The Psychology and Management of Workplace Diversity

Margaret Stockdale, Faye J. Crosby

  The Psychology and Management of Workplace Diversity  Margaret Stockdale, Faye J. Crosby  Immigration and globalization, combined with new civil rights laws and changes in public opinion have resulted in vastly increased workplace diversity in the last half-century. The Psychology and Management of Workplace Diversity represents a timely addition to current offerings on this growing sub-discipline. The chapters, written by prominent scholars chosen for their expertise in specific domains, provide sophisticated and comprehensive views of the challenges and opportunities that diversity poses for organizations, their leaders, and their members. The book begins by outlining the demographic forces and legal developments that create the environment in which diversity management is needed. It then presents a series of models that describe and explain the processes involved and examines how diversity has, does, and should work with respect to a series of dimensions, including gender, race or ethnicity, age, disability, obesity, sexual orientation, and social class. The...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Immigration and globalization, combined with new civil rights laws and changes in public opinion have resulted in vastly increased workplace diversity in the last half-century. The Psychology and Management of Workplace Diversity represents a timely addition to current offerings on this growing sub-discipline. The chapters, written by prominent scholars chosen for their expertise in specific domains, provide sophisticated and comprehensive views of the challenges and opportunities that diversity poses for organizations, their leaders, and their members. The book begins by outlining the demographic forces and legal developments that create the environment in which diversity management is needed. It then presents a series of models that describe and explain the processes involved and examines how diversity has, does, and should work with respect to a series of dimensions, including gender, race or ethnicity, age, disability, obesity, sexual orientation, and social class. The......

The Changemakers: From Carnegie to Gates, How the Great Entrepreneurs Transformed Ideas into Industries

Maury Klein

  The Changemakers: From Carnegie to Gates, How the Great Entrepreneurs Transformed Ideas into Industries  Maury Klein  “Conjures insights into the history and character of those who keep our economy vital and growing. Illuminating.” —Warren Bennis Entrepreneurs, even more than inventors, are essential to American business. While inventors produce ideas, entrepreneurs get things done, build the markets, make ideas reality. But what creative talents do the legendary American entrepreneurs share, and what can you learn from them about business success? Using lively character sketches and company stories, University of Rhode Island professor Maury Klein analyzes how innovators from Andrew Carnegie to Bill Gates triumphed over perennial challenges in planning and strategy, production, operations, staffing, and sales—and transformed entire industries. Comparing the retailing acumen of J.C. Penney and Wal-Mart’s Sam Walton, the organizational ingenuity of Standard Oil’s John D. Rockefeller and Intel’s Robert Noyce, the imaginative...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин “Conjures insights into the history and character of those who keep our economy vital and growing. Illuminating.” —Warren Bennis Entrepreneurs, even more than inventors, are essential to American business. While inventors produce ideas, entrepreneurs get things done, build the markets, make ideas reality. But what creative talents do the legendary American entrepreneurs share, and what can you learn from them about business success? Using lively character sketches and company stories, University of Rhode Island professor Maury Klein analyzes how innovators from Andrew Carnegie to Bill Gates triumphed over perennial challenges in planning and strategy, production, operations, staffing, and sales—and transformed entire industries. Comparing the retailing acumen of J.C. Penney and Wal-Mart’s Sam Walton, the organizational ingenuity of Standard Oil’s John D. Rockefeller and Intel’s Robert Noyce, the imaginative......

Managing Green Issues

Tom Curtin, Jacqueline Jones

  Managing Green Issues  Tom Curtin, Jacqueline Jones  The management of environmental has become a key concern for many companies. Not only do these issues influence how an organization is seen and how its reputation is judged, it has huge implications for the organization's success, brand values and the sales decisions of consumers towards its products. This book contains much practical advice, with case studies, and will guide the modern organization on how to channel environmental issues to gain competitive advantage.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The management of environmental has become a key concern for many companies. Not only do these issues influence how an organization is seen and how its reputation is judged, it has huge implications for the organization's success, brand values and the sales decisions of consumers towards its products. This book contains much practical advice, with case studies, and will guide the modern organization on how to channel environmental issues to gain competitive advantage....

Facilities Planning & Design For Financial Institutions: A Strategic Management Guide

Paul Seibert

  Facilities Planning & Design For Financial Institutions: A Strategic Management Guide  Paul Seibert  Facilities Planning & Design For Financial Institutions covers the process of developing a facilities plan from start to finish, incorporating elements from all of the critical areas of banking. This guide helps translate a strategic plan into a design that can maximize physical investment. It also gives insights into site selection and analysis, construction and equipment issues. Facilites Planning & Design for Financial Institutions takes a strategic approach to facilities planning, going beyond using numbers to determine space and design. This innovative resource guide combines business plans, organizational charts, marketing plans and analysis in determining facilities needs, plans and implementation strategies. Facilities Planning & Design for Financial Institutions shows readers how to: link the facility planning process to their strategic plan; find the information needed for new sites, expansions, remodeling and consolidations while controlling budget and eliminating...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Facilities Planning & Design For Financial Institutions covers the process of developing a facilities plan from start to finish, incorporating elements from all of the critical areas of banking. This guide helps translate a strategic plan into a design that can maximize physical investment. It also gives insights into site selection and analysis, construction and equipment issues. Facilites Planning & Design for Financial Institutions takes a strategic approach to facilities planning, going beyond using numbers to determine space and design. This innovative resource guide combines business plans, organizational charts, marketing plans and analysis in determining facilities needs, plans and implementation strategies. Facilities Planning & Design for Financial Institutions shows readers how to: link the facility planning process to their strategic plan; find the information needed for new sites, expansions, remodeling and consolidations while controlling budget and eliminating......

The Economics of Health Care in Asia-Pacific Countries (Academia Studies in Asian Economies)

Chee-Ruey Hsieh, Teh-Wei Hu

  The Economics of Health Care in Asia-Pacific Countries (Academia Studies in Asian Economies)  Chee-Ruey Hsieh, Teh-Wei Hu  In order to control ever-increasing health care expenditure, Western and Asian countries are seeking to develop more efficient health care models. Studies on health care that focus specifically on Asian countries are rare, rendering this a unique and welcome addition to the literature. The twelve previously unpublished papers in this book present quantitative research on various aspects of health care reform and health policy in Asia-Pacific countries such as China, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and the US - nations diverse in their economic development, social demographic structure and health care expenditures. The book?s main topic for discussion is the role of both government and health insurers in funding health care. The implementation of community-based, supplemental and national health insurance is explored, as are grants and the financing of hospitals and care for the elderly. The effectiveness of education as an input to health investment and the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In order to control ever-increasing health care expenditure, Western and Asian countries are seeking to develop more efficient health care models. Studies on health care that focus specifically on Asian countries are rare, rendering this a unique and welcome addition to the literature. The twelve previously unpublished papers in this book present quantitative research on various aspects of health care reform and health policy in Asia-Pacific countries such as China, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and the US - nations diverse in their economic development, social demographic structure and health care expenditures. The book?s main topic for discussion is the role of both government and health insurers in funding health care. The implementation of community-based, supplemental and national health insurance is explored, as are grants and the financing of hospitals and care for the elderly. The effectiveness of education as an input to health investment and the......

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The Psychology and Management of Workplace Diversity. Margaret Stockdale, Faye J. Crosby . Книги.

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