Известные строения

И. В. Жукова

  Известные строения  И. В. Жукова  АСТ, Сталкер.   Чудеса из бумаги.   Попробуй сам, воспользовавшись разработками автора этой книги, создать копии шедевров в миниатюре.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Сталкер. Чудеса из бумаги. Попробуй сам, воспользовавшись разработками автора этой книги, создать копии шедевров в миниатюре....

Фэн Шуй для женщин

  Фэн Шуй для женщин  АСТ, Сова, Харвест.   Секреты для женщин.   Гармония - это единственный путь к счастью. Добиться ее можно с помощью древнекитайского учения Фэн Шуй. Следуя его простым и доступным принципам, вы поразитесь, насколько потрясающими будут перемены в вашей семье. Вы не только сможете справиться с непростой задачей планировки жилища, но и достичь внутреннего комфорта, радости, счастья, любви и процветания.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Сова, Харвест. Секреты для женщин. Гармония - это единственный путь к счастью. Добиться ее можно с помощью древнекитайского учения Фэн Шуй. Следуя его простым и доступным принципам, вы поразитесь, насколько потрясающими будут перемены в вашей семье. Вы не только сможете справиться с непростой задачей планировки жилища, но и достичь внутреннего комфорта, радости, счастья, любви и процветания....

The Oxford Paperback French Dictionary: French-English, English-French (Oxford Reference)

OUP, Michael Janes, Dora Carpenter, Edwin Carpenter

  The Oxford Paperback French Dictionary: French-English, English-French (Oxford Reference)  OUP, Michael Janes, Dora Carpenter, Edwin Carpenter  For this second edition of The Oxford Paperback French Dictionary , the text has been fully revised and updated. Covering the essential vocabulary of everyday life, the dictionary is specially designed for students, tourists, and travellers. * 50,000 words and phrases, 70,000 translations * Up to date and easy to use * Pronuniciations shown throughout * Verb tables This book is intended for students, tourists, travellers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин For this second edition of The Oxford Paperback French Dictionary , the text has been fully revised and updated. Covering the essential vocabulary of everyday life, the dictionary is specially designed for students, tourists, and travellers. * 50,000 words and phrases, 70,000 translations * Up to date and easy to use * Pronuniciations shown throughout * Verb tables This book is intended for students, tourists, travellers....

Cambridge Pet Practice Tests: Teacher's Book

Sophia Zaphiropoulos

  Cambridge Pet Practice Tests: Teacher's Book  Sophia Zaphiropoulos  Each book includes key features such as six complete practice tests for the Cambridge First Certificate in English; hints on how to approach each exercise type, with a special section on tips and teaching strategies in the teacher's book; improve your vocabulary exercises which expose students to frequently tested topics and lexis; and, cassettes providing listening practice with a variety of accents.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Each book includes key features such as six complete practice tests for the Cambridge First Certificate in English; hints on how to approach each exercise type, with a special section on tips and teaching strategies in the teacher's book; improve your vocabulary exercises which expose students to frequently tested topics and lexis; and, cassettes providing listening practice with a variety of accents....

Critical Issues in Education: Major Contributions of Alan Bishop

  Critical Issues in Education: Major Contributions of Alan Bishop  Critical Issues in Mathematics Education presents the significant contributions of Professor Alan Bishop within the mathematics education research community. Six critical issues, each of which have had paramount importance in the development of mathematics education research, are reviewed and include a discussion of current developments in each area. Teacher decision making, spatial/visualizing geometry, teachers and research, cultural/social aspects of mathematics education, socio political issues, and values serve as the basic issues discussed in this examination of mathematics education over the last fifty years during which Professor Bishop has been active in the field. A comprehensive discussion of each of these topics is realized by offering the reader a classic research contribution of Professor Bishop’s together with commentary and invited chapters from leading experts in the field of mathematics education. Critical Issues in Mathematics Education will make an invaluable...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Critical Issues in Mathematics Education presents the significant contributions of Professor Alan Bishop within the mathematics education research community. Six critical issues, each of which have had paramount importance in the development of mathematics education research, are reviewed and include a discussion of current developments in each area. Teacher decision making, spatial/visualizing geometry, teachers and research, cultural/social aspects of mathematics education, socio political issues, and values serve as the basic issues discussed in this examination of mathematics education over the last fifty years during which Professor Bishop has been active in the field. A comprehensive discussion of each of these topics is realized by offering the reader a classic research contribution of Professor Bishop’s together with commentary and invited chapters from leading experts in the field of mathematics education. Critical Issues in Mathematics Education will make an invaluable......

<<<  La chartreuse de Parme. Frederic Stendhal             Strides: Running Through History With an Unlikely Athlete. Benjamin Cheever >>>

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Известные строения. И. В. Жукова . Книги.

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