История искусства зарубежных стран. Средние века, Возрождение

  История искусства зарубежных стран. Средние века, Возрождение  Изобразительное искусство.   История искусства зарубежных стран. Средние века, возрождение.   Издание 1982 года. Сохранность хорошая. Учебник охватывает историю изобразительного искусства и архитектуры зарубежных стран от периода средних веков до эпохи Возрождения. В нем рассматривается история искусства Византии, Западной Европы в средние века, искусство Возрождения в Италии и в странах Северное Европы. Искусство Индии, Китая, Японии и других стран Азии с древнейших времен до конца средневековья. Учебник иллюстрирован большим количеством тоновых репродукций (около 500).  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Изобразительное искусство. История искусства зарубежных стран. Средние века, возрождение. Издание 1982 года. Сохранность хорошая. Учебник охватывает историю изобразительного искусства и архитектуры зарубежных стран от периода средних веков до эпохи Возрождения. В нем рассматривается история искусства Византии, Западной Европы в средние века, искусство Возрождения в Италии и в странах Северное Европы. Искусство Индии, Китая, Японии и других стран Азии с древнейших времен до конца средневековья. Учебник иллюстрирован большим количеством тоновых репродукций (около 500)....

Forms of Taxation

Lawrance George Lux

  Forms of Taxation  Lawrance George Lux  This is a basic examination of basic tax systems, for both Layperson and Student. It describes the various forms of tax, both historical and theoretical. It examines each in turn, bringing insight to its advantages and hazards. The Author gives a cursory study of tax impacts, the problems of tax collection, and the amounts of revenue, which can be expected. The basic thesis of the Work consists in the idea current American methods of tax form and tax collection need serious revision. The Author attempts to express why he holds this belief, the observed detriment to economic performance of current tax placement, and the causes of such economic disadvantage. He presents potential alterations to the current tax intermix, suggesting consolidation of tax forms would present savings in cost of tax collection, and ease of payment to Taxpayers. He outlines his beliefs on the proper tax system for American society.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This is a basic examination of basic tax systems, for both Layperson and Student. It describes the various forms of tax, both historical and theoretical. It examines each in turn, bringing insight to its advantages and hazards. The Author gives a cursory study of tax impacts, the problems of tax collection, and the amounts of revenue, which can be expected. The basic thesis of the Work consists in the idea current American methods of tax form and tax collection need serious revision. The Author attempts to express why he holds this belief, the observed detriment to economic performance of current tax placement, and the causes of such economic disadvantage. He presents potential alterations to the current tax intermix, suggesting consolidation of tax forms would present savings in cost of tax collection, and ease of payment to Taxpayers. He outlines his beliefs on the proper tax system for American society....

DAY BY DAY: The Story of Cecil B. Day and His Simple Formula for Success

Cecil Burke, Jr. Day, Jr., C. Burke Day, John McCollister

  DAY BY DAY: The Story of Cecil B. Day and His Simple Formula for Success  Cecil Burke, Jr. Day, Jr., C. Burke Day, John McCollister  Cecil B. Day, founder of Days Inns, represents the American dream personified. One of his mottos, Cecil B. Day, founder of Days Inns, represents the American dream personified. One of his mottos, "Find a need, then fill it," guided him throughout his life and was the counsel he offered aspiring entrepreneurs. Having experienced the usual ups and downs of one whose mind is set on a business career, it occurred to Cecil Day that affordable lodging accommodations were in short supply in America. To fill the void, he set out to provide motels with clean, comfortable, moderately priced rooms. In 1970 Cecil started his business with one simple motel, and within eight short years more than three hundred Days Inns dotted the American and Canadian landscapes. Today, Days Inns is still the world's fastest growing motel chain. Cecil Day possessed natural business acumen. That, coupled with a fantastic imagination and extraordinary perseverance, were prime ingredients in his march toward success. "Keep on keepin' on!" was his father's sage advice, and Cecil took these words to heart as he......

