Solaris 9 for Dummies

Dave Taylor

  Solaris 9 for Dummies  Dave Taylor  For Dummies.   Discover new security features and easier installation. Light up your system with a new resource manager, volume manager, and directory server. Open this book and let the sun shine in! It'll help you chart a course for StarOffice, explore CDE and GNOME desktops, and harness Solaris power to configure Web servers, access Internet services, build great Web sites, manage files and directories, and a galaxy of other tasks. The Dummies Way: Explanations in plain English. For Dummies. Discover new security features and easier installation. Light up your system with a new resource manager, volume manager, and directory server. Open this book and let the sun shine in! It'll help you chart a course for StarOffice, explore CDE and GNOME desktops, and harness Solaris power to configure Web servers, access Internet services, build great Web sites, manage files and directories, and a galaxy of other tasks. The Dummies Way: Explanations in plain English. "Get in, get out" information. Icons and other navigational aids. Tear-out cheat sheet. Top ten lists. A dash of humor and fun. The fun and easy way to become a Solaris 9 pro. Learn how to configure and secure Web, Telnet, and FTP servers; discover new security features and easier installation. Written in plain English with a little humor and fun. Includes a handy tear-out cheat sheet. Softcover. Издание на......

Living Will - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Reference

  Living Will - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Reference  In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing.This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so....

London Booksellers and American Customers: Transatlantic Literary Community and the Charleston Library Society, 1748-1811

James Raven

  London Booksellers and American Customers: Transatlantic Literary Community and the Charleston Library Society, 1748-1811  James Raven  James Raven's history of the Charleston Library Society's book purchasing activities offers both a window into the transatlantic book trade during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and a chronicle of this early library's influence on southern culture. Founded in 1748 and still flourishing today, the Charleston Library Society occupies a position of historical significance comparable to that of the Library Company of Philadelphia, the New York Library Society, and the Boston Athenaeum. Its members provided the initiative for the founding of the Charleston Museum, the College of Charleston, and numerous civic and literary societies. Raven reveals how the Charleston library grew into an effective force for the pursuit of intellectual and scientific interests and the confirmation of the political power of South Carolina's planter elite. Raven's exhaustive study features an annotated edition of the James Raven's history of the Charleston Library Society's book purchasing activities offers both a window into the transatlantic book trade during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and a chronicle of this early library's influence on southern culture. Founded in 1748 and still flourishing today, the Charleston Library Society occupies a position of historical significance comparable to that of the Library Company of Philadelphia, the New York Library Society, and the Boston Athenaeum. Its members provided the initiative for the founding of the Charleston Museum, the College of Charleston, and numerous civic and literary societies. Raven reveals how the Charleston library grew into an effective force for the pursuit of intellectual and scientific interests and the confirmation of the political power of South Carolina's planter elite. Raven's exhaustive study features an annotated edition of the "Charles Town Library Society Letterbook, 1758?1811," a rare surviving set......

Гражданская война в лирике и прозе. В 2 томах. Том 2

  Гражданская война в лирике и прозе. В 2 томах. Том 2  Дрофа.   Библиотека отечественной классической художественной литературы.   Лирика, В тупике, Голый год, Конармия, Комментарии, Отрывки из литературно-критических статей.   В книгу включены стихотворения о Гражданской войне, романы Дрофа. Библиотека отечественной классической художественной литературы. Лирика, В тупике, Голый год, Конармия, Комментарии, Отрывки из литературно-критических статей. В книгу включены стихотворения о Гражданской войне, романы "В тупике" В.Вересаева, "Голый год" Б.Пильняка, цикл рассказов "Конармия" И.Бабеля. В приложении к книге помещены отрывки из литературно-критических статей....

Микроконтроллеры, цифровая техника, бытовая автоматика. Лучшие конструкции журнала "Радиохобби" за 5 лет (+ CD-ROM)

  Микроконтроллеры, цифровая техника, бытовая автоматика. Лучшие конструкции журнала Эксперт. Лучшие конструкции Радиохобби. Это издание - последний из трех сборников, которые редакция "РХ" по просьбам наших новых читателей издала в дополнение к регулярно издаваемому журналу "Радиохобби". В нем содержатся избранные статьи по тематике цифровой техники, микроконтроллеров, бытовой автоматики, опубликованные в журналах "Радиохобби" за 5 лет, начиная с самого первого номера за 1998 год. Как и в журнале, в сборнике основное внимание уделено наиболее интересным схемным решениям и программам. На CD, прилагаемом к этому сборнику, собраны описанные в статьях программы для ПК, прошивки ПЗУ, рисунки печатных плат, а также другие полезные в радиолюбительской практике программы и данные (например, каталог-справочник зарубежных компонентов, альбомов схем и сервис мануалов)....

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Solaris 9 for Dummies. Dave Taylor . Книги.

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