Baseball on the Brain

Dennis Purdy

  Baseball on the Brain  Dennis Purdy  Workman Publishing Company.   There's trivia, and then there's knowledge - deep, extensive, obsessive knowledge - masquerading as trivia. It's the kind of trivia that, if you know the answer, makes you feel triumphant, and if you don't, gives you an education. The kind of trivia based not on what we shouldn't be expected to know, but on what we should - if we're to consider ourselves true fans. Dennis Purdy, author of the just-published Team-by-Team Encyclopedia of Major League Baseball, has been collecting baseball trivia since before he could shave, and now presents the best of the best: a massive collection of over 1,000 trivia games. Not solo questions, but half-page games, every one involving matching multiple players to their accomplishments, or evaluating multiple clues to discover a mystery subject's identity, or digging deep into a round-up of terms, nicknames, phrases, awards, events, individual teams, locations, and more. The games cover three centuries of baseball history. Home run calls and the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Workman Publishing Company. There's trivia, and then there's knowledge - deep, extensive, obsessive knowledge - masquerading as trivia. It's the kind of trivia that, if you know the answer, makes you feel triumphant, and if you don't, gives you an education. The kind of trivia based not on what we shouldn't be expected to know, but on what we should - if we're to consider ourselves true fans. Dennis Purdy, author of the just-published Team-by-Team Encyclopedia of Major League Baseball, has been collecting baseball trivia since before he could shave, and now presents the best of the best: a massive collection of over 1,000 trivia games. Not solo questions, but half-page games, every one involving matching multiple players to their accomplishments, or evaluating multiple clues to discover a mystery subject's identity, or digging deep into a round-up of terms, nicknames, phrases, awards, events, individual teams, locations, and more. The games cover three centuries of baseball history. Home run calls and the......

The Complete Guide Grand Canyon: Grand Canyon National Park

James Kaiser

  The Complete Guide Grand Canyon: Grand Canyon National Park  James Kaiser  Destination Press.   With a large number of beautiful, high-quality color photographs, this guide is as browsable as the best coffee table books but also supplies travelers with maps, travel tips, and extensive listings for lodging, camping, and sightseeing. From river rafting to scenic fly-overs, the Grand Canyon offers a plethora of potential activities - but without careful planning, a trip to this popular national park can be overwhelming. This guide divides the attractions into sections - the North Rim, South Rim, Colorado River, and Havasu Falls - with lodging, dining, and camping information given for each. Outfitters for hiking, backpacking, mule rides, and rafting adventures are listed, and carefully researched chapters about the park's history, geology, and wildlife encourage leisurely study of the area's unmatched natural beauty.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Destination Press. With a large number of beautiful, high-quality color photographs, this guide is as browsable as the best coffee table books but also supplies travelers with maps, travel tips, and extensive listings for lodging, camping, and sightseeing. From river rafting to scenic fly-overs, the Grand Canyon offers a plethora of potential activities - but without careful planning, a trip to this popular national park can be overwhelming. This guide divides the attractions into sections - the North Rim, South Rim, Colorado River, and Havasu Falls - with lodging, dining, and camping information given for each. Outfitters for hiking, backpacking, mule rides, and rafting adventures are listed, and carefully researched chapters about the park's history, geology, and wildlife encourage leisurely study of the area's unmatched natural beauty....

Furniture Design

Jim Postell

  Furniture Design  Jim Postell  Wiley.   From history to theory to technology: a comprehensive survey of furniture design. Designing furniture is both an art and a science that draws upon a broad range of knowledge and disciplines. It is helpful for today's furniture designers to have a working knowledge of furniture history, technology, aesthetics, the human body, architectural production, interior design, industrial design, and art. Furniture Design is a comprehensive survey that guides the reader through the essential facets of design and more. The book explores: Fundamental ideas of function and social use. Form, spatial organization, and typological orders. Structural integrity and composition. The design process. Materials and fabrication processes. Marketing and professional practice. A historical overview of furniture design up to the twenty-first century. A highlight of the book includes case studies of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Wiley. From history to theory to technology: a comprehensive survey of furniture design. Designing furniture is both an art and a science that draws upon a broad range of knowledge and disciplines. It is helpful for today's furniture designers to have a working knowledge of furniture history, technology, aesthetics, the human body, architectural production, interior design, industrial design, and art. Furniture Design is a comprehensive survey that guides the reader through the essential facets of design and more. The book explores: Fundamental ideas of function and social use. Form, spatial organization, and typological orders. Structural integrity and composition. The design process. Materials and fabrication processes. Marketing and professional practice. A historical overview of furniture design up to the twenty-first century. A highlight of the book includes case studies of......

М. Е. Салтыков-Щедрин. Сказки. Выпуск 5 (аудиокнига MP3)

М. Е. Салтыков-Щедрин

  М. Е. Салтыков-Щедрин. Сказки. Выпуск 5 (аудиокнига MP3)  М. Е. Салтыков-Щедрин  1С-Паблишинг.   Театральный фонограф.   Орел-меценат, Вяленая вобла.   В сказках великого русского сатирика М.Е.Салтыкова-Щедрина есть и актуальность, и политическая острота, и замечательный юмор, и красочный язык. В этих историях столько легко узнаваемых в любую эпоху персонажей! 1С-Паблишинг. Театральный фонограф. Орел-меценат, Вяленая вобла. В сказках великого русского сатирика М.Е.Салтыкова-Щедрина есть и актуальность, и политическая острота, и замечательный юмор, и красочный язык. В этих историях столько легко узнаваемых в любую эпоху персонажей! "Орел-меценат", решив обзавестись дворней, как у помещика, постепенно уничтожил певцов, грамотеев, работников и остался ни с чем. А вот главная героиня сказки "Вяленая вобла" сумела везде сказать свое слово, "слово пустомысленное, но именно как раз такое, что, по обстоятельствам, лучше не надо"....

Поделки для девочек

Елена Рубцова

  Поделки для девочек  Елена Рубцова  Эксмо.   Детский досуг.   С этой книгой девочка научится делать сувениры, брелоки, шкатулки, сумки, рамки для фотографий и многое другое из самых разных подручных материалов! Изготовление поделок помогает не только приятно провести время, но развивает воображение, мелкую моторику, позволяет ребенку развить уверенность в себе.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Эксмо. Детский досуг. С этой книгой девочка научится делать сувениры, брелоки, шкатулки, сумки, рамки для фотографий и многое другое из самых разных подручных материалов! Изготовление поделок помогает не только приятно провести время, но развивает воображение, мелкую моторику, позволяет ребенку развить уверенность в себе....

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Baseball on the Brain. Dennis Purdy . Книги.

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