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Islam and the Economy of Pakistan: A Critical Analysis of Traditional Interpretation Izzud-Din Pal
Is Pakistan an ideological state? Is there a particular sectarian point of view which dominates the debate on ideology? These questions are critically examined in this book. The orthodox views on sacred laws of Islam are discussed in order to establish te context for the topic. To further elaborate the argument, the author focuses on issues such as zakat, the rules of conduct for the individual and family, as well as income distribution and foreign trade. Pakistan's official name--The Islamic Rpublic of Pakistan--defines the authority that is vested in it for decision-making powers on behalf of its citizens. As a republic, it has a democratic, formal structure in which people have the right to determine who would govern their affairs through fre and formal elections. It does not call for the national leaders to be necessarily qualified in Islamic jurisprudence. The country has not, however, found a stable solution to the hybrid mixture underlined in its constitution,......
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Wealth Accumulation and Communities of Color in the United States: Current Issues
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International Construction Contract Management: A Compendium of Knowledge D. Bryan Morgan
Riba Enterprises Ltd. "International Construction Contract Management" is a comprehensive, easy to understand and practical reference book for construction professionals working on overseas projects. Written by Bryan Morgan, a surveyor and contract claims consultant with over 40 years' experience of construction contract and claims-related management from around the world, this book has been designed specifically to help in overcoming the day-to-day contractual problems encountered in the field. "International Construction Contract Management" acknowledges that the management of projects is frequently problematic because they are rarely comprised of straightforward buildings or procured under standard forms of contract. Based on case histories from around the globe, the book serves as an invaluable general guide to current interpretations under Common Law, Civil Code rules and customary trade and industrial practices. It clarifies terms and points of law to offer guidance that can be applied in most......
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Visual Basic 2005. Рецепты программирования Тим Патрик, Кларк Крейг
БХВ-Петербург. Книга представляет собой сборник более 300 тщательно подобранных готовых решений различных задач для программистов на Visual Basic 2005, которые изложены в виде "задача - решение - обсуждение". Рецепты упорядочены по типу решаемых проблем. Почти каждый рецепт сопровождается полным исходным кодом с комментариями, объяснением технологии, лежащей в основе его работы, а также кратким описанием альтернативных решений и возможных ограничений. Приведены сотни фрагментов программного кода, примеров и решений: по работе с базами данных, выводу документов на печать, шифрованию и сжатию данных, работе с графикой, манипуляции с файлами и многое другое. Рассмотрены проекты повышенной сложности, ориентированные на работу с мультимедиа и математическими преобразованиями с применением методов линейной алгебры. Описаны особенности обновления программ, написанных на Visual Basic 6 с учетом изменений, введенных в Visual Basic 2005....
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Правила дорожного движения 2008
Эксмо. Вашему вниманию предлагаются Правила дорожного движения 2008. Административная ответственность водителей с изменениями и дополнениями, вступающими в силу с 1 января и 1 июля 2008 года....
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Islam and the Economy of Pakistan: A Critical Analysis of Traditional Interpretation. Izzud-Din Pal . Книги.
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