Самсонова             Yearbook of Fishery Statistics 2001: Aquaculture ... >>>

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Careers for the Year 2000 and Beyond: Everything You Need to Know to Find the Right Career. Research & Education Association, Rea . Книги.

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