Tools for Teams : The Manager's Guide to Building Teams

Harrison D. Snow, Harrison Snow

  Tools for Teams : The Manager's Guide to Building Teams  Harrison D. Snow, Harrison Snow  Tools for Teams shows today's manager how to gain the benefits of powerful and coherent teamwork. From crafting a strategic vision and managing change to dealing with the nitty-gritty of interpersonal conflict and poor performance, this book provides theskills, techniques and programs that will develop trust, committment and results. It will serve as an excellent guide for any manager to the art and science of building a team.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Tools for Teams shows today's manager how to gain the benefits of powerful and coherent teamwork. From crafting a strategic vision and managing change to dealing with the nitty-gritty of interpersonal conflict and poor performance, this book provides theskills, techniques and programs that will develop trust, committment and results. It will serve as an excellent guide for any manager to the art and science of building a team....

A Manager's Guide to Technology Forecasting and Strategy Analysis Methods

Stephen M. Millett, Edward J. Honton

  A Manager's Guide to Technology Forecasting and Strategy Analysis Methods  Stephen M. Millett, Edward J. Honton  Technology forecasting is one of the most formidable challenges facing many organizations. In A Manager's Guide... Stephen Millett and Edward Honton provide a guide for corporate and technology managers, planners, and analysts looking for a foundation on which to base technological forecasts and decision making. The authors assess 20 forecasting methods, evaluate their advantages and disadvantages, and suggest applications and uses. This book provides a profile of the technology forecasting and strategy analysis methods available today to guide input to the corporate decision making process.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Technology forecasting is one of the most formidable challenges facing many organizations. In A Manager's Guide... Stephen Millett and Edward Honton provide a guide for corporate and technology managers, planners, and analysts looking for a foundation on which to base technological forecasts and decision making. The authors assess 20 forecasting methods, evaluate their advantages and disadvantages, and suggest applications and uses. This book provides a profile of the technology forecasting and strategy analysis methods available today to guide input to the corporate decision making process....

Start Your Own Home Inspection Service (Entrepreneur Magazine's Start Up)

  Start Your Own Home Inspection Service (Entrepreneur Magazine's Start Up)  Entrepreneur Press.   Handy around the house? Turn that talent into a lucrative career! New home sales are booming. So is the need for qualified home inspectors, making this one of the fastest-growing businesses in the real estate field- with no end in sight. There are an estimated 8,000 to 10,000 home inspectors in the United States and Canada. More than 40 percent of home sales now include inspections, a number that is expected to double over the next 5 years, especially in the light of the rapidly increasing cost of housing. As a home inspector, you'll examine the interior and exterior of the home and give potential home buyers an objective, informed decision. Many home inspectors earn $500 to $800 per day, and a pro shows you how you can, too. This concise, no-nonsense guide tells you how to start and operate a successful home inspection business without spending a lot of money. This comprehensive guide to starting your own home inspection business shows you: Typical start up costs for low-end and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Entrepreneur Press. Handy around the house? Turn that talent into a lucrative career! New home sales are booming. So is the need for qualified home inspectors, making this one of the fastest-growing businesses in the real estate field- with no end in sight. There are an estimated 8,000 to 10,000 home inspectors in the United States and Canada. More than 40 percent of home sales now include inspections, a number that is expected to double over the next 5 years, especially in the light of the rapidly increasing cost of housing. As a home inspector, you'll examine the interior and exterior of the home and give potential home buyers an objective, informed decision. Many home inspectors earn $500 to $800 per day, and a pro shows you how you can, too. This concise, no-nonsense guide tells you how to start and operate a successful home inspection business without spending a lot of money. This comprehensive guide to starting your own home inspection business shows you: Typical start up costs for low-end and......

Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government--Saving Privacy in the Digital Age

Steven Levy

  Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government--Saving Privacy in the Digital Age  Steven Levy  From the author who made From the author who made "hackers" a household word, a groundbreaking book about the most hotly debated subject of the digital age. Crypto is about privacy in the information age and about the nerds and visionaries who, nearly twenty years ago, predicted that the Internet's greatest virtue-free access to information-was also its most perilous drawback: a possible end to privacy. Levy explores what turned out to be a decisive development in the crypto wars: the unlikely alliance between the computer geeks and big business as they fought the government's stranglehold on the keys to information in a networked world. The players come alive here in a narrative that reads like the best of futuristic spy fiction. There is Whit Diffie, the long-haired Newton of crypto who invented the astounding "public key"solution; David Chaum, whose "anony-mous digital money"actually threatened the global financial infrastructure; and "cypherpunks"like Phil Zimmermann, who......

From Business Strategy to IT Action : Right Decisions for a Better Bottom Line

Robert J. Benson, Tom Bugnitz, Bill Walton

  From Business Strategy to IT Action : Right Decisions for a Better Bottom Line  Robert J. Benson, Tom Bugnitz, Bill Walton  From Business Strategy to IT Action gives companies of all sizes the tools to effectively link IT to business strategy and produce effective, actionable strategies for bottom-line results. The authors present CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, and IT managers with a powerful and accessible resource packed with such useful material as: The Strategy-to-Bottom-Line Value Chain, which integrates the management practices relating to planning, prioritization, alignment, and assessing a company?s entire IT budget Methods for using IT Impact Management to establish IT culture and performance models for the business/IT connection The IT Improvement Zone, which quickly identifies where a company can focus its energies for maximum results And much more  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин From Business Strategy to IT Action gives companies of all sizes the tools to effectively link IT to business strategy and produce effective, actionable strategies for bottom-line results. The authors present CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, and IT managers with a powerful and accessible resource packed with such useful material as: The Strategy-to-Bottom-Line Value Chain, which integrates the management practices relating to planning, prioritization, alignment, and assessing a company?s entire IT budget Methods for using IT Impact Management to establish IT culture and performance models for the business/IT connection The IT Improvement Zone, which quickly identifies where a company can focus its energies for maximum results And much more...

<<<  Слепая радуга. Дмитрий Гришанин             The Associates: Four Capitalists Who Created California (Enterprise). ... >>>

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Tools for Teams : The Manager's Guide to Building Teams. Harrison D. Snow, Harrison Snow . Книги.

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