Representing African Music: Postcolonial Notes, Queries, Positions

V. Kofi Agawu

  Representing African Music: Postcolonial Notes, Queries, Positions  V. Kofi Agawu  Book DescriptionThe aim of this book is to stimulate debate by offering a critique of discourse about African music. Who writes about African music, how, and why? What assumptions and prejudices influence the presentation of ethnographic data? To what orders of authority do scholars appeal? What ethical considerations motivate individual scholars? Even the term Book DescriptionThe aim of this book is to stimulate debate by offering a critique of discourse about African music. Who writes about African music, how, and why? What assumptions and prejudices influence the presentation of ethnographic data? To what orders of authority do scholars appeal? What ethical considerations motivate individual scholars? Even the term "African music" suggests there is an agreed-upon meaning, but African music signifies differently to different people. This book also poses the question, then, "What is African music"? Agawu offers a new and provocative look at the history of African music scholarship that will resonate with students of ethnomusicology and post-colonial studies. He offers an alternative, "Afro-centric" means of understanding African music, and in doing so, illuminates a different mode of creativity beyond the usual provenance of Western criticism. This book will undoubtedly inspire heated debate-and new thinking-among musicologists, cultural......

Keeping Eyes Healthy and Bright With Chimotherapy

Harold C. Lee

  Keeping Eyes Healthy and Bright With Chimotherapy  Harold C. Lee  Book DescriptionApart from gradually improving nearsightedness and instantly relieving eyestrain, the chimo techniques introduced in this book can particularily cure glaucom by unblocking partially blocked drainage systems and improve degenerated macula by removing drusen, which are the culprit of the disease, from the eye.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionApart from gradually improving nearsightedness and instantly relieving eyestrain, the chimo techniques introduced in this book can particularily cure glaucom by unblocking partially blocked drainage systems and improve degenerated macula by removing drusen, which are the culprit of the disease, from the eye....

Espiritu del bosque : Cuentos sobre arboles de todo el mundo

Eric Maddern

  Espiritu del bosque : Cuentos sobre arboles de todo el mundo  Eric Maddern  White Wolf Publishing.   Book DescriptionThe 12 traditional tales in this anthology are from all over the Earth's surface, from native North America to New Guinea, and from Wales to Nepal. This collection includes tales of high magic, bravery, guile, death, and rebirth, each woven around a tree-from the Welsh oak and the Nepalese rhododendron to the New Guinea coconut and the weeping willow of Japan. Este libro reune una antologia de 12 cuentos tradicionales procedentes de distintos puntos del planeta, desde Norteamerica hasta Nueva Guinea pasando por el pais de Gales o Nepal. Son una serie de historias magicas que hablan de valor y astucia, de muerte y renacimiento, desde el roble hasta el rododendro, pasando por cocotero o el sauce.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин White Wolf Publishing. Book DescriptionThe 12 traditional tales in this anthology are from all over the Earth's surface, from native North America to New Guinea, and from Wales to Nepal. This collection includes tales of high magic, bravery, guile, death, and rebirth, each woven around a tree-from the Welsh oak and the Nepalese rhododendron to the New Guinea coconut and the weeping willow of Japan. Este libro reune una antologia de 12 cuentos tradicionales procedentes de distintos puntos del planeta, desde Norteamerica hasta Nueva Guinea pasando por el pais de Gales o Nepal. Son una serie de historias magicas que hablan de valor y astucia, de muerte y renacimiento, desde el roble hasta el rododendro, pasando por cocotero o el sauce....

Peculiar Beauty : Three Centuries of Charmingly Absurd Advice

Bonnie Downing

  Peculiar Beauty : Three Centuries of Charmingly Absurd Advice  Bonnie Downing  Book DescriptionBonnie Downing has assembled these and hundreds of other absurdly misguided real-life beauty secrets into a comical collection aimed at every woman who has experienced the occasional pain and agony of trying to look her best. Culled from over fifty different manuals dating from as far back as 1890 to Morgan Fairchild's recent guide Super Looks, Peculiar Beauty is for anyone who's ever been subjected to the tyranny of an Epilady or had an unfortunate run-in with Sun-In. Filled not only with hilarious beauty advice, but insightful glances into beauty zeitgeists throughout the ages, Peculiar Beauty is a refreshing reminder to us all that despite incessant claims to the contrary, there is no easy path to the fountain of youth.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionBonnie Downing has assembled these and hundreds of other absurdly misguided real-life beauty secrets into a comical collection aimed at every woman who has experienced the occasional pain and agony of trying to look her best. Culled from over fifty different manuals dating from as far back as 1890 to Morgan Fairchild's recent guide Super Looks, Peculiar Beauty is for anyone who's ever been subjected to the tyranny of an Epilady or had an unfortunate run-in with Sun-In. Filled not only with hilarious beauty advice, but insightful glances into beauty zeitgeists throughout the ages, Peculiar Beauty is a refreshing reminder to us all that despite incessant claims to the contrary, there is no easy path to the fountain of youth....

Fierce Gods: Inequality, Ritual, And The Politics Of Dignity In A South Indian Village

Diane P. Mines

  Fierce Gods: Inequality, Ritual, And The Politics Of Dignity In A South Indian Village  Diane P. Mines  Book DescriptionThe importance of temple ritual in constituting political dominance in South India has been well documented. In this vivid and compelling study of caste and ritual in rural Tamilnadu, Diane P. Mines focuses not only on the temples of the socially powerful, but even more so on the powerful temples of the socially weak. Drawing on phenomenological and existential anthropology, she argues that the village is a heterogeneous reality made and remade by its residents through their own activity.Exploring the intersection of politics, ritual, caste, and other forms of social inequality, this ethnography presents a new view of the village and argues for its reemergence as a unit of analysis.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe importance of temple ritual in constituting political dominance in South India has been well documented. In this vivid and compelling study of caste and ritual in rural Tamilnadu, Diane P. Mines focuses not only on the temples of the socially powerful, but even more so on the powerful temples of the socially weak. Drawing on phenomenological and existential anthropology, she argues that the village is a heterogeneous reality made and remade by its residents through their own activity.Exploring the intersection of politics, ritual, caste, and other forms of social inequality, this ethnography presents a new view of the village and argues for its reemergence as a unit of analysis....

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Representing African Music: Postcolonial Notes, Queries, Positions. V. Kofi Agawu . Книги.

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