Журнал "Культпоход". № 12 (24) / декабрь / 2007

  Журнал Ежемесячный многоцветный журнал для широкого круга читателей, интересующихся культурной жизнью города, страны, мира. В этом номере: Потомки Гоголя. Театр с Ольгой Фукс. Кино с Верой Ерофеевой. Выставки в мире с Алексеем Мокроусовым. Выставки в Москве с Анной Чепурновой. Амур и Потемкин. Джаз, рок, этно, фолк с Александром Беляевым. Концерты стали жертвой новых технологий. In memoriam: Илья Кормильцев. Мстислав Ростропович. Кирилл Лавров. Лучано Паваротти. Михаил Ульянов. Александр Татарский. Дмитрий Пригов. Алексей Казанцев. Виктор Гвоздицкий. Игорь Моисеев. Сергей Щураков. Телевидение: Племянницы Джеймса Бонда. Живопись «Небесный трафик». Шуба на голое тело. Стиль: 5 марок х 5 вопросов = 25 новогодних идей, и др....

Ancestor Stones: A Novel

  Ancestor Stones: A Novel  Aminatta Forna  Aminatta Forna  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Aminatta Forna...

Housekeeping vs. Dirt

Nick Hornby

  Housekeeping vs. Dirt  Nick Hornby  In this latest collection of essays following The Polysyllabic Spree, critic and author Nick Hornby continues the feverish survey of his swollen bookshelves, offering a funny, intelligent, and unblinkered account of the stuff he's been reading. Ranging from the middlebrow to the highbrow (with unrepenting dips into the lowbrow), Hornby's dispatches from his nightstand table serve as useful guides to contemporary letters, with revelations on contemporary culture, the intellectual scene, and English football, in equal measure.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In this latest collection of essays following The Polysyllabic Spree, critic and author Nick Hornby continues the feverish survey of his swollen bookshelves, offering a funny, intelligent, and unblinkered account of the stuff he's been reading. Ranging from the middlebrow to the highbrow (with unrepenting dips into the lowbrow), Hornby's dispatches from his nightstand table serve as useful guides to contemporary letters, with revelations on contemporary culture, the intellectual scene, and English football, in equal measure....

Salesforce.com For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

Tom Wong, Liz Kao

  Salesforce.com For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))  Tom Wong, Liz Kao  Get up to speed fast and manage your business information more effectively! See how Salesforce helps manage accounts, market products, and improve service. Got something to sell? Work for somebody that does? You need salesforce.com and this book tells you how to use it. Whether you're a salesperson, channel manager, marketing mogul, customer service rep, or executive, you'll find secrets here for making your job easier, your day more productive, and your business more successful with Salesforce. Discover how to: Set up and personalize your system Manage relationships with partner companies Execute marketing campaigns Analyze date with reports Improve customer service Calculate sales forecasts About the authors: Tom Wong is Senior Director, Customer Marketing Programs at salesforce.com and a leading authority on CRM applications. Liz Kao is a Certified salesforce.com...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Get up to speed fast and manage your business information more effectively! See how Salesforce helps manage accounts, market products, and improve service. Got something to sell? Work for somebody that does? You need salesforce.com and this book tells you how to use it. Whether you're a salesperson, channel manager, marketing mogul, customer service rep, or executive, you'll find secrets here for making your job easier, your day more productive, and your business more successful with Salesforce. Discover how to: Set up and personalize your system Manage relationships with partner companies Execute marketing campaigns Analyze date with reports Improve customer service Calculate sales forecasts About the authors: Tom Wong is Senior Director, Customer Marketing Programs at salesforce.com and a leading authority on CRM applications. Liz Kao is a Certified salesforce.com......

Executive Job Search for $100,000 to $1 Million+ Jobs: Resumes, Career Portfolios, Leadership Profiles, Executive Branding Statements and More

Wendy S. Enelow, Louise M. Kursmark

  Executive Job Search for $100,000 to $1 Million+ Jobs: Resumes, Career Portfolios, Leadership Profiles, Executive Branding Statements and More  Wendy S. Enelow, Louise M. Kursmark  Emerging job search tools-print and online career portfolios, leadership profiles, executive branding statements, achievement summaries, and more-give $100,000+ candidates a competitive advantage and position them for top-tier opportunities. This book shows how to create and use these documents.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Emerging job search tools-print and online career portfolios, leadership profiles, executive branding statements, achievement summaries, and more-give $100,000+ candidates a competitive advantage and position them for top-tier opportunities. This book shows how to create and use these documents....

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Журнал "Культпоход". № 12 (24) / декабрь / 2007. . Книги.

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