Buyers are Liars & Sellers are Too!

Richard Courtney

  Buyers are Liars & Sellers are Too!  Richard Courtney  Book DescriptionWhether you?re a seasoned Realtor® or a first-time homebuyer or seller, this lighthearted guidebook is certain to inform and entertain you! Buyers are Liars & Sellers are Too! is a delightfully informative book that will putanyone who?s buying or selling a home at ease about the whole, crazy process. After a quick romp through this fun-filled collection of anecdotes, hints and sound advice, sellers will be prepared to realize better gains from the sale of their homes, and buyers will have discovered ways to save on their purchases. Buyers and sellers alike will learn how to work with their own real estate agents, as well as those of their counterparts. Along the way, you?ll meet the Greedledees, the Greedledums, and the Ogres of Fizzboland. All this, while being serenaded by Budding Hollies and the Crickets. Arm yourself with Buyers are Liars & Sellers are Too today!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWhether you?re a seasoned Realtor® or a first-time homebuyer or seller, this lighthearted guidebook is certain to inform and entertain you! Buyers are Liars & Sellers are Too! is a delightfully informative book that will putanyone who?s buying or selling a home at ease about the whole, crazy process. After a quick romp through this fun-filled collection of anecdotes, hints and sound advice, sellers will be prepared to realize better gains from the sale of their homes, and buyers will have discovered ways to save on their purchases. Buyers and sellers alike will learn how to work with their own real estate agents, as well as those of their counterparts. Along the way, you?ll meet the Greedledees, the Greedledums, and the Ogres of Fizzboland. All this, while being serenaded by Budding Hollies and the Crickets. Arm yourself with Buyers are Liars & Sellers are Too today!...

Любовь со взломом

Пелем Г. Вудхаус

  Любовь со взломом  Пелем Г. Вудхаус  Текст.   Текст.   Герой романа, молодой богатый англичанин, в поисках острых ощущений заключает пари, что сможет ограбить дом не хуже любого громилы. Он с легкостью проникает в особняк, где его встречают две свирепые собаки, очаровательная девушка и ее грозный отец, оказавшийся полицейским... Как всегда у Вудхауса, события развиваются стремительно и неожиданно и завершаются к всеобщему удовольствию, но главным в этой истории остается неподражаемый юмор знаменитого мастера. На русском языке роман публикуется впервые.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Текст. Текст. Герой романа, молодой богатый англичанин, в поисках острых ощущений заключает пари, что сможет ограбить дом не хуже любого громилы. Он с легкостью проникает в особняк, где его встречают две свирепые собаки, очаровательная девушка и ее грозный отец, оказавшийся полицейским... Как всегда у Вудхауса, события развиваются стремительно и неожиданно и завершаются к всеобщему удовольствию, но главным в этой истории остается неподражаемый юмор знаменитого мастера. На русском языке роман публикуется впервые....

Well, What Is Photography: A Lecture on Photography on the Occasion of the 10th Anniversary of Fotomuseum Winterthur

Urs Stahel

  Well, What Is Photography: A Lecture on Photography on the Occasion of the 10th Anniversary of Fotomuseum Winterthur  Urs Stahel  Book DescriptionIn this accessible and eloquent book-length essay, Urs Stahel, writer, curator and co-founder of Fotomuseum Winterthur, muses on the very nature of photography. The introduction outlines the unique tension defining photography--that it shows a segment of the world and simultaneously expresses a subject's particular view of this world. This tension is the source of the medium's unique creative potential and its complex relation to truth. Stahel provides a philosophical perspective on theseissues by placing them in an epistemological, social, and historical context. Chapters on industrial photography, staged and conceptual photography, and the current crisis of photojournalism provide a panoramic overview of the possibilities and challenges of photography in all of its variety, from the casual snapshot to art and commercial photography. This profound and readable essay, one of the few daring enough to address the nature of photography, is destined to become a standard...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn this accessible and eloquent book-length essay, Urs Stahel, writer, curator and co-founder of Fotomuseum Winterthur, muses on the very nature of photography. The introduction outlines the unique tension defining photography--that it shows a segment of the world and simultaneously expresses a subject's particular view of this world. This tension is the source of the medium's unique creative potential and its complex relation to truth. Stahel provides a philosophical perspective on theseissues by placing them in an epistemological, social, and historical context. Chapters on industrial photography, staged and conceptual photography, and the current crisis of photojournalism provide a panoramic overview of the possibilities and challenges of photography in all of its variety, from the casual snapshot to art and commercial photography. This profound and readable essay, one of the few daring enough to address the nature of photography, is destined to become a standard......

From Alice to Harry Potter: Children's Fantasy in England

Colin Manlove

  From Alice to Harry Potter: Children's Fantasy in England  Colin Manlove  Book Description'The longer I live, the more I am convinced of the importance of children?s books.' When Robert Bloomfield wrote this in 1817 he could have had no idea of the range of children?s books to come, nor of how in England fantasy would be their outstanding form. In this survey of 400 English children?s fantasies from 1850 to 2000, taking in authors from the well-known Charles Kingsley, C. S. Lewis and J. K. Rowling to the less-known Annie Keary, Edith Elias and Pete Johnson, Colin Manlove shows just how good their books often are as literature. He combines new interpretations of individual works with explanations of how and why their character changes over time, reflecting their different cultural settings. This book is intended both as a critical companion for children?s literature courses, and as a stimulus for the general reader and students at all levels. Selected by the editors of CHOICE as an Outstanding Academic Title for 2003.Download...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description'The longer I live, the more I am convinced of the importance of children?s books.' When Robert Bloomfield wrote this in 1817 he could have had no idea of the range of children?s books to come, nor of how in England fantasy would be their outstanding form. In this survey of 400 English children?s fantasies from 1850 to 2000, taking in authors from the well-known Charles Kingsley, C. S. Lewis and J. K. Rowling to the less-known Annie Keary, Edith Elias and Pete Johnson, Colin Manlove shows just how good their books often are as literature. He combines new interpretations of individual works with explanations of how and why their character changes over time, reflecting their different cultural settings. This book is intended both as a critical companion for children?s literature courses, and as a stimulus for the general reader and students at all levels. Selected by the editors of CHOICE as an Outstanding Academic Title for 2003.Download......

Not a Tame Lion: The Spiritual Legacy of C.S. Lewis and the Chronicles of Narnia

Terry Glaspey

  Not a Tame Lion: The Spiritual Legacy of C.S. Lewis and the Chronicles of Narnia  Terry Glaspey  Book DescriptionAs one of the most creative intellectuals of the twentieth century, C. S. Lewis transcended all literary, philosophical, and religious boundaries. A world-renowned scholar of medieval literature at Oxford and Cambridge Universities, he wrote and lectured in such clear, direct language that ordinary people were able to fully comprehend the truths he extolled. The prolific author of many classic masterpieces?including The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe , soon to be released asa feature movie and one of several volumes in the Chronicles of Narnia?he also lived a life that was as compelling as his work.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAs one of the most creative intellectuals of the twentieth century, C. S. Lewis transcended all literary, philosophical, and religious boundaries. A world-renowned scholar of medieval literature at Oxford and Cambridge Universities, he wrote and lectured in such clear, direct language that ordinary people were able to fully comprehend the truths he extolled. The prolific author of many classic masterpieces?including The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe , soon to be released asa feature movie and one of several volumes in the Chronicles of Narnia?he also lived a life that was as compelling as his work....

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Buyers are Liars & Sellers are Too!. Richard Courtney . Книги.

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