Female Corporate Culture and the New South : Women in Business Between the World Wars (Garland Studies in the History of American Labor)

Maureen Carroll Gilligan

  Female Corporate Culture and the New South : Women in Business Between the World Wars (Garland Studies in the History of American Labor)  Maureen Carroll Gilligan  Before World War I, Southern women's participation in the workforce consisted of black women's domestic labor and white working-class women's industrial or manufacturing work, but after the war, Southern women flooded business offices as stenographers, typists, clerks, and bookkeepers. This book examines their experiences in the clerical workforce, using both traditional labor sources and exploring the cultural institutions that evolved from these women's work-related milieu. Businessmen throughout the South molded this workforce to meet their needs using both labor-saving management techniques and exploiting social mores to enforce gender boundaries that limited women's workplace opportunities. This study traces the social and economic implicationsof Southern women's increased participation in clerical labor after World War I. While it increased the civic activities of white middle-class southern women, it also confined them to a routinized days work and limited venues of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Before World War I, Southern women's participation in the workforce consisted of black women's domestic labor and white working-class women's industrial or manufacturing work, but after the war, Southern women flooded business offices as stenographers, typists, clerks, and bookkeepers. This book examines their experiences in the clerical workforce, using both traditional labor sources and exploring the cultural institutions that evolved from these women's work-related milieu. Businessmen throughout the South molded this workforce to meet their needs using both labor-saving management techniques and exploiting social mores to enforce gender boundaries that limited women's workplace opportunities. This study traces the social and economic implicationsof Southern women's increased participation in clerical labor after World War I. While it increased the civic activities of white middle-class southern women, it also confined them to a routinized days work and limited venues of......

From Bad Policy to Chaos in Somalia: How an Economy Fell Apart

Jamil Abdalla Mubarak

  From Bad Policy to Chaos in Somalia: How an Economy Fell Apart  Jamil Abdalla Mubarak  This examination of the economic policies of Somalia since 1970 is empirical in nature, employing political and economic analysis, economic theory, and econometric techniques, and argues that the governmental economic policy, policy responses to crises, and exogenous shocks have been bad for the long-term economic growth of the country. Despite significant foreign financed public investment, economic growth has been weak and real per capita income has declined. The intensifying economic crises contributed to the rapid deterioration of the political situation that led to the collapse of the Somali state in 1991. Since 1991, chaos and more destruction has followed as warlords scrambled for power, resulting in the resource base of the economy being eroded further and the country being reduced to warring clans.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This examination of the economic policies of Somalia since 1970 is empirical in nature, employing political and economic analysis, economic theory, and econometric techniques, and argues that the governmental economic policy, policy responses to crises, and exogenous shocks have been bad for the long-term economic growth of the country. Despite significant foreign financed public investment, economic growth has been weak and real per capita income has declined. The intensifying economic crises contributed to the rapid deterioration of the political situation that led to the collapse of the Somali state in 1991. Since 1991, chaos and more destruction has followed as warlords scrambled for power, resulting in the resource base of the economy being eroded further and the country being reduced to warring clans....

Forgotten Places: Uneven Development and the Loss of Opportunity in Rural America

Thomas A. Lyson, William W. Falk

  Forgotten Places: Uneven Development and the Loss of Opportunity in Rural America  Thomas A. Lyson, William W. Falk  On the surface they look very different--rugged northern New England with its primarily White population, the arid Lower Rio Grande Valley inhabited mainly by Hispanics, the green and humid Mississippi Delta with a mix of Black and White residents. But when it comes to economics, they have much in common--fortune passed them by. Along with other predominantly rural regions, these areas have fallen behind the rest of the United States in many ways, from job opportunity and education to health care andliving conditions. In Forgotten Places, Thomas Lyson and William Falk have brought together works by regional experts on some of the major forgotten places throughout the country: northern New England, the Lower Rio Grande Valley, the Delta, Appalachia, the southern Black belt, the On the surface they look very different--rugged northern New England with its primarily White population, the arid Lower Rio Grande Valley inhabited mainly by Hispanics, the green and humid Mississippi Delta with a mix of Black and White residents. But when it comes to economics, they have much in common--fortune passed them by. Along with other predominantly rural regions, these areas have fallen behind the rest of the United States in many ways, from job opportunity and education to health care andliving conditions. In Forgotten Places, Thomas Lyson and William Falk have brought together works by regional experts on some of the major forgotten places throughout the country: northern New England, the Lower Rio Grande Valley, the Delta, Appalachia, the southern Black belt, the "flannel shirt frontier" of Oregon, the Ozarks, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and rural California. In these essays, the authors focus on problems that keep the regions below the national......

Methods of Moments and Semiparametric Econometrics for Limited Dependent Variable Models

Myoung-Jae Lee

  Methods of Moments and Semiparametric Econometrics for Limited Dependent Variable Models  Myoung-Jae Lee  In this book the author surveys new techniques in econometrics which may be used to analyse semiparametric models. As well as covering topics such as instrumental variable estimation, nonparametric density and regression function estimation and semiparametric limited dependent variable models, the book provides details of how these methods may be implemented using software.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In this book the author surveys new techniques in econometrics which may be used to analyse semiparametric models. As well as covering topics such as instrumental variable estimation, nonparametric density and regression function estimation and semiparametric limited dependent variable models, the book provides details of how these methods may be implemented using software....

Supported Employment in Business: Expanding the Capacity of Workers With Disabilities

Paul Wehman

  Supported Employment in Business: Expanding the Capacity of Workers With Disabilities  Paul Wehman  Supported Employment in Business: Expanding the Capacity of Workers with Disabilities is a definitive reference book that covers all the cutting edge issues of supported employment. The book?s practical yet comprehensive approach provides a resourcefor practitioners and academics alike. In 322 pages it addresses topics ranging from funding to job development to intervention techniques. The book is edited by Paul Wehman, professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at theMedical College of Virginia and director of the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Workplace Supports at Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Wehman is a well-known national leader in the field of supported employment and the editor of the Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. For this breakthrough book he has brought together thirty-one contributors known for their work in supported employment. Supported Employment in Business is for adult service providers, supported...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Supported Employment in Business: Expanding the Capacity of Workers with Disabilities is a definitive reference book that covers all the cutting edge issues of supported employment. The book?s practical yet comprehensive approach provides a resourcefor practitioners and academics alike. In 322 pages it addresses topics ranging from funding to job development to intervention techniques. The book is edited by Paul Wehman, professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at theMedical College of Virginia and director of the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Workplace Supports at Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Wehman is a well-known national leader in the field of supported employment and the editor of the Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. For this breakthrough book he has brought together thirty-one contributors known for their work in supported employment. Supported Employment in Business is for adult service providers, supported......

<<<  Показатель стойкости: как обратить препятствия в новые возможности. ...             Strides: Running Through History With an Unlikely Athlete. Benjamin Cheever >>>

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Female Corporate Culture and the New South : Women in Business Between the World Wars (Garland Studies in the History of American Labor). Maureen Carroll Gilligan . Книги.

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