Слепая радуга

Дмитрий Гришанин

  Слепая радуга  Дмитрий Гришанин  АСТ, Ермак.   Заклятые миры.   Приключения веселого Маха, первого двоечника Высшей школы магического Ордена Светотеней и величайшего из когда-нибудь известных спасителей мира от черной силы Зла, продолжаются! На сей раз на замок, где он только-только нацелился обрести счастье с суженой-ведьмочкой, обрушено таинственное заклятие `Слепая радуга` - заклятие, которое возможно снять лишь при помощи крепко пьющего рыцаря-мага, суровой до неприличия мужененавистницы - предводительницы местных амазонок, и арендованного за хорошую цену боевого дракона! Вы полагаете - это все? А как быть с русалками сомнительного поведения? Как разобраться с гигантскими спрутами и пауками? Куда, наконец, девать случайно спасенного и невосприимчивого к магии василиска?! Делать что-то надо. Только - что?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Ермак. Заклятые миры. Приключения веселого Маха, первого двоечника Высшей школы магического Ордена Светотеней и величайшего из когда-нибудь известных спасителей мира от черной силы Зла, продолжаются! На сей раз на замок, где он только-только нацелился обрести счастье с суженой-ведьмочкой, обрушено таинственное заклятие `Слепая радуга` - заклятие, которое возможно снять лишь при помощи крепко пьющего рыцаря-мага, суровой до неприличия мужененавистницы - предводительницы местных амазонок, и арендованного за хорошую цену боевого дракона! Вы полагаете - это все? А как быть с русалками сомнительного поведения? Как разобраться с гигантскими спрутами и пауками? Куда, наконец, девать случайно спасенного и невосприимчивого к магии василиска?! Делать что-то надо. Только - что?...

Forms of Taxation

Lawrance George Lux

  Forms of Taxation  Lawrance George Lux  This is a basic examination of basic tax systems, for both Layperson and Student. It describes the various forms of tax, both historical and theoretical. It examines each in turn, bringing insight to its advantages and hazards. The Author gives a cursory study of tax impacts, the problems of tax collection, and the amounts of revenue, which can be expected. The basic thesis of the Work consists in the idea current American methods of tax form and tax collection need serious revision. The Author attempts to express why he holds this belief, the observed detriment to economic performance of current tax placement, and the causes of such economic disadvantage. He presents potential alterations to the current tax intermix, suggesting consolidation of tax forms would present savings in cost of tax collection, and ease of payment to Taxpayers. He outlines his beliefs on the proper tax system for American society.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This is a basic examination of basic tax systems, for both Layperson and Student. It describes the various forms of tax, both historical and theoretical. It examines each in turn, bringing insight to its advantages and hazards. The Author gives a cursory study of tax impacts, the problems of tax collection, and the amounts of revenue, which can be expected. The basic thesis of the Work consists in the idea current American methods of tax form and tax collection need serious revision. The Author attempts to express why he holds this belief, the observed detriment to economic performance of current tax placement, and the causes of such economic disadvantage. He presents potential alterations to the current tax intermix, suggesting consolidation of tax forms would present savings in cost of tax collection, and ease of payment to Taxpayers. He outlines his beliefs on the proper tax system for American society....

Mind Your Own Bizniche

Mary Squire

  Mind Your Own Bizniche  Mary Squire  A BizNiche is a personalized Business NicheA It's the entrepreneurial idea you discover when you mix courage and creativity; passion and personality; reality and resources. A BizNiche is the intersection between your bills and your being. It's your heart's answer to life's economic questionsA In your own business, or working for someone else, a BizNiche is a unique expression of your talent, your spirit, and your ideas, channeled into opportunities that create success.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A BizNiche is a personalized Business NicheA It's the entrepreneurial idea you discover when you mix courage and creativity; passion and personality; reality and resources. A BizNiche is the intersection between your bills and your being. It's your heart's answer to life's economic questionsA In your own business, or working for someone else, a BizNiche is a unique expression of your talent, your spirit, and your ideas, channeled into opportunities that create success....

From the Ground Up: Rethinking Industrial Agriculture

Helena Norberg-Hodge, Peter Goering, John Page, International Society for Ecology and Culture

  From the Ground Up: Rethinking Industrial Agriculture  Helena Norberg-Hodge, Peter Goering, John Page, International Society for Ecology and Culture  Modern industrial agriculture is in crisis. In our obsession with 'efficiency' and short-term profit, we are losing all real connection with the natural world. As a result, the dream of global abundance promised by the introduction of chemical fertilisers, pesticides and hybrid seeds is becoming a nightmare of health risks, degraded land and ailing communities. The way we produce our food is destructive and quite simply unsustainable. From the Ground Up: Rethinking Industrial Agriculture sets the decline of agriculture within the broader context of industrialisation as a whole, and explores some of the fundamental principles which underlie the 'growth-at-any-cost' thinking of modern society. At the same time, it documents the growing public distrust of conventional agricultural practices, and highlights some of the most promising alternatives leading to more sane, environmentally healthy ways of producing food. This book is a valuable reference for those...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Modern industrial agriculture is in crisis. In our obsession with 'efficiency' and short-term profit, we are losing all real connection with the natural world. As a result, the dream of global abundance promised by the introduction of chemical fertilisers, pesticides and hybrid seeds is becoming a nightmare of health risks, degraded land and ailing communities. The way we produce our food is destructive and quite simply unsustainable. From the Ground Up: Rethinking Industrial Agriculture sets the decline of agriculture within the broader context of industrialisation as a whole, and explores some of the fundamental principles which underlie the 'growth-at-any-cost' thinking of modern society. At the same time, it documents the growing public distrust of conventional agricultural practices, and highlights some of the most promising alternatives leading to more sane, environmentally healthy ways of producing food. This book is a valuable reference for those......

Global Business Today, Postscript 2003 with CD, Map, and PowerWeb

Charles W. L. Hill

  Global Business Today, Postscript 2003 with CD, Map, and PowerWeb  Charles W. L. Hill  Global Business Today has become an established text in the International Business market for its excellent, but concise coverage of the key global issues including the cultural context for global business, cross-border trade and investment, the global monetary system and competition in the global environment. GBT's concise chapters give a general introduction to international business ? emphasizing the environmental factors, with less coverage of operations. Charles Hill is renowned for his attention to research trends and that is evident in GBT through a variety of real world examples and cases from small, medium, and large companies throughout the world. 2003 Postscript -. 32 pages make up this postscript edition. In this postscript, we review some important developments that have occurred since the manuscript for the second edition of this book was sent to the publishers, and we discuss the implications of these developments for international business. One development...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Global Business Today has become an established text in the International Business market for its excellent, but concise coverage of the key global issues including the cultural context for global business, cross-border trade and investment, the global monetary system and competition in the global environment. GBT's concise chapters give a general introduction to international business ? emphasizing the environmental factors, with less coverage of operations. Charles Hill is renowned for his attention to research trends and that is evident in GBT through a variety of real world examples and cases from small, medium, and large companies throughout the world. 2003 Postscript -. 32 pages make up this postscript edition. In this postscript, we review some important developments that have occurred since the manuscript for the second edition of this book was sent to the publishers, and we discuss the implications of these developments for international business. One development......

<<<  С. А. Есенин. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 4. С. А. Есенин             The Associates: Four Capitalists Who Created California (Enterprise). ... >>>

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Слепая радуга. Дмитрий Гришанин . Книги.

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