Learning Together with Young Children: A Curriculum Framework for Reflective Teachers

Deb Curtis, Margie Carter

  Learning Together with Young Children: A Curriculum Framework for Reflective Teachers  Deb Curtis, Margie Carter  Redleaf Press.   Many curriculum books treat teaching as something teachers do to or for children. Deb Curtis and Margie Carter, best-selling authors in the early learning field, believe teaching is a collaborative process in which teachers reexamine their own philosophies and practices while facilitating children's learning. Each chapter in this curriculum framework includes a conceptual overview followed by classroom stories and photographs to illustrate the concepts. The book helps teachers create materials and a classroom culture reflective of their values: Teach through observation, reflection, inquiry, and action, and encourage children to represent their learning in multiple ways, including songs, stories, and drama.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Redleaf Press. Many curriculum books treat teaching as something teachers do to or for children. Deb Curtis and Margie Carter, best-selling authors in the early learning field, believe teaching is a collaborative process in which teachers reexamine their own philosophies and practices while facilitating children's learning. Each chapter in this curriculum framework includes a conceptual overview followed by classroom stories and photographs to illustrate the concepts. The book helps teachers create materials and a classroom culture reflective of their values: Teach through observation, reflection, inquiry, and action, and encourage children to represent their learning in multiple ways, including songs, stories, and drama....

Overexploitation and Contamination of Shared Groundwater Resources (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security)

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Hyper-Chondriac: One Man's Quest to Hurry Up and Calm Down

Brian Frazer

  Hyper-Chondriac: One Man's Quest to Hurry Up and Calm Down  Brian Frazer  Atria.   Does your blood pressure surge if the car in front of you turns without signaling? Do your neck veins pulsate when a cashier takes too long to ring you up? Does relaxing seem like it'll have to wait until you're dead? Then your name could very well be Brian Frazer. On paper, Frazer is the world's healthiest guy. He eats right, exercises regularly, gets plenty of sleep, has never smoked and has missed only one day of flossing in the last five years. But inside he's a swirling vortex of angst, capable of contracting a new malady every month. Once Frazer realized that all his ills were tied to stress, he went on a quixotic quest for calm, venturing into everything from Tai Chi, serotonin blockers and Kabbalah to an unfortunate incident involving pineapple-chicken curry at a Craniosacral therapy session. Never has the road to wellville taken so many unforeseen turns. Achingly funny, uncomfortably true and always entertaining, Hyperchondriac is just the medicine for...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Atria. Does your blood pressure surge if the car in front of you turns without signaling? Do your neck veins pulsate when a cashier takes too long to ring you up? Does relaxing seem like it'll have to wait until you're dead? Then your name could very well be Brian Frazer. On paper, Frazer is the world's healthiest guy. He eats right, exercises regularly, gets plenty of sleep, has never smoked and has missed only one day of flossing in the last five years. But inside he's a swirling vortex of angst, capable of contracting a new malady every month. Once Frazer realized that all his ills were tied to stress, he went on a quixotic quest for calm, venturing into everything from Tai Chi, serotonin blockers and Kabbalah to an unfortunate incident involving pineapple-chicken curry at a Craniosacral therapy session. Never has the road to wellville taken so many unforeseen turns. Achingly funny, uncomfortably true and always entertaining, Hyperchondriac is just the medicine for......

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Pocketbook Guide to Fulfilling Your Dreams (One Hour of Wisdom)

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The Misunderstood Jew: The Church and the Scandal of the Jewish Jesus

Amy-Jill Levine

  The Misunderstood Jew: The Church and the Scandal of the Jewish Jesus  Amy-Jill Levine  HarperOne.   -  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин HarperOne. -...

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Learning Together with Young Children: A Curriculum Framework for Reflective Teachers. Deb Curtis, Margie Carter . Книги.

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Цена и ценообразование| Исторические драмы| Медицина. Фармакология| Кулинария. Напитки| Зарубежная фэнтези| Скандалы. Сенсации. Катастрофы| Афоризмы и анекдоты| Эстрада| Искусство. Архитектура. Религия. Традиции.| Коммерческое право| Охрана труда| Театр. Сценическое искусство| Детское творчество| Мелодрамы и драмы| Интернет-трейдинг. Интернет-инвестиции| Итальянский язык| Словари-справочники| Самоменеджмент. Сделай себя сам| Кантри| Энциклопедии, справочники| Химическая и лесная промышленность. Полиграфия| Аудит| Государство и право| Военные комедии| Книжки-игрушки| Финансовый анализ, оценка, учет и планирование. Бюджет| Иронический детектив| Мистика| Люди искусства и шоу-бизнеса| Языкознание. Филологические науки| Квесты (Quest)| Иностранные языки| Криминальные мелодрамы| Медицина. Фармакология| Экзотические приключения|
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