Recycling, International Trade and the Environment: An Empirical Analysis

Pieter Van Beukering, Pieter J. H. Van Beukering

  Recycling, International Trade and the Environment: An Empirical Analysis  Pieter Van Beukering, Pieter J. H. Van Beukering  During the last century international trade has become indispensable for many economies. This is not only the case for trade in primary raw materials and consumer products but also for secondary (recyclable) materials. With the rapid growth of the recycling sector worldwide, trade in recyclables increased tremendously. It is striking that most of this trade flows from developed to developing countries. This book addresses the main causes of this typical trade pattern and investigates its economic and environmental effects by carrying out case studies on waste paper imports in India, waste plastics imports in China, and used-tyre trade in Europe. The book concludes by recommending policies that are aimed at preventing negative economic and environmental effects potentially resulting from trade in recyclables. The book offers new ideas to researchers who are involved in international trade, material flows, and waste management, and provides new insights for decision-makers who are...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин During the last century international trade has become indispensable for many economies. This is not only the case for trade in primary raw materials and consumer products but also for secondary (recyclable) materials. With the rapid growth of the recycling sector worldwide, trade in recyclables increased tremendously. It is striking that most of this trade flows from developed to developing countries. This book addresses the main causes of this typical trade pattern and investigates its economic and environmental effects by carrying out case studies on waste paper imports in India, waste plastics imports in China, and used-tyre trade in Europe. The book concludes by recommending policies that are aimed at preventing negative economic and environmental effects potentially resulting from trade in recyclables. The book offers new ideas to researchers who are involved in international trade, material flows, and waste management, and provides new insights for decision-makers who are......

International Statement of Canadian Bankruptcy Law: Transnational Insolvency: Cooperation Among the Nafta Countries (American Law Institute)

Bruce E. Leonard

  International Statement of Canadian Bankruptcy Law: Transnational Insolvency: Cooperation Among the Nafta Countries (American Law Institute)  Bruce E. Leonard  This cutting-edge volume fully describes the bankruptcy law in Canada, and sets forth a comprehensive body of agreed-upon principles governing multinational insolvency cases in which the assets are located in one or more of the three NAFTA countries; andoffer practical approaches to managing such cases based on those principles. In part influenced by ALI?s Transnational Insolvency Project, all three of the NAFTA countries have reconsidered aspects of their bankruptcy laws during the life of the Project. These changes are fully reflected in this timely and up-to-date volume  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This cutting-edge volume fully describes the bankruptcy law in Canada, and sets forth a comprehensive body of agreed-upon principles governing multinational insolvency cases in which the assets are located in one or more of the three NAFTA countries; andoffer practical approaches to managing such cases based on those principles. In part influenced by ALI?s Transnational Insolvency Project, all three of the NAFTA countries have reconsidered aspects of their bankruptcy laws during the life of the Project. These changes are fully reflected in this timely and up-to-date volume...

Introductory Statistics with Applications in General Insurance

I. B. Hossack, J. H. Pollard, B. Zehnwirth, Benjamin Zehnwirth, I.B. Hossack, J.H. Pollard

  Introductory Statistics with Applications in General Insurance  I. B. Hossack, J. H. Pollard, B. Zehnwirth, Benjamin Zehnwirth, I.B. Hossack, J.H. Pollard  This is a new edition of a very successful introduction to statistical methods for general insurance practitioners. No prior statistical knowledge is assumed, and the mathematical level required is approximately equivalent to school mathematics. While the book is primarily introductory, the authors discuss some more advanced topics, including simulation, calculation of risk premiums, credibility theory, estimation of outstanding claim provisions and risk theory. All topics are illustrated by examples drawn from general insurance, and references for further reading are given. Solutions to most of the exercises are included. For the new edition, the opportunity has been taken to make minor improvements and corrections throughout the text, to rewrite some sections to improve clarity, and to update the examples and references. A new section dealing with estimation has also been added.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This is a new edition of a very successful introduction to statistical methods for general insurance practitioners. No prior statistical knowledge is assumed, and the mathematical level required is approximately equivalent to school mathematics. While the book is primarily introductory, the authors discuss some more advanced topics, including simulation, calculation of risk premiums, credibility theory, estimation of outstanding claim provisions and risk theory. All topics are illustrated by examples drawn from general insurance, and references for further reading are given. Solutions to most of the exercises are included. For the new edition, the opportunity has been taken to make minor improvements and corrections throughout the text, to rewrite some sections to improve clarity, and to update the examples and references. A new section dealing with estimation has also been added....

Dreamweaver MX Bible with CD-ROM

Joseph W. Lowery, Joseph W. Lowery

  Dreamweaver MX Bible with CD-ROM  Joseph W. Lowery, Joseph W. Lowery  * The latest edition of the bestseller on Macromedia's market-leading Web development tool -- now deeper and more useful than ever! * Fully revised to cover all the new features of this hot web design tool for active, database-driven Web page development! * The definitive, 100omplete handbook and reference for Macromedia Dreamweaver X. * Written by Macromedia insider, Web design expert, best-selling author, and Dreamweaver Advisor Council team member Joe Lowery. * Includes coverage on Dreamweaver's integration with the upcoming releases of Flash, Fireworks, ColdFusion, JRUN, and more! * Learn to build dynamic, database-driven Web sites - no programming required.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин * The latest edition of the bestseller on Macromedia's market-leading Web development tool -- now deeper and more useful than ever! * Fully revised to cover all the new features of this hot web design tool for active, database-driven Web page development! * The definitive, 100omplete handbook and reference for Macromedia Dreamweaver X. * Written by Macromedia insider, Web design expert, best-selling author, and Dreamweaver Advisor Council team member Joe Lowery. * Includes coverage on Dreamweaver's integration with the upcoming releases of Flash, Fireworks, ColdFusion, JRUN, and more! * Learn to build dynamic, database-driven Web sites - no programming required....

Fire and Ice: Human-Centered and Mechanistic Paradigms in Software Design

Derek Kelly

  Fire and Ice: Human-Centered and Mechanistic Paradigms in Software Design  Derek Kelly  Battling for the soul of software designers today are two incompatible philosophies. One philosophy, which dominates today’s industry, is absolutistic, hierarchical, mechanistic, a-temporal, abstract, atomistic, and centered on machines. The other philosophy is de-centralized, non-hierarchic, non-mechanical, temporal, concrete, organic, and human-centered. Which one will produce the software for your children and grandchildren?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Battling for the soul of software designers today are two incompatible philosophies. One philosophy, which dominates today’s industry, is absolutistic, hierarchical, mechanistic, a-temporal, abstract, atomistic, and centered on machines. The other philosophy is de-centralized, non-hierarchic, non-mechanical, temporal, concrete, organic, and human-centered. Which one will produce the software for your children and grandchildren?...

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Recycling, International Trade and the Environment: An Empirical Analysis. Pieter Van Beukering, Pieter J. H. Van Beukering . Книги.

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