World Economics Issues at the United Nations

Mahfuzur Rahman, Rahman Mahfuzur

  World Economics Issues at the United Nations  Mahfuzur Rahman, Rahman Mahfuzur  World Economic Issues at the United Nations: Half a Century of Debate attempts an objective analysis of the discussions in the policy forums of the United Nations on the major issues in the world economy over the past half a century. The book opens with a brief survey of the world economy since the Second World War. The following chapter presents a bird's-eye view of the issues discussed as well as a perspective on each of the issues. Starting with the issues of growth and stability in industrial countries, the study goes on to present discussions on the evolving issues of development of less developed countries. The volume devotes a substantial chapter on the efforts at establishment of the new international economic order. The more mundane matters of food needs of developing countries and their pervasive poverty are not lost sight of. Discussions on other major issues of interest and concern to developing countries, such as those of primary commodities, and the crisis of external...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин World Economic Issues at the United Nations: Half a Century of Debate attempts an objective analysis of the discussions in the policy forums of the United Nations on the major issues in the world economy over the past half a century. The book opens with a brief survey of the world economy since the Second World War. The following chapter presents a bird's-eye view of the issues discussed as well as a perspective on each of the issues. Starting with the issues of growth and stability in industrial countries, the study goes on to present discussions on the evolving issues of development of less developed countries. The volume devotes a substantial chapter on the efforts at establishment of the new international economic order. The more mundane matters of food needs of developing countries and their pervasive poverty are not lost sight of. Discussions on other major issues of interest and concern to developing countries, such as those of primary commodities, and the crisis of external......

Foreign Exchange and Money Markets: Theory, Practice and Risk Management

Bob Steiner

  Foreign Exchange and Money Markets: Theory, Practice and Risk Management  Bob Steiner  Floating rates, central-bank intervention, derivatives trading and the very high volumes of speculative and round-the-clock trading are just a few of the facets of the foreign exchange marketplace that make it a highly dynamic and volatile arena. This book addresses the practical applications of foreign currency trading and money market trading and provides comprehensive coverage of these markets. Coverage includes: * What the instruments are * How and why they are used - by both bank dealers and corporate end-users * How the different instruments are linked one to another * How you price them * Structure of the market, EMU etc * The range of risks arising from dealings in these instruments that affect banks and corporates * How these risks are measured and managed * Brings together a range of practical, relevant material on Foreign Exchange and money market trading. * Focuses on trading situations as well as on calculations * International...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Floating rates, central-bank intervention, derivatives trading and the very high volumes of speculative and round-the-clock trading are just a few of the facets of the foreign exchange marketplace that make it a highly dynamic and volatile arena. This book addresses the practical applications of foreign currency trading and money market trading and provides comprehensive coverage of these markets. Coverage includes: * What the instruments are * How and why they are used - by both bank dealers and corporate end-users * How the different instruments are linked one to another * How you price them * Structure of the market, EMU etc * The range of risks arising from dealings in these instruments that affect banks and corporates * How these risks are measured and managed * Brings together a range of practical, relevant material on Foreign Exchange and money market trading. * Focuses on trading situations as well as on calculations * International......

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История искусства зарубежных стран. Средние века, Возрождение. . Книги.

Новокузнецк, Астрахань, Смоленск, Архангельск, Прокопьевск, Южно-Сахалинск, Курск, Серпухов, Орёл, Черкесск, Сызрань, Балаково, Орехово-Зуево, Улан-Удэ, Санкт-Петербург, Октябрьский, Димитровград, Южно-Сахалинск, Сургут, Назрань, Москв, Братск, Подольск, Артём, Хасавюрт, Тобольск, Новокузнецк, Воронеж, Ухта, Новороссийск, Астрахань,
Приключенческие триллеры| Глобусы, контурные карты и атласы| Журналы и периодика| Испанский, португальский| Интернет-трейдинг. Интернет-инвестиции| Журналы для детей и о детях| Фильмы ужасов| Путешествия. Туризм| Тесты, ПДД| Мемуары. Биографии| Экономический анализ, оценка и планирование| Восточные единоборства| Двадцатый век| Немецкий язык| Классическая и инструментальная музыка| Дизайн| Все сказки мира| Microsoft Windows| Кадровый менеджмент. Планирование, подбор и развитие персонала| Мистические боевики| Криминальные мелодрамы| Познавательная литература| Воспитание и педагогика| Журналы для детей и о детях| Иностранные языки| Киберпанк и виртуальная реальность| Нетрадиционные исторические теории и гипотезы| Общие работы по истории России| Папанов Анатолий Дмитриевич|
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