A Guide to Becoming a Travel Professional

Susan Rice, Ginger Todd, M.Ed., Ginger Todd Susan Rice

  A Guide to Becoming a Travel Professional  Susan Rice, Ginger Todd, M.Ed., Ginger Todd Susan Rice  Travel Perspectives: A Guide to Becoming a Travel Professional is a text that instructs students on the product of travel and how to sell it. It is a concise and descriptive Travel Perspectives: A Guide to Becoming a Travel Professional is a text that instructs students on the product of travel and how to sell it. It is a concise and descriptive "how to" manual complete with tools that help the student practice what is learned. Travel Perspectives focuses on terminology, product process and procedure, and developing the student's sales and customer service skills. Discussion points, contained throughout the text, develop understanding of the sales process and the role of customer service in attaining and retaining customers....

In Action: Creating Mentoring and Coaching Programs

Linda Kyle Stromei, Jack J. Phillips

  In Action: Creating Mentoring and Coaching Programs  Linda Kyle Stromei, Jack J. Phillips  This book includes 12 cases that illustrate mentoring and coaching programs in a variety of organizational and educational applications around the world. You will find this book helpful in planning new programs in your organization or in strengthening and expanding your existing development programs. Most organizations today have some type of mentoring program for their employees. Mentoring is seen both as a way of transferring knowledge and skills and as a retention tool for employees. Similarly, coaching has become an important organizational tool for developing people. It is used to improve both personal and organizational skills. Use the cases in this book as models and guides to help you create powerful mentoring and coaching programs for your organization and for your employees.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book includes 12 cases that illustrate mentoring and coaching programs in a variety of organizational and educational applications around the world. You will find this book helpful in planning new programs in your organization or in strengthening and expanding your existing development programs. Most organizations today have some type of mentoring program for their employees. Mentoring is seen both as a way of transferring knowledge and skills and as a retention tool for employees. Similarly, coaching has become an important organizational tool for developing people. It is used to improve both personal and organizational skills. Use the cases in this book as models and guides to help you create powerful mentoring and coaching programs for your organization and for your employees....

Inventory Classification Innovation: Paving the Way for Electronic Commerce and Vendor Managed Inventory

Russ Broeckelmann

  Inventory Classification Innovation: Paving the Way for Electronic Commerce and Vendor Managed Inventory  Russ Broeckelmann  All Inventory is not created equal. Inventory classification is the backbone of distribution profitability. Important inventory management criteria such as customer service level, margin, days supply and EOQ can not be applied across the board by vendor or product category. Therefore, different types of items must be managed differently. Inventory Classification Innovation: Paving the Way for Electronic Commerce and Vendor Managed Inventory takes a quantum leap forward and explores inventory classification techniques used successfully in large multi-branch distribution for over 25 years. In his book Broeckelmann develops the innovative concepts of Type and Stock Code classifications.Type classification is based on the fundamental characteristics of an SKU - Cost and Demand. The author details a proven method of segmenting inventory by cost and demand to recognize the difference in SKUs; thereby allowing appropriate classification and the ability to treat different SKUs differently....  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин All Inventory is not created equal. Inventory classification is the backbone of distribution profitability. Important inventory management criteria such as customer service level, margin, days supply and EOQ can not be applied across the board by vendor or product category. Therefore, different types of items must be managed differently. Inventory Classification Innovation: Paving the Way for Electronic Commerce and Vendor Managed Inventory takes a quantum leap forward and explores inventory classification techniques used successfully in large multi-branch distribution for over 25 years. In his book Broeckelmann develops the innovative concepts of Type and Stock Code classifications.Type classification is based on the fundamental characteristics of an SKU - Cost and Demand. The author details a proven method of segmenting inventory by cost and demand to recognize the difference in SKUs; thereby allowing appropriate classification and the ability to treat different SKUs differently.......

The Basics of Idea Generation

Donna Greiner

  The Basics of Idea Generation  Donna Greiner  Generating and implementing ideas are cornerstones for a wide variety of quality improvement techniques - and the primary activities for any project team. The Basics of Idea Generation is a cost-effective way to ensure your team consistently generates new ideas and learns how to implement them with this proven five-step process: Step One: Create an opportunity statement. Step Two: Collect the raw materials. Step Three: Hold an idea workout. Step Four: Evaluate the ideas. Step Five: Implement the ideas. The author explains 20 tools that help complete each step in the process. In addition, you'll learn solutions to overcoming certain barriers to creativity.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Generating and implementing ideas are cornerstones for a wide variety of quality improvement techniques - and the primary activities for any project team. The Basics of Idea Generation is a cost-effective way to ensure your team consistently generates new ideas and learns how to implement them with this proven five-step process: Step One: Create an opportunity statement. Step Two: Collect the raw materials. Step Three: Hold an idea workout. Step Four: Evaluate the ideas. Step Five: Implement the ideas. The author explains 20 tools that help complete each step in the process. In addition, you'll learn solutions to overcoming certain barriers to creativity....

The Skeptical Business Searcher: The Information Advisor's Guide to Evaluating Web Data, Sites, and Sources

Robert Berkman

  The Skeptical Business Searcher: The Information Advisor's Guide to Evaluating Web Data, Sites, and Sources  Robert Berkman  Offering business information users strategies for identifying and evaluating no-cost online information sources, this guide emphasizes techniques for recognizing biased and untrustworthy web sites. Information users are directed to the most useful and targeted sources of company histories and overviews. These include corporate sales and earnings data, SEC filings and stockholder reports, public records, market research studies, competitive intelligence, industry analyses, staff directories, executive biographies, statistics, survey/poll results, conference proceedings, press releases, news stories, and hard-to-find information about small businesses and niche markets. Demonstrated are concepts such as precision searching, which enables business searchers to quickly find the specific information they need. Also discussed are critical-thinking skills and the art of asking the right question. A 10-point checklist that allows users to systematically evaluate web site reliability is...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Offering business information users strategies for identifying and evaluating no-cost online information sources, this guide emphasizes techniques for recognizing biased and untrustworthy web sites. Information users are directed to the most useful and targeted sources of company histories and overviews. These include corporate sales and earnings data, SEC filings and stockholder reports, public records, market research studies, competitive intelligence, industry analyses, staff directories, executive biographies, statistics, survey/poll results, conference proceedings, press releases, news stories, and hard-to-find information about small businesses and niche markets. Demonstrated are concepts such as precision searching, which enables business searchers to quickly find the specific information they need. Also discussed are critical-thinking skills and the art of asking the right question. A 10-point checklist that allows users to systematically evaluate web site reliability is......

<<<  История искусства зарубежных стран. Средние века, Возрождение.              The Nontoxic CEO: Protecting your People, Planet, and Profits Through ... >>>

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A Guide to Becoming a Travel Professional. Susan Rice, Ginger Todd, M.Ed., Ginger Todd Susan Rice . Книги.

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